All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

456 Time Stands Still! New Abilities For The Time Hourglass!

The long river of time has stood still.

Of course, this long river of time is not the real long river of time, and time will not stop just because it stops flowing.

However, the power itself that can be simulated in this greedy authority has already shown that the power of this long river of time is definitely still there.

At least in this space, there is no problem.

And under such circumstances, what is the concept of being able to stop this moment and this flowing river of time?

Chen Bai slowly opened his eyes, filled with an indescribable confusion.

That's right, confused. Even Chen Bai now doesn't know what happened.

He just felt that along the long river of time, his soul became more consistent with the bound hourglass of time.

At the same time, during "Four Nine Seven", according to the time hourglass at that time, Chen Bai could also have such a special scene.

However, Chen Bai still doesn't know what this represents and what it means.

He just slowly poked his head out of the river again.

The river of time that had materialized could not leave many traces on him.

Not even the clothes were wet.

After all, time is something that materializes, and the river of time is the trace left after time materializes. It is not a river that is really accumulated by water flow.

This point still needs to be made clear.

However, no matter what, Chen Bai's purpose of this trip has been achieved.

That's right, after Chen Bai slowly opened his eyes, the voice from this hell sounded again from the bottom of his heart:

[Dear Master, your greatness makes time involuntarily surrender in front of you. All the authority derived from time naturally belongs to you again as it should! 】

The next moment, before Chen Bai could realize what happened, the world in front of him slowly dissipated.

Then, a scroll actually appeared in Chen Bai's hand.

This scroll is none other than the S-level professional scroll he selected before: the scroll of the Immortal.

Chen Bai glanced at this thing subconsciously.

[Immortal (S level): Special occupation, no combat effectiveness improvement, physical occupation. I have a long lifespan and my resistance to time is extremely strong!]

[Requirements for use: Level 10, over 20 years old]

This is the most bizarre professional usage requirement that Chen Bai has ever seen.

What the hell is there an age requirement?

Rather than any other attributes?

This is indeed too outrageous.

Shaking his head speechlessly, Chen Bai slowly exhaled and put the thing away. The next moment, his figure immediately left this greedy treasure house.

Now it seems that the treasure house's storage is really impressive.

During the next period of time, you can go in and search and find something you can use.

After all, the limitations of this thing are quite large.

Although there is no cooling time, which means that any number of people can enter at any time and at any time, there is still some cooling time for each person to enter repeatedly.

However, Chen Bai still shook his head.

He was not in a hurry to hand over the immortal's career scroll to Song Ge.

Exuding a charming dream.

【Hourglass of Time】

And as he thought, the speed of time on the dial gradually slowed down, and then it stopped even moving.

Then, under the bright light, a small hourglass appeared in Chen Bai's hand.

This also means that on the hourglass of time, with this time of re-experience the long river of time, Chen Bai2.4 once again understood a skill.

The mystery of the hourglass of time does not seem to have been cracked open too much.

[Go back to the past: You can go back to any time in the past and erase everything you acquired in the disappearing timeline! (Cooling time: 72 years, six days, and seven days

Within the hourglass, the original gravel is like a diamond crystal, magnificent, shining, and extremely bright.

That's right, how could a being like him not be aware of some special circumstances before?

The next moment, a colorful dream-like color bloomed from his palm.

(Note: The cooling time of this effect cannot be erased or reduced by any skill or equipment effect! This skill has absolute priority!)

And any skill that can appear on this time hourglass.

This time stasis is the calendar area that can truly be completely and completely controlled by oneself!


The whole world seemed to have been pressed on the pause button.

[Soul Binding: Time Hourglass]

Hourglass of time.


They are all related to time, and at the same time, they are absolutely against the heavens.

[Time stagnation: Centered on its own range, it can stop the flow or reduce the flow speed of all time in the surrounding range. The duration, specific effects and scope of influence are determined by one's own mental strength. Cooling time: None]


However, compared to the first two, it either has a fixed and blocked cooling time, or it cannot be used casually.

And the next moment, the changes in the time hourglass appeared before our eyes:


[Time retrospection: Marking one's own perfect state can make it possible to use one's own mark in battle, all injuries and bad states will be eliminated, and the cooldown time of all skills will be returned to 0! The effect of this skill has the highest priority! Cooling time: 1 hour]

This time suspension is the most basic ability to use the power of time, but now, it has become the third ability to be truly unlocked.

[Requirements for use: soul binding]

There are still countless question marks...

However, he really doesn't know now whether Satan will be aware of the situation in the greedy treasure house. Therefore, it is better to expose less time as his trump card.

But after leaving this greedy treasure house, he couldn't wait to examine his soul.

Chen Bai didn't know why, but he could feel that the small hourglass in front of him seemed to have undergone some special changes again.

The changes in the river of time are definitely related to time.

However, he obviously couldn't understand the specific changes from the outside.

However, among the countless question marks below, there is such a new unlocking option!

Thinking of this, Chen Bai's eyes flashed with light, and the next moment, a huge clock dial seemed to appear behind him.

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