All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

487 Residents Of The Black Building? The Secret Realm Of The Imperial Capital!

[Crow: Is there any more!? A-level equipment, Veil of Night, now Lao Han has the highest bid, eight thousand gold coins! 】

[Your King Han: Stop grabbing it, brothers. It’s just an A-level piece of equipment. It’s impossible to beat it. Maybe Lao Zhao will have something better later. 】

[Shui Chuan: Bah, we agreed before that, except for Xiao Fang, everything else can be auctioned fairly and fairly, what the hell are you doing outside the auction! 】

[God King: Wuwuwuwuwu, I also want to participate in the auction~ Gentlemen, if you are in urgent need of gold coins, come and trade with me!

The atmosphere in the group was still so cheerful.

After all, all the beings in this group are undoubtedly the true pinnacle figures standing in this trial ground of gods and demons.

It is the highest level that controls life and death. Naturally, it does not have the desolation of lingering in the face of the end.

The God King is none other than a descendant of the Fang family who belongs to the imperial court. At the same time, he is also the money bag of the Dragon Kingdom imperial court.

Of course, it is said to be the imperial court, but in fact the influence is only on the imperial capital.

Moreover, only Chen Bai knew the identity of the God King. Although the others could guess some of it, they didn't care much about it, except that there were restrictions on its sales.

The end will come indiscriminately.

It's just that the imperial court has completed the fastest reorganization. If I have to say it, it is not appropriate to say that the imperial court is now a 'Dragon City'.

As the only gathering place for evolvers that use the golden city building order to complete the task of building a city, like Baidi City, "Dragon City has a huge appeal in the entire central part of the Dragon Kingdom.

Unfortunately, the integration of the world makes it extremely difficult to develop.

And among them, the God King, who holds the money bag, really has no shortage of gold coins.

Therefore, many auctions directly exclude Xiao Fang, otherwise, the internal resource exchange will all become the resource output of Dragon City in exchange for gold coins.

[Liu Huai: I won’t bid anymore...]

In the end, this level 30 A-level equipment called Veil of Night was taken away by Han Xiao for 8,000 gold coins.

Then, Zhao Yu took out two more pieces of equipment and a skill book, none of which were lower than A level.

And the most important thing is, obviously, these props are dark attribute props!

Chen Bai suddenly became completely interested and spoke directly in the group:

[Bai: @ Crow, are these things [all obtained from the Black Building?]

Black Tower, the weirdest hell-level copy.

He didn't ask much about the situation in the Black Building later on. It was just that Wu Wu had obtained the authority of the so-called Head of the Black Building.

However, if the Black Tower exists as the Tower of Eternal Night, then naturally it cannot be just a low-level dungeon of level 10 that is the legacy of the God of Night in ancient times.

However, if you want to continue to explore the secrets, you probably have to obtain the authority of the so-called building manager.

Of course, Chen Bai is not without options, such as finding Chu Xin and getting out the mark of Hel Rose to see if she can do anything.

The appearance of Chen Bai undoubtedly caused a commotion in the chat group No. 001.

The crow also quickly said:

【Leaves: Big white!】

【Overlord: Good guy?】

However, he didn't know what the situation was.

[Shui Chuan: It feels like Bai Da hasn’t bubbled for a long time. Thinking back to the last time it didn’t bubble for so long, it was the last time. 】

Since the crow spoke like this, Chen Bai was not polite:

As the undoubted leader and strongest person of chat group No. 001, after the battle in the arena, they were obviously in awe of Chen Bai.

All he knew was that he had to be obedient in front of this person.

Obviously, this sentence immediately silenced the crow.

But if it is an exchange, there are too many people Chen Bai can choose to exchange with, and there are probably many in the abyss.

[Crow: Yes, they are all produced from the black building! Does Bai Da have any instructions? 】

Chen Bai frowned slightly.

As for what he is jealous of, there is no talk about it, because Chen Bai also said that it has nothing to do with him. During this time, Crow also had some speculations, which may be related to the strange huge picture that later appeared in the black building. Faces matter.

Even in chat group No. 001.

Chen Bai frowned slightly, but still sighed.

Of course he can't become a permanent resident of the black building just for this matter. Who knows how much he will be tainted with authority and rules?

[Bai: Are there any such S-level dark attribute props or equipment produced? 】

Just when Chen Bai wanted to ask Liu Huaiyin what was going on in the underworld, the mascot suddenly replied directly:

There is no reason to be wrong here. What he wants is to be able to enter a dungeon and drop the items that explode, rather than exchange them.

However, just after Chen Bai was about to give up, Crow finally spoke:

This is not just what Chen Bai is thinking.

[Bai: That’s not necessary, it’s not a particularly important thing. 】

[Successor of Five Lightning Whips: Bai Da, you finally showed up, I miss you so much. 】

The same goes for the group.

After all, this is in the group. If the crow takes it out, he will also take out the corresponding thing in exchange, because this is the rule he has made. He can't violate the rules just because of a mere S-level prop. So tasteless.

Will it have anything to do with Helrose?


[Bai: Can I re-enter the black building? Did you get these props by killing the other residents of the black building? 】

[God King: @白, does Bai need this kind of thing? I know there is a secret realm here in the imperial capital, and items of this level may drop! 】

[Crow: Bai Da, I do have an S-level equipment, but it is a bound Horcrux, but if you need it, I can unbind it! 】

127 Good guys.

[Crow: Well, Bai Da, if you want any props, I can help you. However, there are rules in the Black Building. Unless you become my subordinate and get a permanent Black Building room, which belongs to the Black Building, Only then can we return, otherwise it won't work. 】

[The descendant of the Five Lightning Whips: Good guy, Crow, you are the real king of licking! 】

Zhao Yu will never forget Chen Bai's cold murderous intention towards him in the dark building. Although he doesn't know where this murderous intention came from, he has been much more low-key since then.

As soon as this statement came out, it not only attracted Chen Bai's attention, but also made many people in the group interested. .

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