If it is in the real world, such a DIY modification is definitely not possible, but in the world of great navigation, as long as players can imagine it, there are enough funds in their hands, such a modification can certainly be done under the power of the system, but after the modification is completed, whether there is actual combat value, that is another matter.

Therefore, don't say that Ye Bai didn't think of such a solution, even if he thought of it, he was not willing to try such an unreliable modification plan easily, once the modification failed, it would mean wasting a lot of money, which was not enough in the early stage, Ye Bai was quite reluctant.

In this case, Ye Bai would rather temporarily store this second space spar and wait until he has a suitable method before taking it out and using it.

However, although this space spar cannot come in handy for the time being, the "Two, Two, Three" but Yanhuang can improve its strength again, that is, to add another main battle weapon - five torpedo tubes.

Ye Bai has checked it in the system mall, as a main weapon and equipment for destroyers and even light cruisers, the price of the torpedo tube itself is not expensive, for example, the five-pack 533mm mine launch tube selected by Ye Bai, the price of the weapon itself in the system mall is only 90,000 yuan, and Ye Bai's current net worth is completely affordable.

The real horror is the price of the torpedo, which is displayed in the system mall, the price of a 533mm diameter torpedo has reached 5000 yuan, which makes Ye Bai dumbfounded, no wonder the power is so powerful, as long as it hits, only one or two can be sent to the bottom of the sea.

In fact, Ye Bai didn't know that in real history, the price of torpedoes was quite amazing, more expensive than many carrier-based aircraft, if converted into currency in the world of great exploration, the price of a torpedo reached at least 30,000 yuan.

However, in the world of great navigation, because of the rules of the system, there will no longer be a situation like in the real world, where one or two torpedoes will blow up and sink a large capital battleship to the bottom of the sea, and the system has deliberately adjusted the price of torpedoes to the point of 5,000 yuan each, otherwise, even Ye Bai, who has a relatively thick background, cannot afford such consumption.

Some painfully bought two five-pack 533mm mine tubes from the system mall, and used the power of the system to install them in the middle of the Yanhuang, and deployed at both ends of the twin 102mm guns in the middle, next to them were two big chimneys.

Of course, Ye Bai did not forget to add the corresponding naval crew to the two torpedo tubes, and after some operation, the funds in Ye Bai's hands were reduced to 200,000 yuan again, which is also thanks to the special benefits given to players by the system, but whenever you buy shipborne weapons in the system mall, you will be matched with a batch of ammunition.

These two sets of 533mm penta-pack torpedo tubes, the system mall directly gave away 20 533mm torpedoes, which is enough for the Yanhuang to use for a period of time.

[533mm quintuto tube]

[Caliber: 533mm.]

[Firepower: 1060X5]

[Range: 5500m14000m.]

[Interval: 150m.]

The powerful firepower and terrifying range have far surpassed any twin-mounted main gun on the Yanhuang, when he saw this data, Ye Bai couldn't help but gasp, if it weren't for the long interval between reloading and firing, and the price of the torpedo was too expensive, Ye Bai almost couldn't help but cancel one main gun and add two more torpedo tubes.

But in any case, the armament system on the Yanhuang is basically complete, but it lacks anti-aircraft weapons and anti-submarine weapons, but at this stage, without the threat of submarines and carrier-based aircraft, it is not a big problem.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Yanhuang was sailing calmly towards the predetermined sea area under the command of Qi Sicheng, Ye Bai looked at the 200,000 yuan he still had left, and simply spent 80,000 yuan again to buy a BW oil-fired boiler and install it in the power cabin.

With the addition of a BW oil-fired boiler, the power of the Yanhuang has also been greatly improved, and even the top speed has been increased to 16 knots.

After finishing all this work, Ye Bai fell into a state of idleness again, and opened the trading board as usual to check to see if there were any good things leaking out of the hands of other players......... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ye Bai always believes that there are a lot of lucky people in this world, and he can get a lot of good things, and other players may not be able to have such opportunities, so when he is bored, he will open the chat section and the trading section from time to time to check it.

It's just that so far, although Ye Bai has found a lot of information through the players' messages in the chat section, he has not found any good things in the trading section, which are all quite common and regular items.

Either it is some 75mm diameter artillery, 20mm machine guns and other weapons and equipment, which are dispensable for the current Yanhuang, so they simply did not buy it.

Ye Bai left Tianxing Island with the Yanhuang in the morning, and then completed the upgrade on the sea, and then he was busy changing the Yanhuang, and then experienced a naval battle, and now it is already in the afternoon, and the sun has begun to set westward.

Looking at his watch, the time was already more than 4 o'clock in the afternoon, according to the experience of the previous few days, there were at most 3 hours, and it was about to enter the night, although he was in a hurry to go to another island, but Ye Bai would not risk sailing at night, it was too dangerous.

Although the nautical map purchased from Tianxing Island indicates the location of another island, it does not indicate the name of that island, according to the boss, that island is their enemy 2.5 people, and it has not been in contact for many years, no one knows if the island has changed owners, and even the name of the island has changed, so it is not marked on the nautical map.

The authenticity of these words is not mentioned for the time being, but Ye Bai found a problem from it, that is, the owners of these islands are not immutable, and they will be occupied by others for various reasons, and even the names of the islands will be changed, does this mean that one day, when the players become stronger, they will be able to drive these aborigines out and seize the islands through war or other means?

This guess made Ye Bai shocked, if it is really feasible, the perfect logistics system and military industry system on the island will have earth-shaking changes for the growth of players, I am afraid that even Ye Bai himself is not confident that he can surpass the other party.

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