Chapter 383 The secret of a human general!

The human general is extremely confused at this time.

He understood what Chu Chen wanted to express now.

It’s just that the absolute responsibility of his own power is very small.

At this time, he couldn’t help but sigh.

If we can really cooperate with Chu Chen.

So now he will never look like this anymore, it is not difficult to judge from his expression alone.

But his heart is now very depressed, when dealing with this kind of thing.

He could hardly be the same as before, but he felt that he was really strong.

He was indeed a real cruel man. After thinking about this, he couldn’t help crying bitterly.

Chu Chen also knew that it was time to comfort him.

I asked him to show this hazy appearance 397 like before.

It was as if he had been completely controlled by something very special now.

Such a thing is something that Chu Chen does not want to see now, and Chu Chen absolutely does not want the situation in front of him to spread in a more dangerous direction.

Because for him, this is completely equivalent to a deep-seated ridicule!

At the extreme, he showed a serious look, and at the same time he believed in what Chu Chen said.

When faced with such a thing, he suddenly seemed to understand a lot, and he also knew what kind of existence he was…


To be precise, he will no longer communicate with Chu Chen as before.

“My lord, no matter what you say is right, I am also very clear about what kind of trash I am.”

“I shouldn’t be so crazy in front of you, it’s really because I can no longer become as close as before.”

Alas, but you should also know that everything I have now will be the craziest thing.

Originally I wanted to make something that you can understand for this.

But I found that what I did was so painful in your opinion.

Alas, it looks like it was me after all, and completely ruined everything.

But I still want you to be able to understand everything like me, okay?

And I really did not calm down my own heart.

Chu Chen is in such an environment.

Also directly understand some of the current situation.

And all these things will be meaningless to them.

But at this time, Chu Chen originally wanted to show something that he didn’t care about during this time period.

But how could the real threat be as simple as he can imagine now.

The human general directly explained why he became so terrifying.

It turned out that he quietly took the pill given to him by a demon monk

“I know, I will be looked down upon by you when I say such words.”

“But my lord, I have to make you understand that I am doing this for an existence that no one else has ever understood.”

“I actually hope you don’t get angry about this.”

That guy really gave me too much temptation.

After I ate what he gave me, do you know?

My body has become more powerful than ordinary people can think.

To put it harder, I can be like this at this time.

It’s really because of my strength and breath that were completely transformed by it in the shortest possible time. .

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