Chapter 535 Is it implicated?

Other me Chu Chen doesn’t know.

But I know your approach to me.

There is no effect at all.

I also know that you will definitely cut yourself off when you do this kind of thing now.

Send it to this place, you can also think about it.

My friend, am I right?

If you can at this time.

If you handle all of this well

Do you think I will do it in one way or another.

Get rid of all this kind of thing-love?

I said that the situation you are doing now is nothing short of a problem for me.

And if you really want to play with me at this time.

In the end, you will inevitably pay your life as a price.

Sure enough, this dangerous thing will re-develop my soldiers at this time.

If you can’t cooperate with me at this time.

Then the last human empire will be nothing.

Help me meet these foreign invaders quickly.

I must allow you to experience this painful change with me at this time.

If you refuse to help me.

Then in the end everything will know that this time is completely destroyed.

I don’t want each of you to be a puppet for everyone else.

This is the last thought in my heart, please, please? I beg you.

This is something that people simply cannot accept.

Unexpectedly, the king of the human empire would one day directly kneel down and beg his people.

But the attitude shown by some of his people is like that.

It feels extremely miserable, and most of the existence is for such things!

They have all begun to be pushed directly into a more difficult state.

Such a situation has also begun to move towards another state.

It is a burden that Chu Chen faces for this that some people have never been able to realize.

This feeling is too much pressure for Chu Chen.

However, at this time, Chu Chen was able to understand the other party’s words at the same time!

He also began to order his soldiers to move quickly outwards.

Whatever it means for him…

………… Flowers for 0…

He must destroy everything in this place in the shortest time possible.

Otherwise, no one can make this kind of thing more difficult within this period of time.

Fortunately, Chu Chen is now ready after this.

And gather all the things you can see now in your own hands for this!

Many changes in the situation have already made Chu Chen at this time.

I understand the breath I lack now.

The things now have no effect on him.

He will not be afraid of it, and he will not be worried about it.

He will only use his own hands directly at this time!

It is indeed very useful to let the other party be directly turned over at this time.

Otherwise, why would he be so fanatical?

And while he is doing this kind of situation well…

For this reason, we plan to use more fierce means to directly and completely destroy this kind of thing.

Chu Chen now also sees this dangerous increase.

He is bound to win at this time. Four,

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