If the system assesses the player's ability alone, then it's okay, you can really use the power of other players to get a better ranking, which is not good news for Ye Bai.

With such a sense of urgency, the Huaxia fleet looked for the pirate fleet more seriously in the next few days, and even under Ye Bai's instructions, in order to be able to obtain as many light cruiser upgrade items as possible, whenever there was no light cruiser in the pirate fleet, Lu Teyans would directly choose to give up and not have a firefight with the other party at all.

It's not that these pirate warships are meaningless, at least they can get the reward of dropping treasure chests after sinking, but it takes a lot of time, at this time, Ye Bai doesn't have so much time to waste.

In fact, not only Ye Bai, but even other Blue Star players are also using the last bit of time to continue to work hard.

Whether it is on Earth or in the Blue Star World, there will always be more than one smart person, especially those players who are already in high positions and powerful, with sharper vision and reactions.

Although they also don't know what the new event that will be opened by the system this time, or what kind of test criteria it will be, they also know that it is impossible to improve their strength in order to get more and better system rewards in this event.

It is precisely with this kind of thinking that in the vast and boundless world of navigation, there are beacon fires almost everywhere, thick gunpowder smoke is everywhere, and the roar of naval guns is deafening one after another, almost never stopped.

The movements of these players were not only announced in the chat section, but Wu Yichun's guy also sent relevant news from time to time, not to mention, when Ye Bai took the Huaxia fleet to look for the pirate fleet on the sea, he also detected the fierce battles between other Blue Star players and the pirate fleet more than once.

It's just that when the radar detected these situations, Ye Bai just turned around and left, without any intention of participating at all, and he didn't have the idea of establishing contact with these players.

[System Friendly Reminder: In view of the fact that players have entered the world of great navigation for a month, the new activities of the system will be opened soon, please rush to the nearest island as soon as possible, and wait for the opening of new activities of the system with peace of mind]

[System Friendly Reminder: In view of the fact that players have entered the world of great navigation for a month, the new activities of the system will be opened soon, please rush to the nearest island as soon as possible, and wait for the opening of new activities of the system with peace of mind]

[System Friendly Reminder: In view of the fact that players have entered the world of great navigation for a month, the new activities of the system will be opened soon, please rush to the nearest island as soon as possible, and wait for the opening of new activities of the system with peace of mind]

Just when there were only 3 days left before the players entered the January period of the Great Voyage World, the system uncharacteristically sent prompts to all players in a row, and they sent three in a row, as if they were afraid that the players would not be able to see it.

Seeing the scarlet-colored font on the system panel, Ye Bai once again thought of the original novice trial, and the prompt message sent by the system at that time was also in this red font, but it was only sent once, not repeatedly.

What does this mean?

Ye Bai is not a brilliant and resourceful person, but he is also a normal person, and of course he can think of this.

After many days of bloody battles, with the strong combat effectiveness of the two light cruisers and two destroyers in the fleet, as well as the excellent tactical command ability of Lütjans, many pirate fleets were annihilated.

By sinking a large number of pirate warships, while Ye Bai received a lot of rewards, the number of light cruiser upgrade items in his hand also accumulated to 23, which was not much different from the 30 needed by the Yanhuang to upgrade the escort aircraft carrier.

"Lütjans, check which island is closest to us, and how long it will take to reach the top speed of the fleet. "

Hearing Ye Bai's order, Lu Teyansi looked down at the nautical map on the chart table, Qi Sicheng, as a nautical staff officer, moved faster, stretched out his right index finger, and lightly touched it on the nautical chart table.

"Commander, judging from the nautical map, the closest to our current location is a large island, the island of Saint-Ge, with the current maximum speed of our fleet of 28 knots, it only takes 2 days to sail at full speed. "

Lutyans turned around and paused slightly before continuing: "If the fleet sails day and night, one day and one night will be enough. "

Ye Bai nodded, put all the light cruisers away, closed the drawers, and said softly: "Pass the order, the fleet sails at full speed, rushes to Shengge Island, day and night, arrives at the destination in the shortest possible time, the radar detects the surrounding waters at all times, and if the enemy fleet is found, try to avoid it." "

"Yes, Commander. "

Although Lu Teyansi didn't know what happened and let Ye Bai give such an order, but for him, it was enough to carry out the order seriously, what could be told to him, Ye Bai would tell him sooner or later, if he couldn't tell him, even if he asked, it would be useless.

"Hey. "

Some sighed helplessly, only 7 light cruiser upgrade items were missing, judging by their previous results, at most 2 days, they could get enough light cruiser upgrade items to upgrade the Yanhuang into an escort aircraft carrier.

It's a pity that Ye Bai didn't dare to take this risk, not mentioning that the system sent a reminder message to all players three days in advance, and still sent it repeatedly three times in a row, indicating that in the system's opinion, the danger of this new event is far beyond the original novice trial.

And the system also reminds all players to rush to the nearest island as soon as possible and wait for the opening of new activities, in this case, even Ye Bai does not dare to delay any longer, or honestly follow the prompts of the system to rush to the surrounding islands as soon as possible, otherwise who knows if the system will make any moths.

Not only Ye Bai, but also those other blue star players and even alien players also did not dare to take this risk, those players who were originally resting or purchasing supplies on various islands were okay, so they simply didn't get busy, just stayed at the port wharf, which was simple and trouble-free.

And those players who are still at sea like Ye Bai panicked, and quickly ordered the fleet to adjust its course and rush to the nearby islands as soon as possible, of course, there were also some players who were carrying out escort missions or other tasks, but they did not change their previous plans. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, the system only gave a hint, not a direct request, they still have a task in hand that has not been completed, but they can't just give up, wait until the task is completed and then follow the requirements of the system.

Of course, there are another group of players who don't pay attention to the system's prompts and are using the last hours before the system's new event opens to desperately engage the pirate fleet for rewards, or continue to wander the seas aimlessly without a hurry.

These guys either want to sharpen their guns on the spot, or they think that they are not strong enough and will not get any benefit from the new activities that the system is about to open, so they take the initiative to give up, in short, they have their own ideas, and all kinds of performances are different.

I don't know if the original climate of the Great Voyage World is like this, or if the system deliberately controls it, in short, after sending a reminder message to the players with scarlet-colored text, the sky of the entire Great Voyage World has changed color.

It was no longer a clear sky, but a dark cloud, the whole sky was gloomy, and there was even a light rain, but fortunately the rain was not strong, and there was not much wind and waves on the sea, otherwise the return of the players would not be so easy.

In the drizzle, player warships quickly passed the inspection of the patrol fleet of the aboriginal forces and docked on the docks of the island harbor, and the bored players landed on the island, eating, drinking and merrymaking, but left their own crews on the ship.

One by one, player organizations also constantly call on the players in the organization to rush to the designated island to assemble through private chat channels, and at this time, the top management of these player organizations does not take advantage of the large number of people, which is idiotic behavior.

After a day and a night of intense sailing, the Huaxia fleet successfully arrived at the port dock of St. Ge Island, as a large island, in addition to the military port where a large number of warships of the St. Ge Island fleet docked, there are three other semi-military and semi-civilian ports.

In addition to allowing the player's warships to dock, these ports usually have a large number of transports and civilian ships docking, all of which are other native ships that have trade with the island of Sango.

Due to the influx of a large number of player warships, almost most of the berths in these three ports are now docked with warships, and as far as the eye can see, almost all of them are gunboats or above, and the number of destroyers has even reached 4.

This number is already quite terrifying, which shows that when Ye Bai was developing rapidly, these players were not idle, although the speed of development was not as fast as Ye Bai, but they were also catching up, which made Ye Bai feel more afraid of those player organizations.

The 4 battleships docked smoothly in the port, and Ye Bai finally breathed a sigh of relief, just before the opening of the new activities of the system, there are still 2 days left, so that the officers and men of the whole fleet can take turns to land on the island to relax and return to the peak state.

Standing on the deck, looking at the groups of players on the island, and then turning his head to look at the crew members who were still on the battleship and sticking to their posts, Ye Bai shook his head, although these players are smart, they are not clear about some hidden rules in the world of great navigation.

At least let the officers and soldiers of the fleet under them rest from time to time, recover their energy, eliminate fatigue in order to return to the peak state, these players do not know, now the time is still short, maybe the impact is not too big, wait for a long time, I am afraid that these players will suffer a big loss.

If it weren't for the accidental recruitment of Rear Admiral Lu Teyansi, even Ye Bai would not know this, Ye Bai had tried it, according to Lu Teyansi, that is, some hidden rules can only be known when he reaches a certain level, and his rank of rear admiral just meets this condition.

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