All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

481 Frost’S Reward! The Lord Has Come!


Leng Shuang looked at his scarred body in confusion, the gun of Longinus that was infected with the blood of the devil.

And the enemy who fell in front of him!

This enemy was the most terrifying of all the demonic opponents she had encountered, if not one of them.

However, in the end, it died by its own hands.

Died in the hands of this powerful Spear of Longinus.

At the same time, he also died of his own human subordinate.

Leng Shuang looked around.

In this bloody arena, there are eyes sitting on the stands, and pairs of eyes are trying to tear themselves apart.

But they can't do it. According to the rules of this Devil's City, except for the arena, no one is allowed anywhere else!

As long as he is a demon, he cannot resist such a powerful will. "Wu San Qi" Leng Shuang didn't know who the source of this will was. She only knew that it must be an extremely powerful god.

But I have to say that as a human being, Leng Shuang likes this place, and at the same time, he also likes this rule!

Such rules can allow her to gain maximum relaxation after a battle.

And now, it is the same!

The challenger just now was the 100th demon!

According to the rules of the bloody arena, if you defeat a hundred demon challenges, you can become the demon lord.

And now, has she finished it?

Leng Shuang didn't know if it was because of it, but she only knew that at this moment, the second-turn task in her task list had been completed!

[The second transfer mission ‘The End of the Abyss’ has been completed. Do you want to submit the mission? 】

Leng Shuang was in no hurry to submit.

Because she already knew it in this abyss.

After completing this bloody trial, she would become a crowned Demon Lord of the Abyss. Although she didn't know whether she, a human, would become one, she still wanted to wait.

In fact, she was right to wait.

Almost winning the final battle, within a few minutes, a ray of light fell from the sky.

All the demons looked up and clearly saw that this blood-red light did not come from anywhere else, but from the huge statue of Baphomet that seemed to penetrate deep into the sky.

This bloody duel god, for the first time in the Demon City, gave rewards to those who gained his praise!

"The fact that humans can come to the abyss and enter the city of demons shows that there is endless power in your frail body!

Being able to defeat a hundred demons and become the first winner of the bloody arena also shows your fighting power and willpower. Of course, it also shows that these demons are useless!

There was violence and grandeur in that voice, and at the same time, there was disdain for the other demon lords in the Demon City.

However, no one dared to object to the voice of this being.

This is the true god in the abyss.

His authority does not allow others to question or challenge him.

The voice soon sounded again:

"However, the rules set by the Lord Overlord are just rules. Since you have completed the challenge, human being, you are now the first abyss lord recognized by the tenth level of the abyss!

At the same time, as the first person to complete it, you will also receive my blessing, and I will grant you an ability!"

After saying that, the voice slowly disappeared.

The next moment, a shimmering book slowly descended from the sky and fell into Leng Shuang's hands.

Leng Shuang was stunned for a moment, and then after seeing the thing in his hand clearly, his eyes suddenly lit up, filled with unexpected excitement.

[Guanxing (S-level skill): A gun-stick combat skill that can be condensed into a point to launch a very fast and powerful terrifying blow! It is related to all its own attributes. Cooling time: 20 minutes! 】

S-level attack and killing skills?!

And it can be completely matched with the Gun of Longinus?

This is great news for Leng Shuang...

Subsequently, the Sun Dao Body appeared out of thin air in the sky.

However, this seems to be just the beginning.

Free to enter the abyss?!

Attracted all her attention!.

Leng Shuang was stunned and looked at that figure.

And she could see that the figure next to her had strangely two snow-white wings.

And what about his own master?

However, that figure slowly fell in his eyes.

Beside that figure, there was a figure.

And this is not over yet, after all, he still has his own ability to change jobs.

This mark made her unexpected, but it was truly a surprise:

This figure is none other than Chen Bai.

In the red eyes of all the demons, a dark red beating heart appeared in front of Leng Shuang.

She seemed to be infected by the demon around her and became the same as the demon.

This type of skill is so rare!

"The first demon lord of the Demon City, although you are a human, you are qualified to join the abyss!"

The benefits of the abyss were too great for her.

"Thank you sir!"

"In the name of the Lord of the Abyss, I grant you the bloodline of the Demon King!"

After a pause, he continued:

After seeing it clearly, Leng Shuang froze on the spot, stunned.

Almost at the moment of this figure, Leng Shuang was horrified to discover that the demons just now had knelt down on the ground, as if to welcome their king to come and descend.

He is the master of 2.7 that she is most familiar with, and the white streak next to her is the most holy angel in the legend.

Those wings are so white and holy, so conspicuous in this abyss.

In front of all the demons, and possibly even a few gods, Chen Bai still put on a full show.

However, just when Leng Shuang wanted to directly submit the second-turn mission, suddenly, a black streak of darkness buried the entire sky.

However, that angelic appearance is even more flattering than Song Ziqiong and the women in the White Emperor's Palace.

[Seal of the Demon Lord: You have become a demon lord recognized by the abyss. You can enter your own mansion in the abyss within the scope of the abyss rules, and you can freely come and go to the rest of the ten floors of the abyss. land!】

Leng Shuang didn't know who this was, so she could only say so respectfully.

However, after seeing the wings, Leng Shuang felt a little violent for no reason.

Demon hunters, use the power of demons to hunt demons, and eventually they will become demons!

Is this an angel?

Chen Bai smiled and looked at Leng Shuang in front of him, and then said calmly:

After the breath of that voice slowly disappeared, a mark appeared in Leng Shuang's hand.

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