All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

478 Angel: Tips From Saint Vivian!


At the highest position in the Devil's City, the throne that represented the authority of the ruler, Chen Bai looked in surprise at the divination orb that was responsible for observing the entire Devil's City.

This thing is also something left behind when the Demon City was established.

Responsible for allowing him to watch everything happening in the entire Demon City at the first time.

For him, the Bloody Arena is undoubtedly one of the most important things in the City of Demons.

This is where the strong ones and the demons who can gain a foothold in the Demon City are selected.

It is also the cradle of the birth of powerful demons, and demon lords will continue to be born here.

However, at this moment, Chen Bai really didn't expect that Leng Shuang would appear in this place.

But just for a moment, Chen Bai thought of the reason for this.

Chen Bai had promised Leng Shuang at the beginning that as long as she completed the job transfer perfectly, Chen Bai would give her the best reward.

This reward is none other than the power of SSS-level demon blood.

Only Chen Bai himself knew how powerful the bloodline of the SSS-level demon king was.

Under such circumstances, Chen Bai's gift was unimaginable for Leng Shuang's strength!

Of course, it is unimaginably difficult to achieve this level.

However, Leng Shuang was just a bodyguard of Song Ziqiong at the beginning, but after the doomsday broke out, the existence of Baidi City and himself allowed him to go further and higher.

The individual strength is probably even stronger than Song Michelle's!

Such an improvement was even somewhat unexpected by Chen Bai.

Now, he also wants to see what is the limit of Leng Shuang?

In fact, as the Demon City continues to be completed, there are fewer and fewer restrictions on demons in this Demon City.

That kind of bloodthirsty battle gradually made the demons somewhat uncontrollable again.

However, the city is restricted by the will of the abyss, so it is certain that it cannot take action directly.

Therefore, the bloody arena is undoubtedly the best channel.

The tenth level of the abyss contains the most powerful demons in the first ten levels. This is the reason why Chen Bai has not completely relaxed the restrictions.

After he completely relaxes the restrictions and allows some demons to leave their current level and move upwards, it will be almost impossible for demons below rank three on the tenth level of the abyss to become demon lords.

This is also Chen Bai’s purpose.

How can the Demon City, where some demons around level 30 exist, represent the first city of the abyss?

This time is just right, otherwise, after a while, it would be impossible for Leng Shuang to become famous in this bloody arena.

However, it is obvious that a human woman appeared in the Devil's City and stood on the bloody arena to challenge the devil. Although the Devil's City is so huge,

It was impossible to spread throughout the city, but it also made many demons aware of it.

The demon race is the most warlike race.

Almost as soon as the news came out, countless demons came to watch. At the same time, they jumped into the field and started fighting and killing.

The existence of this kind of arena is indeed the most suitable realm for the abyss, and only these realms can burst out unimaginable fiery passion from demons suppressed by the will of the abyss.

"Lord Master...々"..."

Just when Chen Bai was looking excited, a very soft and charming voice came from beside his waist and legs.

The panel given by the will of the universe can speed up the progress, and there is no need to waste time because of fun.

The large amount of demon blood brought by those abyss lords who had been devoured before, (Li Nuo's) was thrown directly into the gluttonous face with green eyes, allowing it to chew continuously in an attempt to fuse the blood.

Level, in the final analysis, is always the most important improvement.

I have to say that Chen Bai liked the gift from Ledo very much.

The Gods and Demons Trial Field is still going on.

But if nothing happened, Chen Bai would not be able to stay on the abyss forever.

Although it is said that the existence of the abyss is countless times more exaggerated than the opportunities of the Gods and Demons Trial Field.

All I know is that it is extremely miraculous and can merge and form pulses.

Today, the taste of angels, dragons, fairies, and orcs is indeed really good.

Not to mention, it had tasted the taste of elves in its previous life.

Chen Bai subconsciously wanted to close his eyes. It would take a while for Leng Shuang to come over, so he couldn't rush it for the time being.

"Yes! Thank you to the great Lord, your wisdom and wisdom shine throughout the abyss. Even Allah cannot compare with your wisdom!"

It's nothing else, it's that special Taotie Noodle. This is what Ledo wanted so hard at the beginning.

"Reporting to the Lord, your most humble servant Saint Vivian' pays you the highest respect!"

However, just when Chen Bai was about to put his consciousness on the talent tree, a soft buzzing sound suddenly sounded.


Especially the angel, with his holy and snow-white wings rolling, the feeling of light and inviolability spreads all over his body, and the darkness itself that he represents cannot bear to be violated.

It's one of those angels whose names I don't know.

So, he rubbed the head of this very cute angel, but it turned out that it was the dragon girl that Chen Bai had been expecting before. She was a little too shy and not very happy:

The angel spoke excitedly.

"Tsk, what a good name."

He hasn't used this thing for a long time.

"What's wrong?"

"."After I leave, you stay here and look after this home for me. "

"Great Lord, I was once in a place where I felt the breath of what you just found!"

Vivian lowered her head subconsciously, but still said the truth:

Here, apart from conquering, he cannot improve his level of strength.

Even now, Chen Bai doesn't know much about this thing.

Afterwards, Chen Bai ignored it and threw the Taotie Noodles into the warehouse again.

"May I have your name?"

Chen Bai smiled and did not respond again. Instead, he thought about it and took out something.

However, you must not indulge in this.

Chen Bai opened his eyes, it was the angel of Saint Vivian who just spoke.

However, the demons that were killed before have once again absorbed a large number of black light virus evolution points, and now they can be used.

However, it was precisely because of this feeling that after completely destroying it, the feeling that made his whole body tremble with excitement made Chen Bai a little addicted these days.

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