Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 140: The natural disaster strengthens, gathers in the secluded moon

The sandstorm came as expected, and the terrifying yellow sand curtain covered everything.

The two sisters relied on the temporary shelter made by Yan and Xi to barely resist the erosion of the sandstorm, but if Lin Xuan hadn't stepped on the "glass room" made by them in time, they would have been blown away by the strong wind.

Lin Xuan wrapped the huge base stone with innate qi. The wind and sand were very strong, and the continuous impact on Lin Xuan's qi was consumed very fast. Fortunately, Lin Xuan stepped on the ground, and the endless physical strength was transformed into endless energy. The vitality, and then by "Xiantian Gong" into endless innate qi.

A huge stone was smashed by the wind. Lin Xuan discovered the movement trajectory of the boulder through the extreme meaning of the wind. He used the extreme meaning of the wind to move away a little bit. Finally, the boulder fell. , rubbed the side of Lin Xuan and others, fell to the side, and then was swept away by the storm and disappeared.

After wiping the sweat from his forehead, Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. If he was hit by this boulder, he managed to maintain his balance, but something went wrong.

After a long while, the sandstorm finally passed, and the originally blue sky seemed to be covered with a layer of smoke at this time. Although the sandstorm had passed, there were still a lot of fine dust floating in the air, making it hard to breathe.

Squinting, Lin Xuan sensed the elemental particles scattered around him, and unexpectedly found that in addition to the wind element and the earth element, the water element was unexpectedly abundant, if so.

Bloodline Spell Calling Rain!

Lin Xuan made a big move, the wind was surging, the clouds were dense, and the lightning and thunder were thundering. All of this came very smoothly. In an instant, a thunderclap exploded around, and then the pea-sized rain began to fall.

The rain fell and took away the floating dust in the air. He nodded with satisfaction and took a deep breath. Sure enough, the air on a rainy day was exceptionally clean.

Stop calling the rain!


Rain stopped!

Not used yet?

Stop the rain for me!

The rain fell more and more and heavier.

Lin Xuan was also dumbfounded at this time, is he out of control? What's going on, is there a problem with the spell or the copy space!

In the dungeon space, the other players also looked at the torrential rain and natural disaster with ugly expressions, but there was nothing they could do. stone, but to protect the base stone from natural disasters.

The terrifying precipitation brought another natural disaster - mudslides!

Lin Xuan's location is not bad. Although there are hills on the side, there are many grasses and trees on the hills, and debris flows will not easily form. However, there are still some teams in the environment where debris flows can easily form.

Zhao Hao protected the base stone in his hand with a gloomy face and held it tightly. He didn't expect his luck to be so bad. Four mudslides rushed towards him at the same time. If he hadn't reacted in time, he would have been eliminated by this time. !

Another one!

Squinting, Zhao Hao stomped his foot hard, the natural disaster skill - earthquake!

The momentum was huge, and the rushing mudslide was instantly stopped. The large troop was intercepted by the earthquake, and the remaining small part did not cause any damage to him.

Get out first.

"Moses Moses, I am Modern. We have found the location of the Xingyue team. The big sun sign is for the Xingyue team, the quiet moon sign is the agreed gathering place, and the position of the stars is the position of the nine groups of people I waited for."

Zhao Hao glanced at random, smiled disdainfully, found a hill and sat down to rest. After half an hour, two figures appeared. They were his two teammates. They were swept away by a huge mudslide. "Resurrection" returns.

"Fuck, Brother Mouse, you shouldn't have used Earthquake just now!"

As soon as his teammates came back, they immediately told him the information they had learned from outside. This dungeon also has an invisible setting. Once the spell skills are used in the dungeon, the dungeon space will generate corresponding enhanced natural disasters!

"So, the next may be natural disasters and earthquakes!"

Zhao Hao swallowed his saliva. Having mastered the earthquake skills, he deeply understands the horror of this kind of natural disaster, and it is still this kind of natural disaster that has been strengthened.

"Not necessarily, it may be other natural disasters."

It's numb, Zhao Hao is completely numb, and the extreme day is a natural disaster of the space itself, but the sandstorms (Lin Xuan, Hu Feng) and heavy rain (Lin Xuan, Huan Yu) are probably the enhanced version of natural disasters created by the players, not only that, There will be an earthquake after that!

Hiss, to die, to die, to die!

Looking at the torrential rain that didn't know when it would stop in the sky, and looking at the mobile base stone on his wrist, he made a decision in his heart, hurry, hurry, he must cut the mess as soon as possible, once the natural disaster is strengthened in the later stage, it will continue. Time, and even several natural disasters come at the same time, he, the guardian, can guarantee that he will not die, but it is impossible to guarantee that the mobile base stone in his hand will be hit a few times.

"Go, target the land of the moon, and kill other dogs!"

Zhao Hao was a little anxious in his heart, and his red eyes roared in a low voice.

The group did not delay any longer, and moved quickly towards the land of the moon, but there was a mudslide near here, and whether the heavy rain in the sky had stopped, but there was a trend of getting bigger and bigger. They are good players, but the speed is still not fast. After all, mudslides can really devour them.

At this time, many teams who have been injured and returned after going out already know this invisible setting. Although they know it, there is no way to do it. They can't control other people's use of spells.

Therefore, by coincidence, they accelerated the "strategic" steps of this dungeon, heading towards the Land of Nether Moon, to complete the feat of "nine teams besieging the top of Xingyue".

And some people watched the seven light spots on the screen move towards the land of the moon, and let out a laughter of "Gaga". All this is in the process of their team's As long as they can mobilize the six The seven squads were besieging the Xingyue squad together, no matter how strong Lin Xuan was, he could only hate the northwest.

But I didn't expect that due to frequent natural disasters, the other seven teams accelerated their pace. This time, the nine teams will attack Xingyue together, and Xingyue will be eliminated.

However, there is one thing they must pay attention to, and that is to preserve their strength. One of the Xuanjie's combat power can be exposed, but the other must be hidden. Maybe someone has guessed that there are more than one Xuanjie, but they don't know who it is. Who... this is the last trump card.

"Let's go, it's time to meet them!"

The master of Xuanjie was full of aura, wearing a black background with red cloud pattern and a gold-trimmed cloak, holding a sword in one hand and playing with a wishful fan in the other, which is quite a bit like a gentleman.

In the Land of Nether Moon, Zhu Yuan, Zhao Hao, Fifth Dragon Tiger, etc. all came with their team. Although they were a little embarrassed, the personnel were not damaged. At this time, they were confronting with some alertness.

"Everyone, stay safe!"

The master of Xuanjie walked in with a smile.

Zhu Yuan frowned, "Why are you a coward, if you know it's you, then the labor and capital will not come, and call out another Xuanjie."

This Xuanjie was not the former Third Dragon Tiger who conceded defeat at that time!

Zhao Hao glanced at Zhu Yuan, and walked out with his two teammates without saying a word. He was ashamed to be in the company of this kind of guy!

In a few words, the "Stars and Moons Brigade" has come to the end of its disintegration!

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