All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

427 Order Of Lightning! Chen Bai's Means!

It's a small Lightning token.

This is the Realm of Ten Thousand Thunders. Although it is not like hell and abyss, it has the influence of other forces, so it cannot be penetrated by the will of the universe.

It cannot be analyzed and disassembled by the power of the Gods and Demons Trial Field.

Although the will of the universe can still have an impact on this place.

However, there is no attribute on this token.

On the small golden token of Lightning, there is only one reminder that can be seen by Ma Er:

【Order of Lightning】

【Special props】

[The special product in the Pool of Ten Thousand Thunders seems to be a token of a mysterious place! 】

"How did you get this thing?"

After Chen Bai fiddled with it with great interest, he threw it to Ma Er.

"It exploded after defeating a lightning elf. I thought the mobs in this place were not explosive. I didn't expect the only thing that came out. I still don't know what it is!"

Chen Bai nodded.

He had a feeling that this should be Ma Er's opportunity.

As he analyzed before.

All talents above S level will have their own opportunities in the dark, but some people can grasp the opportunities, and some people can't grasp them.

In the dark, there is a definite number!

Just like Liu Huai's chance in the underworld, Chu Zixun is on the Shu Mountain.

The rest, more or less, must have their own opportunities.

However, maybe Chen Bai didn't understand too well.

And now, Ma Er in front of him may also have a chance to come!

However, there is no doubt that as long as it is an opportunity, there is danger.

Only when you get the opportunity in your hands, is the real opportunity, and the rest are nothing but illusions!

And obviously, in this pool of ten thousand thunders, its danger may be the most difficult one among countless opportunities.

Above the trace of lightning, a flash of lightning flashed out, and the two of them had just walked no more than a kilometer in the direction of the lightning token, and a figure flashed out of the hazy building amidst the rumbling thunder!

This is a relatively huge figure.

It is four or five meters high.

The whole body is surrounded by a halo of thunder, but the body seems to be in the shining lightning. The lower body is floating, and the upper body is covered with a thunder and lightning armor. There is even a horn-like helmet on the top of the head.

It makes its figure have a vicious and burly feeling that other lightning element life forms don't have!

That's right, this is also a lightning element life form!

It is also in the pool of ten thousand thunders, the race with the largest number, no third.

The eye of spying on the secret turns immediately, and sees everything about the elemental life in front of him:

[Lightning Elemental Lord (Level 48 BOSS)]

[The special life in the pool of ten thousand thunders has extremely powerful power, great immunity to physical damage, and the extremely powerful lightning element king! 】

【Strength: 5542, Dexterity: 3254, Constitution: 1254, Spirit: 7097】

[Skills: Lightning Shield, Elemental Body, Thunderstorm, Magnetic Field, Lightning Crown...]

This is a weapon that is unique to the mental power of the T-virus after it has been strengthened to its peak, using a large number of evolution points to strengthen it!

Ma Er glanced at Chen Bai, and then whispered:

Mechs are indeed Thai pants.

As said in the introduction of the Lightning Mecha, no man can refuse this thing.

This idea had just arisen, and this huge shield-like thing exploded in an instant!

Thinking of this, Chen Bai exhaled slightly, the vast majority of elemental life forms are immune to physical damage.

In the past, it was overkill to deal with the extremely weakened bull-headed horse face.

And in this pool of ten thousand thunders, his own virus infection will also be restrained to the maximum extent. 217 In this case, you can only rely on your own strong spiritual power.

And if it is possible, it is entirely possible to introduce it on a large scale in the White Emperor City in the future!

Looking at the silver object in front of him, Ma Er was also taken aback.

At that time, an army of mechas and genetically modified people can emerge.

This kind of thing is already worth Chen Bai's anticipation.

This matter is nothing.

Chen Bai was speechless, and glanced at this guy, no wonder this guy is so confident in the Ten Thousand Thunder Pond, his innate ability is really the most suitable for this place.

Even at this time.

Although Chen Bai probably won't be able to use it, it's good to be able to take a look anyway.

Therefore, it is obvious that in order to achieve this goal, a large amount of the core of the elemental life in front of me is needed as an energy source, and the group can do it!

"When you were in the Ten Thousand Thunder Pool, if you encountered such an elemental life, would you be able to handle it?!"

I have encountered before, the highest level, I can not perceive, but the height is close to 100 meters with a huge lightning element!"

It shattered into almost tens of thousands of small fragments.

S-level peeping skills can give Chen Bai the most intuitive information at any time.

He self-reflected that he already knew enough about Chen Bai, and he also had a very high insight into Chen Bai's strength.

After all, there is a mechanical intelligence core in Baidi City, as well as that weird intelligent life, Xiandi.

Chen Bai glanced at Ma Er:

But soon, when he returned to the second, he laughed:

And now, what is this!?

But now, facing such a thunder element lord in the pool of ten thousand thunders, he can undoubtedly finally display his full power!

Because Chen Bai is also very interested in that mecha form.

"However, if you want to get an A-level lightning core, you have to make a big move, hehe!"

"These elemental life forms won't be hostile to me, because of my talent, as long as I don't take the initiative to provoke these guys, then these guys won't take the initiative to attack me!

However, I don't know why, every time I see Chen Bai make a move, the amazing feeling still makes his scalp tingle, it's completely shocking!

In the future, Baidi City can completely reinvent the power of science and technology under such circumstances.

Then, on each of the fragments, the purple-red flames of hell and abyss were engulfed, instantly pervading away, heading straight for the thunder element lord who hadn't reacted yet!.

There is still no problem with the peeking eye.

Thinking of this, a ray of light emerged from his hand, it was nothing but the unique thought power weapon formed by condensing spiritual power: Sky Shuttle!

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