All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

497 Leng Shuang Vs Ma Er! Fang Ning Was Shocked!

"Sister, the room number of the arena is 001, the room password is 0101011, come and watch the show!"

Fang Ning, who didn't know what was going on here at Chen Bai, received news from her brother while eating lunch.

"Good show, what good show?"

"Baida announced the conditions for joining group 001. The four big guys in the group will serve as examiners. The woman brought by Bai Da will join the chat group 001 and will be tested in the arena!"

That woman?

Fang Ning instantly thought of that figure in her mind.

The temperament is very similar to mine, but the strange thing is that when facing that woman, I always feel an indescribable sense of oppression, including in front of Chen Bai.

However, Fang Ning could only care about Chen Bai, but she really didn't care about such a woman.

They are all at the top of the level list, and her ranking is even higher than Leng Shuang.

Moreover, Fang Ning has sufficient confidence in her own strength.

Otherwise, he would not have become the number one evolver in Dragon City now.

Now, my brother suddenly said that the woman was going to join the chat group No. 001, and she would also compete with the strong man in the chat group No. 001 No. 23 who his brother could call the boss. How could Fang Ning not be interested?

He immediately opened the duel field option, entered the room number and room password, and the next moment Fang Zhu's figure appeared in the illusory duel space.

Fang Ning turned around and saw that there were twenty figures in the auditorium of the duel field.

Obviously Fang Ning also understood that these people sitting in the audience at this moment were all members of the 001 group. He also saw Chen Bai from the nearest position, who was turning his head and smiling at him.

Fang Ning's face turned slightly red, and he thought again of some of the noises he heard that night.

Thinking of this, she looked towards the duel field. Sure enough, the woman who made such a charming cry that night was now standing in the arena, looking very heroic.

The voice I heard that night didn't seem to be the same person.

What kind of magic power does that man have that can make a woman look like that, and now she is standing in the field with such a heroic appearance?

But Fang Pian never expected the cold frost at this moment.

But obviously, this time didn't seem to be the time to think about this. He looked at the other person in the arena besides Leng Shuang.

The powerful attributes given by the devil's transformation and the dodge ability improved by the level 5 boots made it possible for Leng Shuang to dodge the fatal blow at the same time as he was under his command. The Spear of Nus thrust out suddenly.

It was a figure shrouded in electric light, and what was even more strange was that the figure was wrapped in a mechanical armor, as if a single electromechanical one from the anime had appeared in reality.

Fang Ning didn't understand.

At this moment, Ma Er finally didn't dare to be careless at all. He finally recognized Leng Shuang's power and knew that if he continued to despise his opponent like that, he might really capsize in the gutter.

As the countdown in the room came, neither of them said any more nonsense, but entered into a fighting state.

This speed is of course fast, because this is the thunderous teleportation brought to Ma Er by the crown on his head. 017

However, Ma Er is fast, and Leng Shuang's reaction is definitely not slow, not to mention that she still has those S-level wind boots under her feet at this moment.

Because just before, Ma Er completed his second turn with full confidence. The first enemy in the arena, Chen Bai, was exactly like this at the beginning.

However, the fighting state of these two people made Fang Ning realize at this moment that she seemed to be overthinking.

However, if Ma Er was defeated so easily by counterattack, then he would not be the famous Thor in Group 001, and he would not be worthy of his arrogant capital.

At this moment, watching this scene in the audience, looking at Ma Er who once again teleported away from the attack that he thought was a fatal shot, Fang Ning was completely stunned, just for this second. Within a few days, she truly realized how powerful both Leng Shuang and the Thor in Group 001 were. 0

This is the power of blood, which means that Bai Da and Leng Shuang in front of him have the same blood power. This blood power is the devil.

Not only that, behind Leng Shuang, two huge demon wings appeared from behind.

Fang Ning, who was watching the battle, was stunned on the spot.

Such a scene made everyone watching at this moment slightly stunned, not just the onlookers, even Ma Er who was facing Leng Shuang head-on.

Leng Shuang was originally over 1.7 meters tall. After completing the demon transformation, his height increased to nearly two meters. That tall body seemed to contain unimaginable explosive power.

The God of Thunder in Group 001, even without his brother on the forum, is relatively active in Group 001.

Such a transformation is absolutely impossible for Fang Shui's super-demon bloodline.

This was by no means an ordinary shot. A dark wave was released on the tip of the gun, causing Ma Er, who subconsciously wanted to dodge, to drop his whole body speed directly, as if he had fallen into a dark swamp. There seemed to be no way to hide from the dark spear tip.

This is also one of the strong men recognized by Fang Ning. Even if he takes action personally, there is no certainty that he can defeat him.

But this change was so familiar to her.

"This speed......"

Almost at the moment when the countdown to the duel ended. A bolt of lightning exploded in the field, and Ma Er's figure disappeared in the next moment.

There was a crash.

Fang Ning knew this person because his brother had told him about it before.

The devil's horns on her head emerged in an extremely weird posture. The devil's horns were even weirder than her transformation.

Only a somewhat narrow man's face was exposed.

In addition, what Fang Ning didn't expect the most was that Leng Shuang, who was originally supposed to be a human, had changed at this moment.

It was too fast, really too fast. Even if she was on the court, it would be difficult for her to react at such a speed.

There are blood-red inscriptions on the dark spear in his hand, which seems to be wrapped in darkness and blood, full of evil and strange powerful fluctuations. The most important thing is that this spear also has a kind of saying "no" to Fang Ning. The feeling of calling out.

The figure wrapped in the mecha appeared behind Leng Shuang almost instantly, and the thunder whip in his hand struck directly at Leng Shuang's demon wings.

Not to mention Ma Er, who was wrapped in a mecha, holding a thunder whip and a thunder crown on his head like a god descending.

Occasionally, some videos of killing enemies are recorded. The most famous one is undoubtedly the fusion of the biochemical world and Blue Star, which killed those powerful mutant beasts at the speed of light amid lightning and thunder.

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