All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

483 Enter The Gold Treasure House Again, Forbidden Curse!

"come in.

A faint voice sounded.

Leng Shuang then pushed open the door and entered.

However, after entering, he was slightly stunned.

She has never seen Chen Bai at this moment.

The dark wings spread out were the devil's wings that she was extremely familiar with.

Above the head, the two devil's horns were so weird, but filled with unspeakable magic power.

At the same time, Leng Shuang had an indescribable feeling of closeness. The feeling brought by this closeness was also extremely intuitive. It was at the deepest level of her newly merged bloodline.

Chen Bai opened his eyes, stretched out his hand and took him into his arms:

"I am very satisfied with your results. Every career change task is an opportunity for strength transformation. Only by seizing this opportunity and taking that step hard at every step can we be able to Go to the end!"

Leng Shuang is silent, but in fact this is exactly the case.

After the second transformation was completed, she was shocked by the power brought by the SS-level professional Abyss Hunter.

At the same time, after obtaining the complete bloodline of the SSS-level demon king, this kind of power made him feel that he was a little unable to control himself.

However, there is no doubt that she is now so powerful that she will be among the best in the entire training ground for gods and demons.

The most intuitive point is that it is on the ranking list.

Nowadays, there are only four people who have completed the second transformation.

Chen Bai, the God of Thunder in Group 001, is still the same Anthony who possesses the SSS-level talent Thousand Transformers on the other side of the ocean.

Also, there is the current cold frost!

And Leng Shuang did not hide his profession!

The SS-level abyss hunter is so dazzling. At the same time, almost everyone knows that this 'Shuang', who is at the top of the level rankings, is an existence in Baidi City.

Now, as it has been upgraded, it has naturally caused some shock on the forum.

After all, even many masters in Group 001 have not completed their second transformation.

As the Evolver's strength increased, some news about the second transformation was also announced on the forum.

Naturally, some people have judged that there are some special circumstances in the second transfer mission. Once the completion standard is relatively high, there will no doubt be a higher transfer reward.

"Master, you

Leng Shuang enjoyed Chen Bai's praise, but at the same time she couldn't help but want to ask the doubt in her heart!

"You don't need to ask any more questions. You need to know that I will always be your master. Not even the gods can change this!"

"Yes, man!"


Chen Bai patted Leng Shuang's waist, smiled slightly and said:

"Letting you come here this time is to give you another opportunity and a chance to experience. You have done well. However, if you want to maintain the position of the Abyss Lord on the tenth level in the future, I am afraid it will be very difficult, so try your best. Let me show you your strength!"

Leng Shuang did not contradict Chen Bai's evaluation of her, because she knew that maybe she was already very strong in the training ground of gods and demons.

However, if we really talk about it, given that there are almost endless demons in the abyss, his strength can really be said to be insignificant, even not worth mentioning.

Chen Bai ignored Leng Shuang's confusion, just paused and said:

Chen Bai also stated his request directly.

Sure enough, soon, the will of this golden treasure house gave further answers:

So shining.

He pointed at Leng Shuang, and the next moment, the voice appeared:

One day, he would fail the challenge because his attack strength was not strong enough.

Then, under Leng Shuang's incredible gaze, on the golden palm, a huge golden door slowly opened in front of his eyes.

A voice appeared, and Leng Shuang looked around confusedly. She didn't see anything else, only three roads.

"Tell her the rules here. In addition, just choose a test of moderate difficulty for her!"

And today's Chen Bai can be said to have the entire treasure house of hell. Although forbidden curses are extremely rare in all the worlds, they are a condensation of rules and authority.

Still ahead!

He entered the gold treasure house again, naturally not just for Leng Shuang.

Immediately, Leng Shuang's figure disappeared.

Leng Shuang can indeed become his well-trained direct subordinate in the abyss and an abyss lord who can be completely trusted by the king, but at any time, his own strength is the most important.

This incredible level far exceeded her imagination.

Therefore, when the time comes, I am afraid that I will have to give up my position as the Demon Lord.

The entire left hand seemed to instantly turn into a gold sculpture at this moment.

In the current Demon City, there are only some low-level demons from before, and the competition for the position of the Abyss Lord is not fierce.

Then, before Leng Shuang could react, the two figures continued to disappear into the room, entered the golden door, and came to an extremely strange space.

"I want a skill with forbidden spell level attack and killing power. Do you have any here!?"

"Yes, my respected and great master!"

But, something even more incredible.

"Great Master, you have come to your back garden again. This time, what do you want to take away from your garden?"

Leng Shuang has never seen where this place is, and what method his master used to achieve all this.

But now, if it can naturally become stronger, that would be great.

So, he spoke directly:

However, once you find the problem, you can obviously find a way to solve it.

Chen Bai's raised left hand suddenly became golden.

However, Chen Bai really didn't believe that with the power of the gold treasure house, could it be possible without it?

"Master, what kind of forbidden spell do you need?"

In front of this gold treasure house, only Chen Bai is left.

The situation on the 60th floor of the abyss made him a little discouraged.

Once that time comes, Leng Shuang, a young human being, may not be able to survive.

However, the appearance of Baphomet this time, as well as the rewards of Chen Bai, the Lord of the Abyss, and the announced subsequent rewards for the position of Lord of the Abyss, may attract many powerful demons. scramble.

So, in Leng Shuang's curious and surprised eyes.

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