All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

435 The Upper Limit Of Greed! Horcrux Promotion!

Chen Bai frowned slightly.

He looked at the golden hand.

This is a Horcrux!

The soul binding with his body and soul is directly carried out. Once there is any problem, I can perceive it at the first time.

And soon, almost after Chen Bai looked at this thing, he already knew what was going on.

On the palm, within the golden light, slowly settled, and soon, the greedy authority gave Chen Bai the most intuitive feedback:

[Greedy's current permanent increase of attributes has reached the upper limit, and the corresponding level needs to reach level 50 to use it again, and it will cost 1000 gold coins to increase all attributes by ten points each time!】

Is there an upper limit?

Chen Bai looked at the golden hand strangely, but didn't react for a while.

But soon, Chen Bai fell into deep thought, not to mention, after thinking about it carefully, it was really reasonable.

It can be used once a day, and 5000 gold coins are consumed each time in exchange for 50 full-attributes.

Although 5000 gold coins is indeed an exaggeration, for some existences, it is not too much.

If you can continue to improve like this, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, doesn't it mean that after one year, you will have more than 100,000 full attributes?!

And the longevity of the gods is unimaginable. Doesn't it mean that with enough gold coins, hundreds of thousands or millions of all attributes are possible!

This is obviously impossible.

Chen Bai lived for so many years in his previous life, and it was definitely not in vain. He also knew a lot about some situations.

Even those high gods are not that invincible, and their attributes have never reached such an exaggerated level!

The improvement of attributes is getting more and more difficult.

Because there may be many permanent promotion props, after reaching their state, they can no longer take effect.

However, the power and authority of greed is still real.

It is indeed the power of the seven deadly sins, one of the main power systems mastered by Satan, the king of hell.

However, even the power of greed and the seven deadly sins still has its shackles.

At this time, it is the shackles!

If he wants to upgrade again, he still has to upgrade to level 50, and the gold coins consumed, even Chen Bai, may not be so easy to bear.

Shaking his head, but now he has increased his full attributes by two thousand.

It can already be called a full attribute blessing of SS-level equipment.

Although there is no percentage, but Chen Bai's own background is enough, and every bit of attribute obtained on him will improve its essence even more!

Shaking his head, the golden hand slowly disappeared.

Chen Bai collected all the obtained magnetoelectric rough stones into the treasure house of the greedy king, and continued to explore in the pool of ten thousand thunders.

His luck was pretty good.

Once again, I encountered the acquisition of some precious materials that are extremely rare in the outside world, and at the same time encountered some unique monsters.

However, the principle Chen Bai upholds is quite simple.

Hit if you can, and run if you can't.

After all, in addition to experience, in this ghost place, the cosmic will of the gods and demons' trial field has also been greatly weakened.

After the weakening, some corresponding dropped equipment and skill books cannot be obtained here.

There are only some fixed experience points.

Unless it is something that these thunder elements originally had.

[Equipment Requirement: Soul Binding]

But not completely immune.

The next moment, the flames ignited the thunder, and Chen Bai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The next moment, Chen Bai felt a force merged into his body, and he quickly clicked on the attribute list of Doomsday Judgment, which seemed to have changed a lot:

[ps: I am the king of doomsday!]

During such inspections, a full three days have passed.


Although it is said that the thunder element life ignores most of the physical damage of flesh and blood.

Therefore, his gains are only experience points, and there is no need to risk his life.

But in front of Chen Bai's eyes was a rather special monster.

[Doomsday Reign: Deterrence against zombie creatures +200%! And can control all zombie groups within the range of mental power (single mental power does not exceed itself)!】

[All attributes +500, hand defense greatly improved > All effectiveness of gloves and claw weapons +50%]

Chen Bai suddenly stretched out his right hand, and the black light claw on it was retracted into his palm again, and disappeared. Then, on the slender but exceptionally powerful fingers, a faint red light shone on the monster on the upper armour. different power.

In this ghost place, there is neither night nor day, so naturally there is no such thing as time.

But, what can these thunder elements have on them!? There are only so many lightning cores at most, which can be used as power generation.

·0 for flowers...‥

【Horcrux——finger part】

On a pair of bull horns, there is a flash of thunder.

It exudes extremely violent fluctuations.

[Doomsday Creation: Attacking with the Horcrux body can infect any creature with a zombie virus. The specific effect of the zombie virus increases with the improvement of one's physical fitness! At the same time, killing any enemy can absorb physical strength and recover from injuries. 】

And this last thunder element finally completely completed the last remnant of his lack of experience in the Doomsday Judgment.

【Experience value: 500W/1000W】

It's experience points, I didn't expect that experience can be retained?! Moreover, the experience needed to improve again is not much. Just when Chen Bai continued to be full of energy, a telepathy came from his mind.

On his black light claws, the flickering flames of hell can wash out flame ripples in the pool of ten thousand thunders, which looks dangerous and mysterious.

There are no new abilities, more, or numerical changes, but it is enough.

[Doomsday Judgment (Level A)]

Chen Bai knew that the third child and Ma Er seemed to be at the end of the mountain. .

Of course, this time is calculated according to the prompts from the Gods and Demons Trial Field.

Most of the life forms composed of thunder elements exist in human form, but this one in front of him is a strange bull-shaped monster.

His speed is even faster than lightning.

[Avatar of doomsday: Fully activate the ancestor of the Horcrux Zombie Virus, making himself +40% in all attributes within 30 seconds, and gaining temporary passive abilities: speed enhancement, strength enhancement, physical strength enhancement! Cooldown time: 10 minutes

He had no way to gain experience, so all the experience points were injected into his cause of doomsday ruling.

For the rest, forget it.

And in the next second, the color slowly became deeper, as if it had merged into Chen Bai's palm.

However, for Chen Bai, it is just a prey for harvesting experience points!

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