In the sea below, the tripartite forces that were already about to beat the dog's brain out saw the planes hovering overhead, and all of them felt a chill in their hearts.

The development history of the Blue Star World and the Earth is not much different, so these players from the Blue Star World are well aware of the deterrent power of aircraft carriers, and during the fierce battle, of course, they also discovered the bomber group in the sky.

At that time, these Blue Star players were taken aback, they almost subconsciously thought that the pirates had dispatched aircraft carriers at the beginning, after all, they had only entered the world of great exploration for 1 month, and most of the players had only upgraded the ship to the gunboat level, and those who could upgrade to destroyers were already master elites.

It's still far from being upgraded to the aircraft carrier level, and even the unknown player who was once hotly discussed in the chat section is only upgraded to the light cruiser level, and there is still some distance from the aircraft carrier.

As for why they didn't think of escort aircraft carriers, the reason is also very simple, first, they haven't upgraded their human ships to light cruisers, so naturally they don't know that there are two different upgrade routes for light cruisers to be upgraded again.

Normally, the number of carrier-based aircraft is quite small, basically around 30, and if you look at the planes flying in the sky, they are about to reach 40 planes, which can only be done by a serious aircraft carrier.

And in this activity space, the only force that can dispatch aircraft carriers of this level of warships is the pirate force, afraid of the powerful aerial bombing ability of aircraft carriers, players from the Blue Star World can be described as frightened, if they are not unwilling to give up this resource point, and the size of their own fleet is still quite large, and the number of fighters in the sky is relatively small, they really want to turn around and escape.

The next situation was also in line with their expectations, the bomber group flying in the sky did attack the battleships on the sea, with good power, but did not sink many battleships.

Some of the players who were far away didn't witness the tragic scene at all, so they weren't much moved, anyway, in their opinion, the bomb didn't fall on their heads, and the battle still had to be fought.

Later, after the players who watched the battle at close range passed on the information through the chat board, all the players were stunned, and the other party actually attacked the pirate battleship, which was completely unexpected for them.

After ruling out the answer that the pilots in the sky were blind and found the wrong target, the correct answer was that the aircraft carriers that suddenly appeared were either their players' warships, or there was another fleet of forces belonging to the fourth party, such as those indigenous forces.

They are all players who have landed on one island after another, and naturally they have also seen the huge fleets under the hands of the aboriginal forces that occupy these islands, and the unique shape of the aircraft carrier will naturally not hide from their eyes.

In comparison, they prefer that this aircraft carrier is a warship belonging to the aboriginal forces, although the system does not say in the event prompt that the aboriginal forces will send fleets to participate in the war, but since the pirate fleet is here, it is normal to have one more aboriginal force.

Unlike the players in the Blue Star World, who clearly know the dominance of aircraft carriers in naval battles, those alien players are blinded, and the alien humans who invaded the Blue Star World are not on the technological side at all, but on the magic side.

In other words, if it is a heads-up between people, the Blue Star World will be directly crushed, but this way of commanding battleship battles is completely unfamiliar to alien players, suppressing their individual abilities almost to the limit.

But fortunately, these alien players have a great advantage over the development of human potential far beyond blue star players, that is, thanks to more powerful mental power, memory ability and learning ability are much stronger, after 1 month of hard work, many alien players have roughly figured out some basic naval combat knowledge.

Although having these basic knowledge makes the performance of alien players generally a little better than that of blue star players on the battlefield, their understanding of some more knowledge and information is limited.

The power of aircraft carriers is something they don't understand, and they just feel strange about the carrier-based bombers that appear in the sky, but they don't pay attention to how dangerous those small planes can be compared to the ships under their feet.

As the so-called ignorant is not afraid, the alien players who are completely unaware of the powerful threat of aerial bombardment are still desperately attacking the fleet of blue star players, and they have no idea that the nightmare blow is coming.

Compared with the scarce number of pirate warships, the more number of alien player warships is obviously easier to find, with Ramsay's order, the pilots naturally spread their joy, facing the ignorant alien player battleships in the sea is a round of indiscriminate bombardment.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"

Alien player destroyers and gunboats with weaker armor values have no ability to evade and defend against aerial bombs from the air, and can only watch as huge fireballs rise up on their own ships, and slowly sink into the sea with the broken ships amid the exclamations of their crews.

After all the aerial bombs were dropped and the bombing mission was completed, the bomber group swaggered up to the air and reorganized into a formation to quickly return home.

Some alien players simply want to cry without tears, it's really miserable.

The aerial bombardment, which did not last long, took a heavy toll on the alien fleet, with at least 20 ships destroyed in the continuous explosions that the nearest player saw.

Such losses are simply too great.

To be serious, in such a large-scale naval battle of unprecedented scale, the sinking of only 20 warships was nothing at all, and it was completely a drop in the bucket, and it could not even be talked about hurting the muscles and bones.

The previous battles with the Blue Star Player Fleet and the Pirate Fleet were more intense and the losses were greater, but the Alien players never lost confidence, but this time the losses were different.

Whether it is fighting with the battleship of the Blue Star player or fighting with the pirate battleship, the gap between the two sides is actually not big, and the battle of half a catty and eight taels, whether it is lost or won, both sides have suffered a lot of damage, and in order to win the final battle, the sacrifice and effort are worth it.

But now in the face of the massive bombing of bomber groups in the air, let alone shooting down bombers circling and flying in the sky without installing anti-aircraft weapons, it is impossible to even organize anti-aircraft fire to drive away these bombers that are as annoying as flies.

The final result was also obvious, more than 20 warships were sunk by the bombing of their own fleet, and the bomber group of the other side was unscathed, as if they were conducting a bombing training, and the ships of their own and others were other people's target ships. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

More than 20 ships were sunk, in fact, it had no impact on the strength of the alien player's fleet, it was far worse than the loss in the frontal artillery battle, and it was not even a fraction, but it was too serious for the morale and mentality of the alien player.

After all, in the face of such an air strike, they could not do anything at all, they could only be bombed in vain, and they did not even have a chance to defend or even counterattack, and this kind of battle was very demoralizing.

Thankfully, only some of the players closest to the attack range were able to see it, and those farther away didn't know what was going on here, only that a group of bombers were attacking.

As for which side of the bombers came from and whose warships were attacked, many players don't know that not all players will always pay attention to the situation in the chat section on such a fierce battlefield.

There is no player organization recognized by the system, and there is not even a separate communication channel, either leaving a message in the chat section, or a private chat in the friend channel, and the transmission of intelligence information is quite untimely.

Players aside, after the second round of bombardment, there were more than 20 more drop chests in the bridge of the Yanhuang, and although the number increased, the level and quality were worse than the last drop chest.

But Ye Bai didn't pay attention to it at all, as long as there was a harvest from each attack, for him, it was earned, open all the more than 20 dropped treasure chests, and count the final rewards obtained one by one.

Ye Bai couldn't look down on some miscellaneous scattered equipment, and he might not even be able to use it in the future, so he directly hung it in the trading section in exchange for funds without the slightest hesitation, and he was extremely short of funds now.

The remaining ones are still temporarily stored in accordance with the old rules, waiting for the light of day, the last clear (money) point, plus the transaction in the trading sector, Ye Bai's funds in hand still reached 400,000, which made Ye Bai simply happy, and urged Ramsey to take off the third batch of bombers immediately.

The so-called third batch of bombers, in fact, is the first batch of bombers returning home, after the efforts of a large number of ground crews, has completed the supply of fuel and ammunition, and has the conditions for re-takeoff.

One after another, carrier-based planes jumped up from the flight deck of the Yanhuang, pulled up to a high altitude and circled, waiting for the carrier-based planes to take off one after another, forming a formation before heading towards the resource point.

The aerial bombardment of carrier-based bombers is indeed powerful, but in order to achieve greater results, it is necessary to maintain numerical superiority, and a small number of bombers will not play much role in a large-scale naval battle battlefield of this scale.

In addition to the spare 500,000 funds, the two rounds of bombing have brought Ye Bai more than 70 yuan of funds again, which Ye Bai did not continue to buy carrier-based aircraft, but recruited a large number of pilots again and purchased some fighter spare parts.

This is Ramsay's suggestion, this aerial bombardment does not know how long it will last, carrier-based aircraft can hold out for a long time, but the pilots can't, multiple sorties can easily cause fatigue, more pilots need to be rotated, change people without changing aircraft, and maintain the intensity of the attack.

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