All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

407 Goryeo Admits Counseling? Late!

This is the case for the evolutionists on the side of the Dragon Kingdom, but the evolutionists on the side of the Koryo Kingdom, looking in the direction of Chen Bai at this moment, are completely jealous and fearful.

The man in front of him declared war on their country just before, and it seems that his purpose of coming this time is to deal with them. This makes the evolutionists who are mostly just a group of mobs without Mr. Boshan at this moment feel at ease, They were afraid that Chen Bai would get violent and attack them.

It's just that Chen Bai just glanced at the mob, and didn't want to pay any attention to it. However, at this moment, a Korean player really spoke out!

"This Dragon Kingdom man has come out, where is Lord Boshan? Could it be that with his strength, there is no way to pass through the door?!"

This sentence immediately caused discussions in the entire underworld.

The evolutionists on Longguo's side felt extremely elated:

"Over there, why don't you watch the customs clearance video of our lord Baidi, how can you pass the customs with those stinky fish and rotten shrimps in your Koryo country?!"

Obviously, the language of the Dragon Kingdom is not very understandable to the other side, but it is obvious that it can be seen that what is spoken at this time can only be provocative words.

However, the other side didn't dare to say anything more again, it was the same sentence, if the Bai Emperor suddenly became violent and attacked them, he would die without knowing how.

As for Chen Bai, he didn't have the leisurely mood to kill, and he also glanced at the ghost gate behind him.

With the difficulty of the current ghost gate, let alone that Boshan Monarch, even members of the 001 group, if the number of people who come here is not less than fifteen, I am afraid it will be difficult to have a real chance to pass the level.

Under such circumstances, even if that Boshan Monarch had good strength, it would be impossible for him to pass the gate of hell with so many rotten fish and rotten shrimps.

From this point of view, more possibilities are completely lost in this ghost gate!

It's just a pity that the SS-level occupation, after all, such occupations are mostly unique, the inheritance of this SS-level occupation should be completely cut off!

However, this idea had just appeared, and there was an exclamation from the Goryeo country:

"Master Boshan has already come out, and he has already posted a post on the forum. I said that with the strength of Lord Boshan, Smecta will never be defeated so easily.

Do you think you are a primary school student?

The remaining few days are the last time Chen Bai left for the evolutionists of Korea.

At this moment, on this forum, this Bo Shanjun, who was still clamoring on the forum before, directly bowed his head and confessed!

It's just that there is no need to say much to others about things in the blink of an eye.

Obviously, this guy should have followed those cannon fodder into the gate of hell, eaten up, and even taught to be a man by the bull's head and horse face.

He still gave these Koreans a chance!

The plague represents death and the ultimate, and spreading the plague is undoubtedly spreading death.

In the past few days, they can still choose to leave the territory of Korea and join the camp of other countries at the same time.

However, those who are familiar with Chen Bai's Changliu and Liuhuai can see the cold light flashing in his eyes, and naturally understand the true thoughts in this Baidi's heart.

For such things, such people, Chen Bai has always had only one way to do it, and that is to cut the weeds and root them out.

As soon as this remark came out, not only Long Guo was slightly taken aback, but even Chen Bai raised his eyebrows!

"Master Boshan, why are you doing this? Why do you bow your head to that Dragon Kingdom man! My Great Cold Nether Kingdom is invincible...

Someone questioned it, someone left a message below, but Chen Bai thought of something immediately.

This guy is not dead? And he escaped from the gate of hell?! Interesting!

However, although the killing intent and the idea of ​​cutting grass and roots became more determined in his heart, Chen Bai's decision did not change much.

The strength of this Boshan Jun seems really interesting.

And at this moment, two people, the Evolver of the Dragon Kingdom and Chang Liu, looked at him:

Moreover, Chen Bai, who had practiced at the end of decades in his previous life, knows better that such a person, who is afraid of being subdued purely because of his strength, will have even more resentment towards himself in his heart.

When the time came, Chen Bai still had no intention of holding back.


After all, in addition to eliminating the nation, what Chen Bai needs to do is the second mission of perfecting the spread of the plague!

Obviously, this Bo Shanjun, who had been clamoring for something before, confessed at this moment, which made the evolutionists of the Dragon Kingdom feel relieved.

Once given the chance, he will spare no effort to revenge himself.

[Bo Shanjun: Lord Baidi, all this is a misunderstanding! There is always an absolute friendly relationship between Koryo and Dragon! No one can question it! It was a misunderstanding before, if Lord Baidi is willing, I will And all the evolvers of the Great Cold Nether Kingdom would like to apologize to you! Please forgive me as well as the Dragon Kingdom!]

And after seeing the strength of this underworld, and hearing the prompts from Chen Bai and chat group No. 001 to clear the gate of hell, it was only then that he fully recognized the reality, and then decisively confessed!

This is the proving ground of life and death.

Chen Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, and then clicked on the forum. On the forum of Korea, a post has come into view at this moment, but, after the automatic translation of the forum, Chen Bai has nothing to say. That's what this post came to mind!

There was a cold light in his eyes again.

It just so happens that during the rest of the time, Chen Bai can also take a trip to Naihe Bridge or Huangquan Road to see what this further underworld looks like!.

That's right.

Such a scene, not to mention Chen Bai, even the people of Korea who were excited because Mr. Boshan had left the dungeon at this moment, were stunned.

Apologize, just continue to hello me?

It's just that this guy should have the same life-saving ability as that guy Anthony. After being crushed to death, he was resurrected, or he used some special means to directly leave the dungeon and leave the underworld. .

However, Chen Bai just smiled slightly.

"Bai Di, this Goryeo stick has given up, do you still want to go!"

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