"Hey, Lao Zhu, your little dumplings are not good either!"

Zhao Zhongguo leaned over to Zhu Nengsheng and said meanly, "By the way, our Zhao family has an artifact that is very suitable for your family's little dumplings. If he has that artifact... tsk tsk tsk, the talent will be transformed into another level. There are quite a few possibilities.”

"Heh, Fan Tianyin was hidden by your Zhao family, are you willing to take it out?"

Zhu Nengsheng sneered, but he was thinking about what Zhao Zhongguo meant by saying these words, angry words? Investing in small dumplings? or exchange? !

exchange? Yes, swap!

Their little mouse talent is the SS-level Earth King Treasure Body, and the "Emperor Earth Crown Crown" that Xiaotangyuan is using now is a long time ago when a certain Earth King Treasure Body talent beheaded a powerful Earth rank demon Wang, it is made from raw materials.

In terms of boosting, Zhao Hao must be stronger than Zhu Yuan, but do you want to change it?

"Hey, Lao Zhu, I think you've guessed it, yes, that's what I meant, and if you Zhu family can't bear it, then we can also let the old fairy or Wanfa Tianren be the notary and sign a temporary exchange contract. , the two will be used interchangeably within a certain period of time.”

Zhu Nengsheng squinted at Zhao Zhongguo, his old comrade-in-arms's mind was spinning fast, and, with some things in hand, the meaning of cultivation was far greater than the purpose of battle, just like the use of Fan Tianyin to Zhu Yuan, the crown of the earth king For Zhao Hao!

"Okay, I'll go back and try!"

He walked away without looking back. This matter is not bad for Xiao Tangyuan, but the family has other people's opinions and ideas, and an original artifact is too precious.

Diyi Wangyang Destiny Island, the school leaders have left, and the school team's boss has also left, and the rest are the ten people who are new to the school team, and these ten people are undoubtedly the superstars in today's game. Countless people chanted the name "Lin Xuan".

"You said, what kind of name do you want to give Lin Xuan boss?"

"How about Emperor Fist, the boss still likes to use his fists!"

"Hehe, haven't you watched the battle video of the boss, the boss uses a knife. When you want the boss to walk around the rivers and lakes in the future, you can say 'Under the Emperor's Fist', and then swipe and draw a knife? face?"

"Then, how is the emperor?"

"Landlord, I will let you fight the landlord, let you fight the landlord~!"

"You said, it's called Emperor One Overlord, no, Emperor One Overlord, overlords can only be called by those who have passed the trial. Overlord, um, is to touch porcelain!"

"That's not the emperor! (grievance

"Hehe, we call it 'Emperor' for short!"

Emperor Domination Lin Xuan!

The name is very loud when you hear it!

But when Lin Xuan heard this title, his face turned green. How many things did this Nima touch?

But after a while of resistance, I had no choice but to accept it. After the group fight was over, I got the identity of the captain, and I was considered a prominent figure in Diyi. Then I would say hello to my classmates at Diyi Fengbo Pavilion (forum), Hire some navy to help fuel the flames, huh, I don't believe it, I can't win the title of Diyi Myth!

There was a lot of noise all afternoon, and everyone dispersed. The official team member of the school team had less than ten people because of the one who conceded defeat before. There were only nine people. Therefore, Lin Xuan, the school team captain, took office on the first day. Big and small things are put in front of him.

Do you want to recruit one person from the backup Xiaolonghu?

Around the round table, Lin Xuan held a simple meeting for the eight official members of the school team's single team. The meeting emphasized..., explained..., implemented... In the end, Lin Xuan rejected the idea of ​​bringing together ten people. As for the reason, it is very simple, "Do you think you have too many resources to use up?"

Immediately, everyone passed!

Great, the meeting ended perfectly!

As soon as they came out of the conference room, the nine people walked away. If they were in the league, they would all be comrades-in-arms, fighting together for Emperor Yi, but it is still in the trial stage. Even if the single-player competition is over, the more important team competition is still in progress. It didn't start, and the strength of a single person is very strong, and it is very likely that he will be the core of a certain team!

Sure enough, among the nine, only two were lone wolves.

After dinner, Lin Xuan planned to go back to rest early to prepare for tomorrow's battle. After hesitating for a while, he still didn't go to the Capable Guild to enjoy the one-stop service. Keeping his muscles slightly tense, it was a very good battle state if he didn't completely relax. , once the muscles are completely relaxed... to the point where Lin Xuan is, it will have no effect.

I bought some spicy spiritual food, spicy devil lamb trotters, boneless and spicy pig trotters, fresh and spicy lamb tails... After I was ready to go home, I ate and walked while watching the replay of the online course, and suddenly thought of the sisters of the Lin family. I'm afraid it won't come!

On a whim!

Yes, as expected, at the door of my room, I saw the two sisters who had knocked on the door impatiently and were talking harshly to the door.

"I said, can't you two give me a call?"

Taking a look at the side, the speechless Lin Xuan could only walk out helplessly. Sister Lin Zhenyue probably guessed that Lin Xuan was not at home, but because she didn't want to talk, she was lazy, and Xiao Xing was always nervous, so she made her It's okay to vent...

Poor Lin Xuan had no choice but to become a punching bag, which was outrageous.

"Okay, come in and buy something delicious!"

Shaking the spicy food in his hand, Lin Xuan smiled proudly, this is the only magic weapon against Lin Zhenxing!

Sure enough, the right medicine, easy to win.

The three of them gathered around the small table in front of the sofa, happily eating spiritual food, listening to the teacher's lectures, and saying some meaningless words from time to time.

"You came to me, is it related to tomorrow's trials?"

"Well, that's right, the selection of team battles has always been relatively fixed. In the ring battle, defending the number of squares, capturing the flag and killing the generals, the points are the king. These four modes are rotated, and it is reincarnated every four years~www.wuxiamtl. com~ and this year is the last year of this reincarnation, so tomorrow's trial mode is basically set, and the number of parties will be guarded!"

"The guardian of the number of squares?"

"Yes, Shu Fang Zhi Shou, there are ten teams participating in the team battle this time, so this time is also called Shi Fang Zhi Shou. At that time, Emperor Yi will take out a special copy space for this trial. This dungeon space has been specially transformed, and the environment of each dungeon is different, the environments that have appeared include the suspended island, the sea of ​​​​storms, the battle of sailing, the killing jungle, and so on.”

"It's not very meaningful to study the previous trials, because the goal of winning is different each time, but it's probably still alive and eliminating others. It's still the same sentence, the strength can defeat all enemies!"

Lin Zhenxing took out a few colored drawings. This is an aerial view of the previous copy. Below, he densely wrote some of his thoughts about the previous trials. The important thing is the idea, and in-depth research is not necessary.

Among the three, Lin Xuan is the strongest, and his main task is to improve himself. Although Lin Zhenyue has Lin Xuan, who can fight and carry the ultimate invincible golden legs, the output pressure is not great, but she has a big picture. Very outstanding, the grasp of the situation is like the palm of the hand, and he is regarded as the brain figure of the three.

In the end, there was only one of her left. I was afraid of this and that. She was a cowardly and cute little trash in battle. She could only do some clerical work to collect information and simply analyze it. Maybe it was useful!

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