All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

446 Chen Bai's Identity! Respect From Han Li!

Before going to the Ten Thousand Thunder Pond, even when he was going to the underworld, Chen Bai had already heard the news from Han Xiao that Han Li was coming.

This Rika represents the facade of hell.

It represents the demon god Jie faction who was ranked sixteenth in that hell, and the blood queen Lilith.

It is beyond the reach of ordinary evolutionists.

Naturally, it is not something that can be killed casually.

Although Chen Bai had no idea that even if he killed Han Li, it would be fine, but after all, she was still Han Xiao's biological sister.

Under such circumstances, Chen Bai really didn't know what to say to a guy who just represented the status of a big boss in hell.

When the conditions really need to be negotiated, a small existence like Rika, "360", can't even make a little decision, or even make a choice, let alone the specific conditions and information in it!

Therefore, Chen Bai really didn't take it to heart.

But under the current situation, it seems that there is no way to hide?

Chen Bai only felt that his head was a little big.

After all, the sound of his footsteps was not hidden, and when he was almost walking on the stairs, he was already seen by everyone in the huge living room on this floor.

Obviously, Chen Bai has not shown up for half a month.

After seeing Chen Bai's appearance, Song Ziqiong's eyes showed fluctuations of surprise.

Although during this period of time, news of Chen Bai often appeared on the forum and in the reminders of the will of the universe, but after seeing him with his own eyes, he still had a domesticated sense of belonging after all.

Chen Bai nodded, and then looked at Rika, that is, Han Gai.

Not to mention, compared to when he saw this little girl for the first time in hell, the current Rika made him feel much more pleasing to the eye.

Being able to be raised by the Jie faction all the time, and also has the blood of the devil, it is obvious that the blood of the Han family is quite good.

That is to say, Han Xiao was a little too fat before, but now, he can see the special beauty of the foreign mixed blood from Han Gai.

With a height of 1.8 meters and those long legs that are against the sky, Chen Bai has seen it before,

The only fly in the ointment may be that the female features are a little smaller. If it weren't for the beautiful face with feminine curves, it would be difficult to tell whether it was a man or a woman at the first time.

However, before Chen Bai could open his mouth, Lika didn't react, and Wei Shiwei, who had almost reached level 22, reacted immediately after the job change:

Therefore, when facing Chen Bai, Han Li did not dare to have the same disdain he had when facing Han Xiao before. On the contrary, after extinguishing the strange sense of familiarity in his heart, facing the gaze of this figure in front of him, he suddenly felt Silence like a cicada. .

Chen Bai showed a look of interest, then walked down the stairs directly, sat on the opposite side of the sofa, and looked at Rika who was still a little suspicious:

Compared with the existence in front of me, even Ms. Lilith has to be careful and respectful, and even the Jie faction is cautious, even fearful, she is nothing compared to it.

And obviously, Han Li quickly came back to his senses.

The figure in front of her was always vaguely familiar to her.

Thinking of this, Chen Bai spoke first:

Chen Bai ignored her, he regretted it now, why didn't he use the black light virus to change his appearance more when he went to hell.

The best one is undoubtedly Song Daxiao, who is still only level 10.

Song Ziqiong was too lazy to take care of her own daughter.

The Abyss Ruler is so tall that he can already compare to the gods. A small hell creature is naturally nothing.

Chen Bai's attitude is very proud, of course, as he should be.

Haven't even changed jobs yet.

After all, Chen Bai did not tell Song Ziqiong and others about his true identity, but since Rika can represent hell and come here on behalf of Lilith, he naturally understands his true identity. 2.2


Even though he has a good status in hell and is quite loved by Ms. Lilith, Han Li still understands the rules in hell, that is, strength is the most important thing.

"Master, she said that she is the younger sister of the member of the 001 group you created, and she has a very important matter with you, and she is the one who is second only to you and the Thor Rika on the ranking list. !"

"You are Han Xiao's younger sister, that Han Li, right? The child bride-in-law of the Jie faction, right? What made you come out of hell and come to me?"

That's right, Han Li has recovered from the previous surprise, and looked at Chen Bai in front of him, but the more he looked, the more suspicious he became.

"Master, are you back?"

Status is respected.

Although she had seen some of them on many forum videos before, this sense of sight became clearer after seeing Chen Bai in front of her..

Not to mention, among the women he kept in captivity, apart from Song Ziqiong and Leng Shuang, only Wei Shiwei had the highest level, and was the only evolutionary who broke through level 20.

And it's very, very familiar!

"who are you?"

Although it's okay to be recognized, and he also exposed his identity in the end, but it's less troublesome.

In addition to the devil's horn, some height, body size, etc. should also be slightly modified.

As if she had seen it somewhere.

There is something funny about being unruly, and Chen Bai is quite indulgent towards Miss Song's petty temper.

However, Miss Song, who herself and Wei Shiwei are the two campus beauties of Jiang University, is not convinced. The reason is very simple, other people's job transfer scrolls [are obtained through Baidicheng's means.

Again, for these women, Chen Bai didn't plan to change careers that were too good.

This made the young lady very dissatisfied, so she didn't pay much attention to the level, and waited for Chen Bai to personally give her a job-changing scroll before changing jobs.

She has no interest in fighting herself, and it doesn't matter if her level is improved or not.

Relatively speaking, Wei Shiwei, who was more advanced and retreating, nodded, and then Chen Bai looked at Rika who looked suspicious.

Song Ziqiong thought that Chen Bai really didn't know, so she quickly said:

For example, Chu Xin and Lu Li are all like this, but Wei Shiwei's job transfer scroll was brought out by Chen Bai from the biochemical world and given to her personally.

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