Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 117: Too good to fail?

"Global copy: start two SSS templates (!

"Come on, brother!"

Senior Sister Luo Yan stood at the door of Huoyun Cave and greeted Lin Xuan, who was walking slowly. After so many days, the two of them have become familiar with each other, and their relationship has improved from ordinary friends to ordinary friends who have a good relationship. Some jokes can be played.

"Yo, senpai is waiting for me, this makes my little brother flattered!"

Lin Xuan also said with a smile, and the two walked into the house with a smile.

"The difficulty of preparing the honey of the four golds is still beyond my expectations. Fortunately, I contacted my mentor, which helped me at a critical time... Here, a special secret room has been arranged for you. I have to record the body data of the three time periods before, after and after taking it, no problem!"

"No, you can record it if you want. Anyway, it's only data at my level."

Shaking his head, Lin Xuan said indifferently, if he was on the Xuan rank or the Earth rank, then the data would be top secret, but Lin Xuan was only on the Yellow rank and was on the edge of the Xuan rank. Once he was promoted, the data would be invalid. There was really no need to keep it secret.

"By the way, how's your "Unfortunate Yin Spirit Entering the Holy Tribulation"?"

Lin Xuan: (╯▔ dish▔)╯, aside from this, we are still good friends.

At the beginning, Lin Xuan was full of confidence. After all, he had already learned a part of "Eternal and Infinite Calamity", which is said to be of the same difficulty. The whole book is just around the corner, so even if "The Difficult Yin Spirit Enters the Sacred Calamity" is a bit difficult, it is difficult. should also be within a certain range.

Unfortunately, things were so unexpected. When Lin Xuan started studying, he was faced with memorization, rote memorization, Taoist terminology, Buddhist Zen machine, what was the meaning in it... A sentence can have several meanings, do you dare to believe it? !

Lin Xuan had no choice but to retreat. It was impossible to give up. He had to memorize things by rote slowly. Moreover, the effect of "Eternal Immortality and Infinite Calamity" was so strong that the same series of "Invincible Yin Spirit Entering the Holy Tribulation" It will definitely not be weak, and now Lin Xuan also somewhat understands the meaning of the profound rank of Chong Beast Sea.

Although the power of the copy is easy to obtain power, it still has unknown hidden dangers, and the practice of "Eternal Immortality Infinite Calamity" and "Unforgettable Yin Spirit Entering the Holy Tribulation" is difficult, but Taixia, Taixia Ninth University, you Tianjiao are still there. Diligently to study, to try, to optimize, to simplify.

The power of copy is the present of human beings, and "Eternal and Indestructible Infinite Calamity" and "Unforgettable Yin Spirit Entering the Holy Tribulation" are the future of human beings!

"Okay, just looking at your face, I know... Hahaha, I'm sorry I can't help it."

Lin Xuan: Are you polite?

"Okay, don't laugh, that thing is not simple, you should also know that it is easy to get used to card skills, and we have to learn it bit by bit... Alas, it's a dream back to junior high school!"

Lin Xuan shook his head unbearably, just like learning English in his previous life, he didn't know anything and he didn't know anything, the exams all depended on passing!

"Haha...Okay, no, stop laughing, okay, here we go."

Senior Sister Luo Yan finally stopped, in front of a metal door, her expression returned to seriousness, "The prepared honey of the four golds is put in it for you, although you haven't learned everything about "Eternal and Infinite Calamity", but the inside is You have not missed the construction method of the vajra body, the vajra body is the prerequisite for the eternal and indestructible body, you must succeed!"

Lin Xuan nodded confidently, how could I fail!

As Lin Xuan walked into it, the metal door slammed down, and Senior Sister Luo Yan also walked to the observation room on the side, and there were several people in the observation room.

"This is your 'default' next school team captain?"

A calm young man sat on the chair, some disdain and some hate, not Lin Xuan, but the nonsense of default.

"Informal decision? No, Diyi never makes an internal decision, he is just more optimistic about it."

The old principal of Di Yi shook his head. The school team selection competition during the winter vacation last year was a series of twists and turns. In the end, a student from the ordinary class was born out of nowhere. He overwhelmed dozens of talents from the rocket class and became the top of the dragon and tiger rankings in one fell swoop. He even brought his teammates to the finals, defeating the students he was optimistic about again, becoming the captain of the first emperor, the main force of the emperor!

He actually doesn't like accidents, but for such accidents, the more they come, the better!

Now this Emperor First Commander has completed the extremely difficult and dangerous task he arranged, and has completed the stability of the Xuan rank, and his strength has reached a higher level. He came here today to get the original artifact. Come and see Looking at Lin Xuan, he was only invited by the old principal, by the way!

"Ha!" The young man shook his head and said nothing. Although he had a lot of opinions, he still had to give some face because he got a lot of benefits today, and the old principal was actually a good person, but he was a little blind...

Luo Yan pushed open the door and came in, and found that her tutor, the old principal were all there, and... sigh~, a former classmate, now a legend of Emperor Yi, but the current atmosphere is a bit strange, she, an ordinary researcher, dare not speak, I can only hide in the corner and shiver, poor and helpless to eat!

Lin Xuan strode into the room, the lights were bright, and there was a glass bottle emitting a brilliant light on the table in the center. Oh, it turned out that there was a light underneath. I said, how could it emit light.

However, the light below is white, the liquid in the glass bottle is transparent, but the light that can be emitted has four colors, iron black, bronze, silver white, and golden yellow, which corresponds to the four golds.

Desire, the body is actually eager, this is instinct urging Lin Xuan to drink it!

Without hesitation, he drank it all in one go. Lin Xuan rinsed the remaining liquid in the glass bottle with water, poured it into his mouth, and then smashed it. Yes, it tasted sweet and sour.

The fifth layer of the Dragon Elephant Art works spontaneously. The Qi and Blood Dragon Elephant stimulates the medicinal power of the four golds in Lin Xuan's body, the skin, flesh and blood, internal organs, and bones. At this moment, it seems that there are tens of thousands of ants gnawing on it, itching is unbearable. , the pain is unbearable!

Damn, senpai didn't say there would be such a big reaction.

Lin Xuan immediately fell to the ground and curled up, the itching from the inside out, the pain was really unbearable, the muscles all over his body seemed to be twitching, the veins on his face burst out, and one of his teeth seemed to be shattered. , The whole body kept shaking, couldn't help it!

Luo Yan in the observation room immediately lay on the window, "How can this happen, shouldn't the honey of the four golds be gentle, how can there be such a violent reaction?"

Her mentor said faintly: "You use the Millennium Tree Heart, the effect is better and stronger... You, don't you know?"

Luo Yan: ...

She really didn't expect At that time, she was full of joy when she got the Millennium Tree Heart. She added the largest amount during the preparation, and almost failed to prepare it... I didn't expect that, I did something bad with good intentions!

But Lin Xuan is not an ordinary person. Gradually, he found the pleasure in this pain, and he just sat up next to the discomfort. Senior sister said that at this time, he had to run "Eternal Inexhaustible Calamity. "Fu", the iron body, the liquid copper flesh, and the fine gold bones can all be given up, but Soft Yin Fu, he is bound to win!

Man, you have to fight for yourself!

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