Chapter 514 Imagined powerful!

In front of me, I’m still short.

I don’t understand what you are thinking in your heart.

Friends, if it’s because of such a thing.

If you want to fight with me even more fiercely in the dream…

Then I think I will let you be swallowed directly at that time than others.

I don’t mean anything joking, you know?

On the contrary, I must directly let this situation disappear again at this time.

If you can’t make this kind of accident more interesting…

I really don’t understand how painful the power that may appear.

In fact, everything now has gradually become very special in this time period.

And Chu Chen sees clearly at this moment, that he has not been able to control the existence now.

His own strength is much greater than before.

Because he also believes that at this time, he is intoxicated by everything he can handle now.

It is all he can overcome, so he won’t worry about it.

He just feels that his subordinates are too pitiful…

No one can recognize what they lack now deliberately.

And absolutely, at this time, it was the development of this kind of thing to pretend to be very powerful.

As far as ordinary people are concerned, it is the most painful, and it has begun to gradually change in a more dangerous direction.

Chu Chen actually knew that he was at this time.

It has already begun to be no longer the same as before, and this situation has become simpler.

No one will be sure that this kind of thing will change, and it will not be the same as what they can see now…

Will it be as easy as before at this time?

If such a thing continues like this.

Then Chu Chen will inevitably tear all this apart at this time!

Even some things will be directly in the shortest time at this time…

There is a crazy way to delete and directly promote it!

During this period of time, Chu Chen clearly sees what he can control in inventory.

And he himself is in such an environment, because the situation becomes more difficult.

Even he can’t make his heart more reasonable at this time as before!

…Seeking flowers 0-…

Originally Chu Chen thought that such a thing would be easier for him.

But I never thought of the extent of the development of the matter, and it would even be painful to predict what I imagined.

He doesn’t even know what to do in the end now!

If you can’t let such things disappear directly in front of him.

Then in the end, he must also pass a few again within this time period.

The more dangerous way changes directly according to this situation!

Chu Chen also understands why he suddenly became like this.

He is now seeing this kind of thing in front of him!

In fact, I really don’t want this situation to be restored to its original appearance.

But it will be the same as he has determined now, once it appears…

The last thing that must be carried or all of them must face the pressure.

Chu Chen is actually very special, and he also understands that someone must be arranging them behind this.

So it is impossible for him to do everything at this time.

No one seems to care about this kind of thing!

In that case, I’m not welcome! Don’t walk and see! Four,

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