4 The battleships are all subordinate to the Huaxia fleet, and they are all battleships under the command of Ye Bai, a player, and the execution and obedience of orders are much stronger than the loose fleet composed of those players.

Large puffs of black smoke came out of the chimney, and the 4 battleships of the Huaxia Fleet quickly increased their speed, and without waiting for the few pirate warships that pressed over, they quickly retreated, and soon moved away from the battlefield.

In the detection of the search radar, the pirate warships that pressed over gradually stopped, and did not continue the pursuit, and even after the distance between the two sides was one step closer, more than 10 kilometers, these pirate warships turned around and returned to the sea, once again joining the battle that was not over.

"The ship was stopped, and the radar continued to keep detecting. "

Now that the pirate warship has returned, Ye Bai, who is unwilling, will naturally not continue to retreat, and quickly ordered the fleet to stop and continue to monitor, but in this position, they are almost 20 kilometers away from the battlefield, and it is difficult to observe with the naked eye alone, so they can only use the detection function of the search radar.

Regarding Ye Bai's order, Lu Teyans had no intention of refutating, but his eyes narrowed, and he said softly: "Commander, it seems that the word "two-three-zero" on the pirate's light cruiser is the lowest-level sea search radar, and the effective detection range is only 10 kilometers, and it is relatively safe for our fleet to stay here. "

Ye Bai nodded, his face was a little solemn, to be honest, if the pirate fleet was not dispersed, or if it did not suffer a heavy blow, it would not be something that the Huaxia fleet could deal with at all, and it was not to stay here to pick up a bargain, but to be unwilling.

Those alien players didn't know if they had taken the wrong medicine, and when they had already lost half of their warships, they were still holding on to the battlefield, and they did not evacuate from the battlefield as Ye Bai expected, so they could not disperse the forces of the pirate fleet, which made Ye Bai's plan fail.

Ye Bai couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart, there are only a few players who can hold on to the last moment in the unfavorable situation of the war, and not many players can do it, after all, this is related to the player's life, it stands to reason that it is not so easy to be encountered by himself.

But the ideal is very plump, the reality is very skinny, this kind of small probability thing was actually encountered by Ye Bai, where to reason.

Therefore, in the case of the failure of the plan and the inability to act as a yellow finch to pick up cheap, the best plan is to leave and choose another suitable target for attack, and Lu Teyans is also waiting for Ye Bai to make such a decision.

"Commander, captain, there is a situation. "

Just when Ye Bai was in a dilemma, the voice of the radar soldier alarmed both Ye Bai and Lu Teyansi, glanced at each other, and came directly behind the radar soldier without the slightest hesitation, anyway, it was too far away from the battlefield, and there was not much to see the battle situation, and it was meaningless to stand in front of the porthole.

"Tell me clearly, what the hell is going on?"

As soon as he stood firm, Lu Teyansi opened his mouth to ask, but it gave Ye Bai, the commander, no chance to speak.

"Commander, Captain, according to the radar detection, another fleet has appeared near the battlefield ahead, and the identification system of the exploration radar shows that this fleet belongs to the enemy force, but it is impossible to confirm whether it is the player fleet or the pirate fleet. "

Without a moment's delay, the radar soldier told his discovery in one breath, which made Ye Bai's eyes light up, and he hurriedly continued to ask: "How many fleets?"

"There are a lot of them, at least more than 60 ships, and judging by the speed of the other side, half of them are destroyers, followed by a lot of gunboats. "

This radar soldier is the first radar soldier recruited by Ye Bai, and his level is not low, although he is not at the master level, he also has a proficient level, and his technical level is still online, and he has been following Ye Bai for a long time, and he is familiar with Ye Bai's habits, and he has already figured out some situations before reporting, and he gave his own answers in a timely manner.

Ye Bai turned his head and glanced at Lu Teyans, each other's seriousness flashed with surprise, and Lu Teyansi said with a smile: "Commander, judging from the composition of the fleet, this newcomer fleet is likely to be on the player's side, and this is interesting, although the remaining pirate fleet on the battlefield is good, it is a disadvantage in terms of quantity, and we still have a chance." "

Ye Bai nodded again and again, he also thought of this, no wonder he had always felt strange, the group of alien players who were fighting with the pirate fleet could hold out for so long even if they knew that their strength was inferior, and even if they suffered heavy losses, there was no sign of retreat.

Originally, he thought that he had met a group of players with a head iron, or a bloody man among the alien players, but now it seems that he guessed wrong, this group of alien players is not the head iron, but a large number of reinforcements are about to arrive, and the benefits of defeating such a powerful pirate fleet make them red-eyed, so they can hold on to the battlefield for so long.

"Then let's wait, we've been waiting for so long anyway, and we don't care about waiting a little longer, keep monitoring and report at any time. "

Ye Bai breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, fortunately, things have not reached the worst, with the arrival of this alien player's support fleet on the battlefield, the battle situation will inevitably change greatly, and both sides will lose and lose is already a foregone conclusion, and then you just need to wait patiently for the result and enter the battlefield at the most suitable time.

These need to wait for the detection results of the radar, after all, they are already far away from the battlefield, and the observation of the naked eye is no longer applicable.

Of course, the current search radar cannot directly distinguish the affiliation of these warships, and can only determine that they belong to the hostile camp, and it is entirely possible that they belong to the support fleet of the pirate forces.

This situation is not impossible, but the probability is too low, and that is also the most unacceptable result for Ye Bai.

The waiting time is undoubtedly quite difficult, especially when you can't see with your eyes, you can only rely on your ears to hear the rumbling of artillery and the explosion of shells, and you can only see the large number of small red dots on the radar display screen, which is even more painful.

The more than 60 warships that came to the aid have successfully arrived on the battlefield and joined the battle at the first time, and through the detection of search radar, it is impossible to effectively determine the identity of these warships.

Originally, Ye Bai also wanted to analyze the battle situation detected by the radar, but it turned out that all the eyes were small scarlet light spots, which were staggered and mixed with each other, and there was no way to judge and analyze them at all.

Don't say that Ye Bai can't do it, even Rear Admiral Lu Teyansi can't guess the changes in the battle situation on the battlefield from the light spots on the radar display screen......

In this case, the only thing Ye Bai could do was to wait and pray silently, and wait until the moment when the battlefield ahead was completely divided and there were changes, and then make the next decision of the fleet according to the situation.

The roar and explosion of "boom" were endless, and there was almost no moment of breaking, Ye Bai's heart was also deeply raised, he had been waiting for so long, if there was no good result in the end, I am afraid he would be quite uncomfortable.

The radar soldiers in the bridge were also very nervous, not daring to relax the slightest, and were engrossed in the operation console continuously, keeping their eyes on the changes on the radar display screen, and whenever a small red dot on it disappeared, they casually recorded something on the paper next to them.

I don't know how long it has been, anyway, Ye Bai, who has already mentioned his heart in his throat, has no heart to record the change in time, the dense artillery fire in the distance has obviously weakened a lot, and the red light spot on the radar display screen has also disappeared a lot.

This situation already shows that the fierce battle ahead is nearing the end, just judging from the number of remaining warships, the losses of both sides will inevitably not be small, roughly counting, there are still less than 50 small red light spots left on the radar display screen.

When the Huaxia fleet first arrived, the number of warships on both sides exceeded 100, and together with the more than 60 warships that came from the follow-up support, the total number of warships was close to 200.

Today, there are less than 50 ships that can still be detected by the sea search radar on the Yanhuang, and the fierceness of the battle and the heavy losses can be imagined.

"Commander, the fleets of both sides are scattered. "

The radar soldiers, who were always paying attention to the radar display screen, not only noticed the decrease in the number of light spots, but also noticed the changes in the positions of these light spots, and immediately began to report after confirming them.

Turning his head, on the radar display screen, the remaining less than 50 red light spots really did not gather together anymore, but completely dispersed, about 40 red light spots suddenly divided into several directions and began to slowly move away from 3.9, and the red light spots in each direction were about 10.

Another group of about 10 red light spots are also divided into several directions, closely following behind, and the speed of advancing is obviously faster than the speed of the previous light spots, but it is visible to the naked eye that the speed of the red light spots in two directions is not fast, but it is just flat.

"Commander, if the lowly guess is correct, those players' fleets have been completely defeated and are now scattering to break out, and the surviving pirate warships are in pursuit of the fleeing player ships. "

As soon as his mind turned, he made his own analysis and judgment based on what was shown on the radar display.

Ye Bai's heart was relieved, he had waited for so long, and finally arrived, both warring sides had suffered heavy losses, and it was finally time for him, a fisherman, to appear.

"General Lütjans, the next command is handed over to you, I only have one request, to sink as many other warships as possible, no matter which side of the warship, sink them all. "

Ye Bai didn't hesitate at all, and directly gave an order to Lu Teyansi, anyway, whether it is an alien player or a pirate, for him, they are all enemies, and they all belong to the objects to be sunk.

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