Chapter 134 A huge sensation! The battle of Chu Chen’s fame! Selling battleships! Plasma guns! (1.2.3) Seeking subscription

“Wow, so many pirates~”

“I said Chu Chen must have won, otherwise, how could it be possible to capture so many pirates.”

“Well, I don’t know where the pirates came from this time.”

When Wei Xing arranged the person to release the video, on Turtle Island No. 2, as a large number of ships returned, the tourists on the top, seeing the captured pirates, started to discuss one by one.

This war didn’t last long.

It only took more than ten minutes from the sound of the cannon to the end.

After the gunfire ended, the tourists all guessed there one by one, and more and more netizens participated in the discussion on the Internet.

Whether it is tourists or netizens, Chu Chen is inclined to win.

After all, the last time Chu Chen’s killer whale and whale battleship demonstrated the sturdy combat power that is obvious to all.

And so far, people who know that Chu Chen’s opponent is a pirate king, there are no more than a hundred people!

This is also the reason why there are still more than 10,000 people on Turtle Island 2 until now.

Some tourists were not worried about Chu Chen’s defeat, even if the opponent used naval guns.

If these tourists know that Chu Chen’s opponent is a powerful pirate king fleet, I am afraid that a large number of tourists will be evacuated in panic!

Even these tourists have heard of the power of the Pirate King.

That is the existence that ordinary 4 or 5 star island owners are not willing to provoke!

Now, seeing the pirates come back captured, these tourists are all cheered up.

There are a lot of netizens following this online now, but only they can experience it personally.

When I go back in the future, I will be able to blow the bull for a long time.

Of course, they didn’t see it very clearly, so some tourists also went to the official website of Turtle Island to ask for videos.

“He really won.

On Turtle Island, the blonde Alice was standing on the balcony of the holiday cottage, looking at the ships pulling a large number of pirates back, her beautiful eyes were shocked.

After the gunfire stopped, Alice was actually not so optimistic.

Other netizens thought that Chu Chen had won, but Alice knew that Chu Chen’s opponent was the Pirate King.

Therefore, she is also worried, whether Chu Chen’s turtle has been killed!

Chu Chen has not given the order to evacuate the tourists on Turtle Island No.2, and Alice has a little bit of order. She is also worried, will Chu Chen have been killed?

Inexplicably, Alice felt that Chu Chen should not be killed so easily.

When she saw that Chu Chen used the boats used for sightseeing on Turtle Island and pulled a large number of workers out, Alice was relieved a lot.

Because it’s impossible for Chu Chen to use these workers to fight pirates, right?

These workers can only be sent to clean the battlefield.

It’s just that I haven’t seen the final result, and I’m not sure after all.

Until now.

These ships dragged a large number of pirates back, so that Alice’s hanging heart was finally let go.

Chu Chen did win!

Win a fleet of pirate kings!

Moreover, it seems that it is not strenuous, because the war seems to be over in only ten minutes!

Even if there was some preparation in her heart, after Alice clearly realized this, her eyes were full of shock!

As a result, her gaze stayed on the surface of the sea, and she stayed for a long time.

Then, she thought of Chu Chen’s confident face, and that face had an inexplicable attraction.

Even if Chu Chen Mingqiang/wen her, she can’t give birth to any hatred.”Now, it’s those people’s turn to be anxious, right?”

Alice thought.

“I really don’t understand these exhibitors, Chu Chen just defeated another pirate, making it like a carnival.”

“Yeah, but what I don’t understand is that these pirates are The last time so many pirates were defeated by Chu Chen, they dared to go. Now it’s all right, and I gave Chu Chen points again.”

“At least 50 points. In the third round of assessment, Chu Chen can get more than a hundred points from the pirates, Kong San Gongzi, you have to come on!

At this time, in the high-end 27 group composed of the children of the big family, the children of the big family were also chatting.

“Impossible, he can’t win! His opponent is the pirate king Shiqian!”

When these big family children talked about Kong San Gongzi, on a huge island, Kong San Gongzi looked straight at the holographic screen.

At this time, the picture on the holographic screen was taken by the tourists. A large number of pirates were escorted back to Turtle Island No. 2 and then back to Earth Star.

It is different from the children of other big families in this group.

Third Young Master Kong clearly knew who Chu Shengchen’s opponent was this time!

Because his family owns a fairly large biopharmaceutical company!

The reason why Kong San Gongzi wanted to develop forestry and pharmaceutical industry was also considering this point.

After learning the news from his father, Kong San Gongzi started to watch a good show.

If Chu Chen’s No. 2 Turtle Island is settled by the pirate King Shiqian’s fleet, then Chu Chen will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

The combustible ice mine is definitely gone, and the tourist island will also be over. At that time, even if Chu Chen is already an official island owner, he will suffer a sharp decline in the third assessment.

After all, these two industries are Chu Chen’s pillars.

Kong San Gongzi will also surpass Chu Chen!

Although I feel a little bit invincible, it is definitely impossible for Kong San Gongzi to remind Chu Chen.

His family is still waiting to buy turtle blood, maybe they can get some research results from it!

Moreover, faintly, he is actually a little unconfident about the third assessment, which is more than two months away.

Although he was sure that he was rated as a three-star island in the last month, Chu Chen defeated so many pirates one after another and received too many ratings.

Therefore, Chu Chen was destroyed by the pirate king Shiqian’s fleet to destroy one of the most important turtle islands!

Who thinks.

The trend of the war now is that Chu Chen has won!

Third Young Master Kong couldn’t believe it!

As a result, he was not in the mood to participate in the discussion of the children of the big family in that high-end group.

“I’m going, go to the official account of Turtle Island, Chu Chen has released the video of this battle!”

At this time, in the high-end group, a big family member shouted.

“Posted a video?”

After seeing that paragraph, Kong San Gongzi quickly opened the official account of Turtle Island.

Although he didn’t want to believe it, the current son of Kong San wanted to know the course of this battle very much in his heart.

Soon, he saw the top video on the official account of Turtle Island.

Kong San Gongzi saw that this video has already received millions of views, but no one has commented yet. It seems that it has just been released, and the netizens who clicked on it at the beginning are still watching it.

Kong San Gongzi clicked directly.

On the holographic screen, a fairly three-dimensional picture emerged.

This picture was taken from a high altitude.

I saw a huge turtle in the sea, accelerating.

With the acceleration of the sea turtle, the sea on both sides of it was quickly evacuated, forming huge waves as high as ten meters.

The speed of these huge waves is naturally never the speed of a tortoise!The turtle just carried the huge waves and rushed forward!

Such a perspective makes people wonder, where are the turtles charging?

Then, the picture turned, and a huge fleet appeared in the field of vision.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by the sound of “rumbling” shelling, Kong San Gong saw that in the sky, black spots formed by dense shells violently attacked.

In less than three seconds, these shells fell on the turtle, forming a sea of ​​fire on the turtle’s back!

The flame and high temperature caused by the explosion caused some distortion in the surrounding air!

“Boom boom boom~”

Immediately afterwards, the second round of shells struck again!

It fell on the turtle’s back again!

From a high-altitude perspective, it is also exceptionally amazing!

I saw that the entire back of the sea turtle was filled with the flames and smoke of the bomb explosion!

The shelling of such intensity is also confusing!

People can’t help but worry about the safety of sea turtles!

Kong San Gongzi naturally did not worry about the safety of the turtles, he was still staring at the holographic screen intently.

Then, he saw an amazing scene.

I saw the huge sea turtle bearing the cannonball that fell like raindrops, and quickly rushed out of the range of flames and smoke, not only did not slow down, but it was still accelerating!

“Boom boom boom~”

At this time, another round of shelling came, and the cannon used in this shelling seemed to be more powerful!

The battleships in this world usually have two to six main guns, but in fact, the medium-speed guns on these battleships can already be used as main guns if they are placed before Chu Chen passes through!

These medium-speed guns, a battleship generally has more than ten!

The most are the fast guns with a fast rate of fire, and there are less than 20 guns.These fast guns are generally used to attack targets within ten kilometers!

In this shelling, the battleship on the opposite side seemed to use the main gun, because after a shell exploded, the movement caused by it was surprisingly greater than the attack caused by many shells before!

On the back of the entire Turtle Island, a hot fire cloud rolled again!

However, the shelling of this intensity still did not slow down the turtles at all!

Immediately afterwards, in the water, a large number of torpedoes exploded at the same time, and the sea was blown to splash!

But the turtle directly overwhelmed the exploded splashes and continued to rush forward!

Torpedo, there is no way to stop the speed of sea turtles!

On the contrary, it is getting faster and faster, faster and faster!

On the opposite side, the fleet seemed to be in a hurry, and then a dozen missiles lifted off and rushed towards the huge turtle!

Then, the third son of Kong saw the turtle, the scene of the head shrinking like lightning!

This time he shrank his head and directly avoided seven or eight missiles!

However, nine missiles still fell on the turtle’s back!

The power of these missiles is much greater than the previous artillery shells!

It was on the back of the turtle in an instant, causing a cloud of fire to the sky!

These fire clouds soared into the sky, and they all rushed to an altitude of several hundred meters.Even some of the lower clouds were affected and evaporated. It is enough to see that the power of this explosion is so great!

Even if he knew the result of the war, Kong San Gongzi subconsciously felt that this turtle could not survive such an attack.

However, in the next second, a miracle happened again, and the turtle rushed out of the area of ​​the fire cloud, continuously accelerating towards the fleet!

It’s not dead!

Seeing this, Rao is the third son of Kong, and his mouth has also subconsciously opened up!

“Boom boom boom~”

That fleet is still attacking, missiles are constantly being launched, underwater, there are a large number of torpedoes coming, and there are red potions in the sky!

This is a biological medicine specially designed to deal with marine life!

It’s just that a sea turtle sprays the biological agents cleanly with a single wave of air.

Master Kong San had already seen that many warships in the fleet were turning, preparing to escape the area where the turtles rushed.

While turning, the naval guns above were still attacking, and all the warships, the artillery shells were pouring out fatally!

However, it has no effect at all!

The huge sea turtle swept past the area of ​​the fleet at an unparalleled speed against the intensive attack of shells, torpedoes, and missiles!

From the sky, this scene is extremely shocking!

I saw the huge battleships that crossed the ocean, one after another disappeared under the body of the turtle, like a toy run over by a car!

The turtle’s speed is too fast.

After only ten seconds, the turtle passed the area.

When the turtles passed by, the sea behind was still tumbling with white waves.

It’s just that there are no traces of warships in the sea!

Dozens of battleships all disappeared as if the world had evaporated!

In other words, this huge battleship was eventually wiped out, in fact, it only took more than ten seconds!

Seeing this, Kong San Gongzi’s mouth was already very huge!

You can stuff a duck egg inside!

No wonder!

No wonder the war ended so quickly, all the movement disappeared in just ten minutes!

Chu Chen’s Turtle Island is so terrible!

In the original impression, it should be a sea turtle that is extremely slow, and it actually has such a speed!

Speed ​​is not the key.

The point is, this turtle is so hard!

From the appearance of the turtle to the passing of the fleet, at a distance of ten kilometers, at least tens of thousands of shells fell on the tortoise shell of this turtle!

Also hit by a few missiles!

In this way, the tortoise shell of this sea turtle is still intact!

What is this tortoise shell made of?

Even if it is made of steel, under this level of attack, it will be cracked!

Especially the attack of the main artillery and missiles, the power is extremely huge!

It’s just that the tortoiseshell is hard.

Even the skin of the sea turtle is so hard, behind, a large number of shells and some missiles actually attacked the front part of the sea turtle.

But I can’t stand any turtles!

In this way, let the turtles wipe out a powerful fleet in just ten seconds!

If you didn’t see such a thing with your own eyes, how could Kong San Gongzi dare not believe it!

But now, if I don’t want to believe it, it’s useless!

Because, the facts are here!

The video ends here, and there is no scene of the gunship being assaulted by seagulls.

However, this video alone is enough!

It’s shocking enough!

Even Young Master Kong was stunned for several minutes!

When he turned his head back, as soon as he refreshed it, he saw that under this video, in a short period of time, there have been millions of comments!

Obviously, the people who watched the video were shocked, and some people who were not used to commenting could not help but contribute their own comments!

“I went, so these naïve-looking turtles are actually so fierce? Fortunately, I still think that this guy’s neck is tens of meters thick, and it will be very difficult to raise his head~”

“It’s too fierce, so many battleships, in front of the turtles, are actually like a toy ship~”

“This is not the most scary thing, the most scary thing is, how can this sea turtle be so hard! With so many shells and missiles, it didn’t even break through its skin!”

“666~~~ Sure enough, the most inconspicuous is the biggest BOSS. The turtles have always been there, but they have not been taken too seriously. They only think that they can float, but they don’t want to. This guy is Chu Chen. The trump card!”

“Ahhhh, I am going to Turtle Island, I am going to see turtles!”

Kong San Gongzi glanced over some comments, and netizens were expressing their shock in various languages!

These netizens, although they don’t know that this fleet is from a pirate king, they are deeply shocked by this video!

“F*ck! Is this still a human?”

“How could this turtle have such a fast speed? Couldn’t this video be faked by Chu Chen?”

“Oh, you fake one and try? Is it so difficult to admit that others are good? You spray Chu Chen every day, right?”

“Sun Qianqian, I didn’t mess with you~”

At this time, in the high-end group, there are also some big family children who have watched the video and released their thoughts one after another.

Not surprisingly, some of the children of large families who questioned the authenticity of the video were once again confronted by Sun Qianqian.

Seeing the excitement in the group, Master Kong San had no mood to participate.

Chu Chen’s victory this time undoubtedly cast a shadow on Kong San Gongzi’s heart.

Although Chu Chen’s victory this time, their Kong family did not suffer any losses, at best they could not buy turtle blood.

But seeing Chu Chen even the Pirate King’s fleet destroyed, Kong San Gongzi felt vaguely that in the third assessment, he might not be able to catch up with Chu Chen!

“There are still two months, and today I will apply for a two-star island rating. In these two months, I will sprint and I will definitely be rated a three-star island!”

Kong San Gongzi didn’t give up, but planned to make another wave at the end!

On the Internet, the video released by the official account of Turtle Island has been reprinted and reported by a large number of media and self-media in a short period of time!

The heat continues to rise!

Soon, it was on the hot search list.

After watching the video, all netizens were shocked by the powerful combat power of the turtles.

Immediately afterwards, after some netizens zoomed in on the video, they found the flags on the battleships!

Some netizens who have a certain degree of research on pirates in the island world immediately recognized the signs on the flags, representing the pirate king Shiqian!

In addition, that fleet is far more powerful than ordinary pirates.

Suddenly, news that Chu Chen’s opponent was a powerful pirate king spread quickly!

Once again caused an uproar on the Internet!

“The Pirate King Shiqian? Rub! That fleet actually belongs to the Pirate King? I said why is it so huge!”

“Awesome! So Chu Chen destroyed a pirate king’s fleet?”

“Chu Chen is too invincible! I am still terrified of ordinary little pirates, he actually destroyed a pirate king fleet!”

“Isn’t that a pirate king’s fleet, even a five-star island owner is not willing to be tough? It was actually destroyed like this?”

“So what? In front of such a turtle, another fleet like this will only be destroyed~”

On the Internet, the enthusiasm of netizens for discussion has risen again.

Soon, all kinds of news about this battle occupied the top five in the hot search list!

Chu Chen defeated a pirate king fleet with powerful sea turtles, and it spread quickly to all parts of the country!

More and more people are paying attention!

Chu Chen and Turtle Island have once again attracted the attention of the whole country!The official account of Turtle Island has added millions of fans in a short period of time, and it is still rising.

Turtle Island, which has been silent for a long time, once again caused a huge sensation because of this battle!


The sound of the cup breaking to the ground sounded.

All the people around were startled, one by one stood like a good baby, noisy!

Here is the lair of the pirate king Shiqian!

The pirate king Shiqian has also seen the official video released by Turtle Island through some channels.

When I watch it with ordinary netizens, I feel excited and different.

The pirate king Shiqian was in a bad mood when watching this video, because it was his fleet that was abused by the turtles!

And because it was his fleet, after this incident was known, because of his reputation as a pirate king, it became Chu Chen!

Not to mention the new island owner, that is, the 4 or 5 star island owner, in front of his pirate king Shiqian, he must be obedient!

However, now, Chu Chen actually destroyed a pirate king’s fleet in such a shocking way!

Before, even Chu Chen won the first place in the country, defeated many pirates, and got the fastest record of becoming a three-star island owner. This series of incredible things.

But in the end, Chu Chen is still a “newcomer” in the eyes of many people.

It is still incomparable with some powerful old island owners.

But after this battle, Chu Chen defeated the pirate king Shiqian, and did what many veteran island owners could not do!

Chu Chen’s status in the minds of many people is far different from before!

The prestigious name that the pirate king Shih potentially broke out of the island world was so severely stepped on by Chu Chen!

Become Chu Chen’s stepping stone!

How loud is Shi Qian’s reputation, how high is this stepping stone!


Such a thing, how to prevent Shi Qian from violent anger!

However, his generation of pirate kings, the city mansion is also quite deep!

After breaking the cup, he did not yell, but looked at the sea with extremely dangerous eyes. Obviously, he was thinking of a way of revenge.

It’s not just revenge, he must find the place back!

Otherwise, he will lose his face!

However, most of his fleet has already been wiped out, and the rest of the fleet is all driven past, and the ending may not be very good!

“It should be restored in a few days.”

While netizens were making a lot of noise about the video, Chu Chen was salvaging the battleship while checking the injuries of the No. 4 sea turtle.

Turtle No. 4 still suffered some injuries.

The main reason is that it didn’t evolve for as long as the No. 1 turtle, otherwise it would not even break the skin.

On the tortoise shell, there are still a lot of areas that have been blown down and there are some small pits, but its tortoise shell is too thick and has no effect.

The injured area is mainly the front part. When it was finally redeemed, the front part of it was hit by a missile, and there were some hidden injuries.

Well, it’s just a hidden injury.

Because its turtle skin is also quite hard, this guy’s turtle skin is several meters thick, and the outside is quite hard.

As for where it was hit by the torpedo, nothing happened.

You know, this guy has a breastplate.

These injuries are not easy to see with the naked eye.

For Sea Turtle No. 4, there is nothing too much. Don’t forget, their resilience is quite strong.

When it swims back to the area with submarine volcanoes and soaks in the warm water, this guy will soon recover.In the next day’s work, all the warships had been taken out of the sea.

The damaged warships were not small, after all, Turtle #4 was too violent when it rushed.

After the turtles sucked all the water out of the battleship, it didn’t take long for some battleships to move.

After all, it is a battleship, the machine inside is not so easy to break, but the circuit system will be affected a lot.

Chu Chen did not directly give these warships to Zhu Sanniang, but first towed these warships to Turtle Island No. 1 and performed some repairs.

This process took about a week.

A week later, one evening, Sister Zhu Sanniang quietly went to Turtle Island No. 1 with a large number of people.

“Sister Zhu, Wanqiu, these warships will be handed over to you. I have filled all the fuel, enough to sail for a long time.”

Chu Chen said to Zhu Sanniang and Zhu Wanqiu.

The fuel of warships is different from that of helicopters. These warships, filled with fuel at one time, can sail at sea for several months.

“Thank you for your assistance, Chu Chen, we will not disappoint you!

Zhu Sanniang bowed deeply to Chu Chen and said.

Then, the sisters of Zhu’s family left Turtle Island No. 1 with more than a dozen warships.

After the sisters of the Zhu family left, Chu Chen publicly sold the battleship 247 on the trading platform of the island owner.

What he sold was the old, broken and small ships that he had captured last time, plus some of the small warships he had obtained this time.

Although these warships were owned by the Pirate King Shiqian, most of the warships of the Pirate King Shiqian were in the fifth tier, and there were only a few in the fourth tier.

What Chu Chen is about to manufacture is the second level!

That is the second top!

Naturally, there is no need to keep these battleships. After they are sold, Chu Chen can obtain a large amount of funds to support his own construction.

Chu Chen’s price is not expensive, and as soon as it goes up, there will be buyers soon.

Some three- and star-rated island owners still have a demand for this kind of warship.

There are also some island owners who are based on energy extraction and are quite rich, but the island construction is average, and they also need warships to protect their islands.

Formal island owners are in danger. Although they can apply for support, firstly, the arrival of support is limited by a time limit, and secondly, such support cannot be too much.

Mercenaries are actually not very good.

The key is to strengthen the strength in your hands.

Therefore, this batch of warships was sold smoothly.

After being sold, it took another week or so, and these warships were driven away by people sent by buyers one after another.

The cash in Chu Chen’s hands is a lot more, and some of the warships captured by these old and young men this time, Chu Chen sold nearly two billion!

Among them, the large battleship and submarine Chu Chen has not sold yet, otherwise it can be sold for more money!

So much money is enough to support Chu Chen’s major construction.

Two weeks later, the battle between Chu Chen and the pirate king Shiqian has been completely spread, and the popularity has not yet dropped!

Even, it spread far overseas.

On Turtle Island nowadays, there are a lot of overseas tourists coming every day!

Many of the visit information that Chu Chen receives every day are from some overseas institutions!

After this war, there are more institutions that want turtle blood.

Some organizations have already offered a price of 2 billion and want to buy a tube of turtle blood from Chu Chen!

This battle also allowed everyone to get to know Chu Chen’s turtle again!

Moreover, this battle has also become a battle of fame for Chu Chen to become famous all over the world!

After this battle, Chu Chen’s invisible status has also undergone earth-shaking changes!

In the past, he was quite young after all, and he still belonged to the category of “genius island master”.In the eyes of many people, they are just newcomers.

After this battle, Chu Chen’s reputation was thoroughly established!

After all, being able to defeat a pirate king’s fleet is something that some five-star island owners may not be able to do!

Such Chu Chen is also famous!

After this battle, Chu Chen discovered that a new blueprint appeared in the achievement store.

This drawing is related to the electric eel.

Chu Chen took a look at this drawing, it was possible to design a weapon combined with the electric eel.

This weapon is the “plasma gun.”

The current electric eel is nearly two hundred meters in length.

This guy’s body is also surrounded by electric arcs at any time.

When it swims around the seabed, it is enough to light up a large area of ​​the seabed.

The surrounding fish are also avoided.

In order to prevent this guy from causing too much damage, Chu Chen always let this guy lurch on the bottom of the sea.

In this battle, Chu Chen didn’t use electric eels, because Chu Chen didn’t think it was necessary.

In the end, dealing with those submarines was directly solved with whale warships.

There was even a submarine under the cooperation of Caiwei and Shanna. Shanshan directly controlled the virtual gold sheet to kill all the people inside, and did not cause much damage to the submarine!

The power of the electric eel is naturally powerful.

Especially after it has evolved now.

It’s just that, now the power of the electric eel can only deal with the creatures in the ocean.

Its lightning storms have the best effect in sea water.

Let it deal with the target on land, if it is not too far away, it can still be done.

If you are too far away, it will be difficult.

After all, lightning storms also have an attack range!

Electric eels can’t swim to land either.


However, this time the new blueprint can be condensed into a plasma cannonball with the help of the interrupted electric energy on the electric eel.

Can be used to attack targets several kilometers away.

The power of this plasma shell depends on how much electricity the electric eel has injected into it.

The more electricity is injected, the greater the power.

Once the plasma shell hits the target, the electricity inside will explode, turning a large area around it into a sea of ​​electricity!

Moreover, the voltage of these electricity is quite high!

If it is a human being hit, basically, it is gone in an instant.

With the continuous evolution of electric eels, the attack range and power of plasma guns will continue to rise!

It just so happened that after destroying the pirate king Shiqian’s fleet, Chu Chen also gained a wave of achievement points, so he used 200 achievement points to redeem this blueprint.

“That said, there are more electric eels bound.”

Chu Chen thought.

Now he has two electric eels.

Under the group contract, the more electric eels bound, the slower the overall evolution speed, so Chu Chen did not bind too many electric eels before.

Now, these two electric eels have evolved, but they can bind some more.

It just so happens that the plasma gun can be made and used, which is a very sharp weapon!

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