Chapter 190 Brilliant record! Chu Chen is the hope of mankind!

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In the sea, several killer whales jumped out, then plunged heavily into the water, rushing to the underwater seaman battleship.

On the island, the island owner of this island saw a killer whale, and a big rock fell on his heart.

His island was finally saved!

Next to the island owner, is Chu Chen.

These days, Chu Chen is all around to support.

After receiving the message for help, Chu Chen will enter the opponent’s island through the teleportation channel, and then turn on the directional vortex to let the killer whale come over to solve the battle.

Five killer whales are usually dispatched.

Because the seaman battleship squad is generally five battleships.

Five to five.

Chu Chen’s killer whales are basically able to solve the battle in more than ten minutes.

Even, there is no need for Chu Chen to stare there.

“Chu Chen, thank you so much, it’s not you this time, my island will be over with “Night Eight Three”~”

More than ten minutes later, there were wreckage all over the sea.

The rescued island owner was very grateful to Chu Chen.

Chu Chen chatted with him for a few words, then arranged to salvage the wreckage of the Seaman battleship, and then left the island.

“Island owner, there is another request for help, and more than one~”

Ni Xiaohan reported the latest rescue information received.


Chu Chen took Ni Xiaohan and started the next game.

According to the current frequency of the eight turtles activating the vortex, in theory, Chu Chen can support more than 20 to 20 times a day.

However, limited by the current output of underwater monitors, there are still many islands that were not discovered until the sinking of the Seaman warship.

That’s too late.

Therefore, from the time Chu Chen started to support, the number of islands supported on the second and third days did not exceed ten each day.

On the fifth day, the number of islands supported on that day finally exceeded ten.

Chu Chen has also become super busy.

The directional vortex needs Chu Chen to be able to open it in the past. For every support, Chu Chen has to run a trip by himself.

Fortunately, the support time is not long.

After the Seaman battleship is dealt with, Chu Chen will return to Turtle Island, arranging things while waiting for the next call for help.

Even if he wants to go there in person, Chu Chen is still very happy. After all, this matter is also very good for Chu Chen. Not only can he get the shares of the aided island, but it can also reduce the strength of the sea people.

Taking advantage of the dispersal of the battleships of the Searen tribe, it is naturally the best choice to destroy them individually.

In this way, Chu Chen constantly supports the island owners everywhere.

Of course, he still has time to deal with other things.

For example, patrolling various islands, constantly signing group contracts with new mermaids, creating new weapons and armors for these mermaids, and so on.

These mermaids are also constantly recovering. After signing the group contract, their recovery speed has increased and their growth rate has been greatly accelerated.

The mermaids who signed the group contract began to train and evolve continuously in the waters east of the Coral Sea.

In order to deal with the possible large-scale war with the sea people in the future.

The strength of the sea people is quite strong, and the number of them is large. Once the mermaids are found by the sea people, a big battle is inevitable.

Therefore, the mermaids are working hard.

Chu Chen also continued to increase his strength, and sent mermaids to find new boundless giant tortoises.

Recently, as more and more islands are supported by Chu Chen, these islands have also resumed normal production, and some workers have also flocked to these islands.

On the Internet, all discussions during this period of time are also news related to Chu Chen.

“The efficiency is too high. Chu Chen killed another 13 Seaman teams yesterday.

“Yes, but dozens of islands were sunk yesterday.”

“There is no way, who made those islands not find the Seaman warship.”

Netizens are very interested in discussions. After all, this is also related to most people’s jobs.

In this way, with the passage of time, more and more underwater detectors are deployed by the island owners.

After only ten days, the number of island owners who discovered the Seaman battleship exceeded twenty every day, and then it continued to increase.

Due to the limitation of the number of whirlpool launches, Chu Chen couldn’t support it.

Chu Chen had anticipated this situation a long time ago. After encountering this situation, Chu Chen adopted the first-come principle.

Whoever meets first, apply for support first, and whoever is supported first.

This principle is public.

In this way, some island owners who are unable to support the island and cause the island to sink will no longer complain.

Of course, after this principle, there is another principle, that is, the island owners of the eastern countries have priority.

This principle has not been made public.

And half a month later, this kind of support was further increased, because more and more islands were found for Seaman warships.

The island owners also paid big prices and purchased underwater detectors frantically.

On the most day, there were more than one hundred requests for help.

Chu Chen topped the sky, and he was able to support twenty-seven or eight.

Therefore, every day, there are still dozens of islands sinking.

There is no alternative.

Who can’t support Chu Chen?

In such a busy schedule, soon, a month passed.

With Chu Chen’s support, in this month, the number of islands supported by Chu Chen reached nearly 500!

Nearly five hundred islands!

This means that nearly five hundred seamen battleship squads were destroyed by Chu Chen’s killer whales!

There are five hundred seamen battleship squads, and the number of seamen battleships in it is nearly two thousand five hundred!

Destroying so many Seaman battleships, the results of this battle are also quite brilliant!

After so many seamen battleship squads were destroyed, the number of sunken islands in the Eastern Kingdom was significantly reduced.

Like before, within a month, the Eastern Kingdom rarely said that it would sink tens of thousands of islands.

But this time, the Eastern Kingdom only sank less than 5,000 islands!

0.4 Because after the five hundred seaman warship squadrons were destroyed, these seaman warship squadrons would have no way to continue destroying the island.

In other countries of the Global Federation, the number of sunken islands reached nearly 30,000!

This sharp contrast also made the netizens in the Eastern countries excited one by one, and similarly caused protests from other countries in the global federation.

Because Chu Chen is not actively supporting other countries in the global federation, he has only supported more than a dozen times within a month, and the support is still on the islands of some major forces.

It’s just that the netizens in Eastern countries will definitely not protest, one by one, they are eager to do so.

With such a strong record, Chu Chen has also been called “the hope of mankind” by some netizens.

The topic of “Chu Chen is the hope of mankind” on the Internet of the Eastern Kingdom now has a high ranking of TOP1!

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