Chapter 547 Temporarily unavailable

It is also caused by the dissatisfaction between the two parties, Chu Chen.

But after I feel the anger in your heart.

I already know, what you want to do next is like a friend.

Do we need to use such a method to kill each other?

If I were you, I could be at this time.

Choose other road books to change something in this place?

Now I don’t want to have any conflicts with you.

It’s because I have never been able to fight you again in this place like before.

Because I Chu Chen also knows between you and me.

The things facing now are almost the same..

At this time, all of us must re-examine the current situation.

Rather than pacify this in such an environment.

It’s not that I said, if you want to develop because of this kind of thing.

Then I think there must be this between the two of us.

And re-enter the great sense of battle that other people can’t believe.

Come on, if you let something like this begin

Then I think I should be able to let you understand the ultimate meaning in my heart at this time.

I also need you to have some special cooperation with me at this time.

The breath of the two of us should be able to rip a huge hole directly at this moment.

I, Chu Chen, never thought about it, since you are such a lazy person.

It’s ridiculous, when this situation is revealed directly in front of me.

The things I consciously think about seem to have changed at this time..

Okay, if that’s the case, then I’m not welcome, I can see it now.

The danger that you may be thinking about in your heart.

If once some kind of conflict occurs because of such a thing.

I think I am better than others to accompany you to toss and toss..

I really hope you can change something with me.

And together we use some uneasy ways to solve this problem.

After confirming these things that may make people feel more painful…

Chu Chen also understood that he was in his heart now.

What he can see is for him…

In fact, all this is equivalent to a very dangerous challenge.

He is ready to use such a method.

In a state where the opponent can be touched when making a siege…

Let the rest of this time period completely consume his own life.

This is actually a very exciting thing for Chu Chen.

But if he doesn’t do that.

Then the last enemy will still attack him from the side as above.

Let him be completely taken down in such a 490 environment.

Chu Chen now also sees the difference between himself and others.

Inaccurately speaking, Chu Chen already knows it, and it is impossible for him to be the reason he values ​​it as much as before.

What is it like, because he knows so many words…

You may become more special at this time.

Finally Chu Chen smiled helplessly, on his cheek.

There are also some feelings that no one else can believe…

Because this feeling is actually the same for him.

He also understood why he was flying down.

All in all, everything is in front of him, and it becomes simpler. .

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