The excitement of getting the diamond treasure chest for the first time made Ye Bai uncharacteristically not go to the system panel to check the new attributes of the upgraded Yanhuang number at the first time, but directly opened the treasure chest on the desk that emitted white light.

[Players who successfully open the Diamond Treasure Chest will receive system rewards: Fletcher-class destroyer construction blueprints, a Fletcher-class destroyer, a sea search radar, an air search radar, a space spar, and 10 million money, congratulations to the player]

With the opening of the diamond treasure chest, a bunch of things appeared on the desk table, and the model of the battleship of the Yan Huang that had emerged from under the table had been hidden again with the successful upgrade of the Yan Huang.

Ye Bai was a little stunned at the moment, the first time he opened the diamond treasure chest, he didn't expect the reward to be so generous, the reward of the achievement gold chest obtained when he upgraded the Yanhuang to a light cruiser last time had already made Ye Bai ecstatic, but now he knew that compared with the reward of the diamond treasure chest, the reward of the achievement gold chest was not enough at all.

It took a full 3 minutes for Ye Bai to finally suppress his excitement and begin to deal with the huge harvest this time.

However, before starting to deal with these system rewards, Ye Bai still went to check the relevant attributes of the new Yanhuang first:

[Yan Huang - Escort Aircraft Carrier]

[Displacement: 15,000 tons]

[Speed: 16 knots (can be increased to 18 knots after replacing the power equipment)]

[Equipment: 2 twin 127mm flat dual-purpose naval guns, twin 20mm off guns 4, twin 40mm off guns 4]

[Armor: 12000/12000470]

Seeing the attributes of the Yanhuang in the system panel, Ye Bai's eyes froze, and he felt a little incredible, the speed was reduced to 16 knots, there was nothing to be surprised about, after all, the tonnage had doubled, but even if the power system was perfected, the maximum speed was only 18 knots, which was not the same as a turtle.

Before the upgrade, Ye Bai knew that to a certain extent, the escort aircraft carrier was not a serious aircraft carrier at all, with low speed, weak armor, and a small number of carrier-based aircraft, but he really didn't expect it to be so weak.

The maximum speed is only 18 knots, and even the armor value is the same as that of a light cruiser, only 12,000 points, what is the difference between this and no upgrades.

If it weren't for the fact that Ye Bai still held the hole card of the space spar in his hand, he wouldn't have planned to upgrade the Yanhuang into an escort aircraft carrier at all, anyway, he just wanted such a flying platform, and he didn't need to be tough with the enemy warship like a battleship, relying on carrier-based aircraft.

After seeing the specific attributes, Ye Bai made up his mind that in the future, the fleet will not be equipped with escort aircraft carriers, and it must be equipped with serious aircraft carriers, even if it is only light aircraft carriers.

At least it should be stronger than the escort aircraft carrier, Ye Bai can't use space spars to open up a huge hangar on all escort aircraft carriers, with these space spars, he might as well use them to upgrade the small space of the logistics cabin on the Yanhuang.

The most important thing is that the Yanhuang was originally equipped with 3 twin 152mm guns, 3 102mm combined naval guns and 2 five-mounted 533mm mine launch tubes, but after this upgrade, all of them were gone, which made Ye Bai how could he bear it.

With a move in his heart, Ye Bai didn't care about continuing to deal with these system rewards, closed the system panel, and hurriedly left the bridge and came to the deck, which was suddenly a little dazed.

After the upgrade, the length of the Yanhuang hull has reached 152 meters, and the width of the hull is also 35 meters, of course, the width of the waterline position is only 22 meters, and the straight-through flight deck looks empty at the moment, which makes Ye Bai look quite unaccustomed.

But now Ye Bai had something in his heart, just a few glances, he hurriedly went down to the deck, and came to the small space of the logistics cabin that was repositioned, without disturbing the busy people in the space, he walked directly to the arms warehouse, and after a careful search, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, all the naval guns equipped on the Yanhuang were transferred to the arsenal by the system, and they did not disappear inexplicably.

It's all money, don't look at Ye Bai just now got a reward of 10 million funds from the diamond treasure chest, but no one will think that there is a lot of money in his hand, right.

After confirming that the weapons and equipment had not disappeared, Ye Bai no longer continued to stay in the small space of the logistics cabin, turned around and left the small space, and returned to the bridge.

Returning to the bridge, standing in front of the desk, Ye Bai directly entered the battleship transformation interface, and used the power of the system to equip all the two search radars he had just obtained.

After upgrading the Yanhuang to an escort aircraft carrier, Ye Bai decided that after obtaining the search radar again, he would give priority to upgrading the radar system on the Yanhuang, and other warships could slow down a little.

After all, as an aircraft carrier, it relies on the long-range strike of carrier-based aircraft, but it is quite fragile, which requires extremely strong radar detection capabilities, which can find targets farther and faster, so as to formulate corresponding tactics.

The two radars have been integrated into the existing radar system of the Yanhuang under the power of the system, as for what kind of changes will occur after the upgrade, Ye Bai can't care about it now, he still needs to deal with the rest of the matter.

The reward of a Fletcher-class destroyer made Ye Bai's face bloom, don't look at the same destroyer, but the (CGEE) performance of the Fletcher-class destroyer is much more powerful than the Peng Ze, Yujiang, and even those basic destroyers sold in the system mall.

Now that the Yanhuang has become an escort aircraft carrier, in the medium-range artillery battle, the combat effectiveness of the Huaxia fleet has actually been weakened, and now a Fletcher-class destroyer has come, which has finally slightly supplemented the fleet's artillery combat strength.

The space spar obtained again is even more good, for the ambition in Ye Bai's heart, no matter how many space spars he has, he is not too much, plus the space spar that was originally intended to be kept to upgrade the hangar, Ye Bai now has 2 space spars in his hand. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It just so happens that in addition to using one to upgrade the hangar, the remaining one can completely upgrade the small space of the logistics cabin again, and it should also be able to obtain a resource point rewarded by the system, so that Ye Bai can reduce some costs when he produces various equipment and materials by himself.

After dealing with these, Ye Bai picked up the last reward, that is, the construction drawings of the Fletcher destroyer, and looked at it intently:

[Fletcher Destroyer Construction Blueprints: Placed in the shipyard, the shipyard can have the ability to build Fletcher-class destroyers, and the production speed and production efficiency will vary according to the size of the shipyard's equipment and the ability of the ship's engineers]

The corners of Ye Bai's mouth twitched, this Fletcher destroyer construction drawing is naturally a good thing, but now Ye Bai can't use it at all, not to mention how much money it costs to buy a large amount of raw materials needed to build a Fletcher destroyer from the system mall, just a shipyard is not something that Ye Bai can have now.

If you want to have a shipyard, the first thing to solve is the problem of land, which is relatively simple, after all, the area of the small space of the logistics cabin is not small, even if it is not enough, he still has a spare space spar in his hand, which can further upgrade the area of the small space, and it is completely enough to build a shipyard.

Shipbuilding engineers and shipbuilders don't have many problems, just recruit from the system, and the amount of money needed is not small, but it is completely within Ye Bai's affordability.

The key is the large amount of equipment in a well-established shipyard, this is the most headache, even if these equipment can be purchased from the system mall, but the amount of money needed is astronomical, at least the current Ye Bai does not have this ability.

Even if he had this ability, he would not spend this money on the shipyard now, after all, although the area of the small space of the logistics cabin is large enough, not to mention a destroyer, even a whole fleet can accommodate it, but the question is how to release the warships in the small space of the logistics cabin.

This thing is not the same as the battleship rewarded by the system, it is just a small model when it appears, and it will become a real battleship after it is released, so it can be said that it is difficult for the current Ye Bai to produce the battleship by himself.

If these problems are not solved, this drawing of the construction of the Fletcher-class destroyer can only be left in a drawer to eat dust.

casually threw this construction drawing into the drawer, and Ye Bai directly chose to release the Fletcher-class destroyer he obtained.

With a strong white light, a battleship larger than Peng Ze and Yujiang appeared next to Yan Huang, Ye Bai did not lie next to the porthole of the bridge to look at the real thing, but opened the system panel to check the relevant attributes of this destroyer:

Unnamed - Destroyer (Fletcher-class destroyer)

[Displacement: 3100 tons]

[Speed: 0 knots (can be increased to 36 knots after replacing power equipment)]

[Equipment (recommended configuration): three twin-mounted 127mm flat-dual-purpose guns, two five-pack 533mm mine launch tubes, 4 twin-mounted 40mm guns, and 10 single-barreled 20mm guns]

[Armor: 8000/8000]

Without hesitation, he directly named the newly acquired destroyer Changning, and then looked at the relevant attributes, Ye Bai suddenly felt that Peng Ze and Yujiang were not fragrant.

Putting aside the armament system that is not too big a gap, the tonnage, speed and even the armor value almost completely surpass Peng Ze and Yujiang, although there are no anti-submarine weapons, but this is not a thing, there is a battleship transformation interface, Ye Bai can add it at any time.

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