All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

474 Angels, Elves, Orcs, Dragons!

Lei Duo's gift really opened Chen Bai's eyes.

Ledo had said before that if Chen Bai liked it, he could bring slaves from all over the world to Chen Bai for his use.

Before, it was just gossip between Chen Bai and Lei Duo about the slave trade in the world, but they didn't expect it to come true now.

That's right, what appeared in front of Chen Bai at this moment was not some extraordinary treasure.

It's not precious equipment and material resources, nor is it rare skill books and equipment, but dozens of figures, large and small.

The most important thing is that they are all female slaves.

And there are people of all kinds of races.

In fact, he narrowed his eyes slightly and saw a few truly top-notch ones.

It can be seen that Ledo has definitely put a lot of thought into the matter of giving him a gift!

Because at this moment, at the very center, there are two extremely dazzling snow-white rays of light.

And those pure white, unstained holy feathers!

The holy white wings completely wrapped the body. Obviously, apart from these feathers, there was nothing above the two figures.

Slaves of other races have various armors and costumes on them. 800

Obviously, Ledo understands people's hearts very well in this regard.

These creatures can only look their best when wrapped in clothes. Only when they show their racial characteristics and unique charm can they fully display their best value and image as slaves.

Otherwise, it's just a pile of useless rotten meat.

However, the two paths ahead are obviously different.

The holy snow-white wings used to cover behind him are already more useful than anything else!

How did you get this thing?

Chen Bai looked at Ledo suspiciously and asked with interest:

"Angel? You can do this?"

Ledo looked insulted and pretended to be angry:

"Dear Chen, if you are not my best friend, then I will definitely let you know what the consequences will be if you question the credibility of a businessman!

Angels, although the original original angels are a race of servants of the bright heaven of the kingdom of the Creator of Light, there are some angels who are lost in the prosperity of the heavens and the universe.

There are fallen angels even in hell (bffh), so what does it mean if I give my best friend two angels to serve?"

I have to say, this guy's words are soothing to listen to.

And Chen Bai is indeed very satisfied.

Angel, and unlike those damn fallen angels, this kind of white wings of holy light is the best vase and appreciation object for him.

In fact, as Ledo said, with his status, what does it mean to have a few angels as slaves?

But at this moment, among the slaves sent by Ledo, they were not just angels.

Moreover, the cat girl's hair is both black and white, and is very playable. The fox girl even has three tails behind her. She is obviously an aristocrat among fox girls.

The reason is very simple. The dragon people not only have the talent and growth of humans, but also take into account the dragon's powerful body and long lifespan.


For example, Chen Bai has long wanted to try out several types of orcs: Catwoman and Fox Girl.

What I have in front of me is already pretty good. .

This is certainly not a devil or a devil's horn.

The only difference is that there are two extremely young horns on both sides of its forehead.

He doesn't need to exaggerate and exaggerate the rarity of this dragon girl too much, but in fact he doesn't need to say anything more.

"Yes, this is a rare dragon man."

However, I am a special case.

The Fairy Tribe is a homologous race to the Elf Tribe, but it is even rarer.

Unexpectedly, Ledo actually got such a small thing, how interesting!

Not to mention, these are really rare and top-quality goods, and Ledo really didn't just fool him.

Chen Bai's eyes narrowed slightly:

There is also the race that Chen Bai is most familiar with, and it is also the most numerous at this moment, with a total of ten.

Therefore, I will not be a laughing stock. In addition, short races such as dwarves, gnomes, and goblins do not seem to suit your taste, so I did not bring them. Of course, if you need them , these are nothing. "

But, fish!

In addition to the elves, there are also short elves with the same ears. The biggest difference is that they have faint bright wings behind them.

In addition, there are slaves of other races who are relatively common, but of unimaginable quality.

And this figure seems to be no different from a normal human girl.

This is a figure that is shorter than the other figures.

Ledo was not surprised:

Every dragon has the potential to be a sage or even an emperor. Such qualifications can already exist as the foundation of the dragon clan.

"For the powerful people in the world, female succubus demons, devils, and fallen angels are also in extremely short supply, and the price is high, but for you Chen, they are obviously nothing.

And it’s both meat and vegetable.

The long ears, the face that is so handsome that one wonders if it is a god, and the slender and tall figure indicate his identity as an elf.

Chen Bai waved his hand. Of course, he was not interested in gadgets that were as short as his waist at most.

However, there are a lot of children with other races, which is normal after all. Creatures like dragons are almost always in the reproduction period except for sleeping.

However, as Chen Bai looked around, his perspective suddenly locked on one of them.

An uncontrollable smile appeared on Chen Bai's lips.

As well as close relatives of the elves, they are also one of the races that Chen Bai is most disgusted with: the dark elves. This fallen elf was changed by Helrose. Its skin is slightly paler and darker than that of ordinary elves, and it has unspeakable characteristics. Other charms.

Ledo, who noticed the change in Chen Bai's expression, also smiled:

The Dragon Clan, as one of the most powerful races in the universe and in the universe,

The number of dragon people born is very small, and even if there are, most of them are in the colorful dragon world, and there are very few wild dragon people living outside.

But this number is also very small, only three.

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