All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

454 Immortal? Goodbye The Long River Of Time!

This is indeed a very special profession, because in Chen Bai's opinion, this profession may be the only one among all the S-level professions on this golden road that does not have any improvement in combat effectiveness!

That's right, there is no blessing or improvement in combat effectiveness.

However, this is a genuine S-level profession.

Moreover, the description of this profession is extremely tempting:

[Immortal (S level): Special occupation, no combat effectiveness improvement, physical occupation. I have a long lifespan and my resistance to time is extremely strong!]

This is the first time Chen Bai has seen a description of time in this type of profession.

And the introduction to this profession is indeed quite interesting.

The Immortal.

Lifespan itself is meaningless to many high-ranking beings.

Because if it reaches the third level of the Holy Spirit level, it is already considered a legendary creature, and the increase in its lifespan is unimaginable.

Therefore, it is indeed too difficult to die of old age under normal circumstances.

And if it reaches the level of an emperor, a demigod, or even a real god, the longevity is even more difficult to predict.

Therefore, Chen Bai mainly believes that what type of profession this so-called immortal is is based on the so-called resistance to time.

Or maybe 220 has some other, more special way to avoid death.

But obviously.

This thing is the most suitable profession for Rong Ge.

There is no combat power blessing, and the physical fitness has been improved, so I can completely let go of my hands and feet, and don't have to worry about whether this girl may be killed.

These are the things Chen Bai needs to consider.

Moreover, he is really curious about this profession.

[Great Master, you have chosen the career scroll of the 'Immortal'. This is a special career. I hope you are prepared. Even if you are as great as you, you still have to pass the trial of greed to get what you want. treasure!]

The mechanized Satanic voice came out again. Standing in front of this golden road, Chen Bai didn't even take a step, and the world in front of him had already undergone tremendous changes.

Everything before had completely disappeared, replaced by a place that made Chen Koudou slightly look aside.

He was really too familiar with this place.

Here is a river.

A colorful river.

The flow of this river (aiaf) seems unstoppable and inevitable.

I don’t know where to wash people away.

It is extremely fast, and the most important thing is that in such a river, if a person is in it, it is impossible to move at all.

You can only go down the river, or even want to go ashore from the edge, or swim upstream in the river, which is just a dream.

To others, this place is strange and mysterious, but for Chen Bai, this place is something he will never forget.

Instead, he chose to swim upstream in this colorful river.

He didn't know how long he had been there.

[Trial requirements: Great master, as long as you can stay in this river for half an hour, you will complete the trial! 】

A small S-level profession, the ‘Immortal’, can actually involve the field of time.

At that time, Chen Bai originally thought it was just an ordinary copy, but who knew that after entering, he would be on this long river of time.

[Great master, please note that if you are washed away by the current, you need to recalculate the time! 】

In essence, time is superior to many powers. If you are not strong enough, you will not be able to touch this world and this kind of power.

In that weird copy, he stayed awake and wanted to give up countless times, but then he became almost numb and almost let rowing upwards become his instinct.

I don't know how long it will take.

And now, Chen Bai is here again.

Chen Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, and even he couldn't help but let out a long breath.

In the rushing river, the boat that could stop on the river made Chen Bai see some other possibilities.

This is a very difficult thing. There are rivers scouring you, and you choose to go upstream. Anyone who has actually rowed a boat will naturally know how tiring this is.

It was under such circumstances that Chen Bai had such a temperament, and at the same time he escaped from that weird copy, and after leaving, the original small boat became what it is today.

Chen Bai nodded with satisfaction, but now he is really more interested in the long river of time that has evolved from this greedy treasure house. .

Hourglass of time!

In his previous life, he had entered a special dungeon entrance minister in the Gods and Demons Trial Field.

Here is the long river of time?!

Gee, not to mention, the service is indeed quite good.

Then with all his strength and good luck, he finally caught the boat and boarded it.

Of course, Chen Bai definitely does not think that the power of greed can affect the justice of this long river of time.

[Great Master, if you want to withdraw from the trial at any time, you can call me at any time. Your most loyal servant is at your service at any time! 】

Time is the most magical, mysterious, and special force of rules and authority.

Then, it seemed that Chen Bai was lucky. In the rolling river, he saw a small boat that could stay in the river.

Because, it was here that Chen Bai obtained his most important treasure, the only one of its kind!

Because the impression left on him here was really profound.

Chen Bai became interested, and at the same time, he also heard the voice reappearing in the greedy treasure house:

However, just like this, Chen Bai didn't know how long he persisted.

All I know is that he has been rushing down the river.

Whether it is before rebirth or after rebirth, this is the case here.

There is no level requirement for that secret realm dungeon, and even the dungeon itself has no level.

Then, with this boat, Chen Bai did not choose to go down the river again.

However, before his rebirth, that is, before the time hourglass went back in time for the first time, Chen Bai really didn't know the true specific function of this thing.

Therefore, it is very likely that this is just a world that relatively simulates the real river of time.

He didn't even know how long he would last.

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