Chapter 3 Share talent! Upgrade rewards! Cook the fish~ (new book asks for support)

“Contract Creature: Turtle (unnamed)

Evolution level: Level 1 (0/100)

Evolution points: 100 (1 point is automatically born every day for 1st level turtles, and the host’s talent is increased to 100 points by a hundredfold. You can also get evolution points by swallowing some special energy or treasures.)

Skill: Hard Tortoise Shell

Talent: Longevity, quick recovery

Other: None”


After binding the turtle, Chu Chen saw the turtle’s panel.

The panel is not complicated.

The current turtle, in the system’s judgment, has an evolutionary level of 1.

Through the system, every day, turtles can automatically add 1 point of evolution!


Chu Chen’s hundred-fold evolution talent has turned this 1 point of evolution into 100 points!

“This talent is good.”

A smile appeared on Chu Chen’s face.

“Share talents or abilities first.”

Chu Chen thought.

With the current level of turtles, Chu Chen can share a turtle’s talent or ability.

“Share first and heal quickly.”

Chu Chen made a decision.


First share the rapid recovery ability of sea turtles. As for longevity, when the level of sea turtles is higher, share it again.

The reason for this choice is that people are now quite familiar with the development and construction of sea turtles.

After becoming the owner of the island, as long as you don’t die, you will have a month of relative safety.

There will be no crisis threatening the island.

But one month later, as the area of ​​activity increases, crises will come one after another.

With this ability to recover, even if it is injured, it won’t be a big problem.


“Share success, you get the turtle’s talent for’quick healing’.”

The sound of the system sounded.

The sharing was successful.


“You can add evolution points.”

After the sharing was successful, Chu Chen decided to add all the evolution points to the turtles.

100 evolution points, just to upgrade the turtle!

“Successfully use the evolution point, your turtle is successfully upgraded to level 2, you get a small body strengthening, you get 100 achievement points, you get a lucky four-leaf clover, and you will randomly encounter a lucky piece within 48 hours after using it. Thing.”

After 100 evolution points are used successfully, the sound of the system rang.


The turtle has been successfully upgraded!

“Contract Creature: Turtle (unnamed)

Evolution level: Level 2 (100/1000)

Evolution points: 0 (Level 2 turtles gain 2 evolution points every day, and the host’s evolution talent is increased to 200 points.”

Skills: hard turtle shell, water bomb (weak)

Talent: Longevity, quick recovery

Tortoise shell area: 21 square meters (water area)

Other: None”

After the upgrade, there are a lot of changes in the turtles, the evolution point becomes 2 points every day, and there is one more skill!

After the turtles are upgraded, Chu Chen will have rewards.

The reward seems pretty good.

Not only received a small physical strengthening, but also 100 achievement points and lucky four-leaf clover!

Three rewards!

After receiving the reward successfully, Chu Chen felt that his body had been slightly strengthened.

“Achievement points are not available yet.”

However, Chu Chen soon discovered that achievement points could not be used yet.

Because the achievement store hasn’t opened yet!


Moreover, after reaching level 2, you get more evolution points every day, that is to say, it takes 5 days to reach level 3 turtles!


“Look at what effect the lucky four-leaf clover has.”

Chu Chen took out the lucky four-leaf clover and chose to use it.

After successful use, the lucky four-leaf clover disappeared.


Nothing happened.

All right.

Within 48 hours, I have just used it now.


After receiving the reward, Chu Chen looked at the turtle under his feet, wanting to see what changes the turtle would have.

After watching for a while, Chu Chen discovered that the turtle seemed to be growing up.

The growth rate is not particularly fast, but it is not slow.

“It should take a while before the upgraded growth can be completely completed.”

Chu Chen thought.

He wasn’t very anxious.


Now, on other islands, I am afraid that construction has already begun.

Chu Chen is probably the most idle island owner now.

He loaded all the 20 kilograms of materials he carried into the storage space of the system.

These materials are mainly tools and food, such as fishing nets and weapons, as well as a dagger and a shark gun.

Did not bring too much, because the weight is limited, the living supplies must be given priority.

And the first month is not too dangerous.


Chu Chen took out the fishing net and started fishing.

This is what all island owners do at the beginning, except for the children of the big family.

Solve the food problem first.

As for the children of large families, it costs millions, or even tens of millions, to recruit tens of thousands of workers. Each of these workers can bring in 20 kilograms…the materials are quite sufficient.

These people recruit workers not only to recruit labor, but also to bring supplies.

Between the two worlds, there are big restrictions on bringing things here from the earth and the stars. This restriction is also related to the rating of the island owned by the island owner.

In the beginning, the upper limit was 20 kg.

But bringing things back from this world is not very restrictive.


Chu Chen has traveled for so long and actually made a lot of money with his own wisdom when the system was not activated.

However, he has no family, no accumulation of predecessors, and he cannot enter the island world under the age of 18.

In this world, you can’t make a lot of money if you don’t enter the island world.

Therefore, Chu Chen’s money is definitely not comparable to that of the children of a big family.

Moreover, because of the evolutionary system, Chu Chen’s gameplay is destined to be different from others, and now there is no need to spend money on it.


“This fish is so big.”

Soon, Chu Chen discovered that the fish here are too easy to catch, and they are big and fat.

Chu Chen threw some colorful fish back into the sea. The fish here are not only unpalatable, but some contain toxins.

There are some edible fish left.

These skills are trained when they are in school, and all students are basically able to do it.


“Just cook it all, the dried fish is too ugly.”

Chu Chen thought.

The course taught in the school is that if it’s not the kind of local tyrants who hit tens of millions when they enter the island world, then in the first few days, make use of the summer sun as much as possible to make dried fish. The dried fish can grow. It can be stored in time and can be eaten directly.

However, Chu Chen has storage space.

The time in the storage space is almost static, what the things are like when they are put in and what they are when they are taken out, even the temperature will not change at all.

Therefore, Chu Chen decided to cook all these fish.


So Chu Chen took out a small pot, collected some fresh water in the middle of the stone, and took out a piece of silver light-gathering paper to make a concave pot.

Chu Chen used this pot to gather the sun’s rays into one spot and aimed it at the small pot.

Then, Chu Chen continued to fish.

After Chu Chen set up the net once, the water in the small pot had been boiling continuously under the heat of the concentrated sunlight.

The water has boiled.

Chu Chen didn’t use it directly. Instead, he put part of the water into a large bag for storing water, and then filled a pot of fresh water to continue the process.

After Chu Chen netted dozens of edible fish, there was already a lot of boiled water.

After the water is put into the storage space, it also has a temperature, so you can take it out and drink it directly in the future.


At this time, it was only noon.

Chu Chen put some condiments in the small pot to make the fish taste better.

Then, Chu Chen started to kill the fish.

Kill it, clean it, and throw it in for cooking.

In this way, I have been busy until the sun sets in the afternoon, and there is a lot of cooked, spicy fish in Chu Chen’s storage space.

Chu Chen tried it and it tasted pretty good!

These are enough for Chu Chen to eat a lot of time!

“knock off!”

Chu Chen put everything into the storage space and began to pitch the tent.


The time to choose the island is always in the summer of the island world, so it is not cool at all. At night, Chu Chen is ready to set up a small tent to prevent the wind.

“Wow, it’s so big.”

After setting up the tent, Chu Chen took a look and discovered that the turtle had grown up at least twice as long as one day passed!

Moreover, it seems that it is still growing!

This time, I was promoted to level 2, which was pretty good! *

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