All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

397 Dream Teleportation! To Fengtian!

Mengmeng is a house girl.

It was before the doomsday broke out, and it will undoubtedly be even more after the doomsday broke out.

And become more thorough.

Because before the apocalypse breaks out, Mengmeng still needs to make social connections and go out to purchase daily necessities.

However, after the outbreak of the doomsday and the advent of the proving grounds of gods and demons, even these are not even needed anymore.

After arriving in Baidi City, no one dared to mess with the only member of group 001 in Baidi City, and no one in the upper echelons of Baidi City. It can be said that except for Chen Bai, no one dared to do anything. .

But Meng Meng didn't have anything else, and even had no contact with anyone for almost ten days.

After all, the necessities of life are provided by Baidi City every day, and they are definitely the best.

Moreover, after becoming an evolutionary, food and water sources do not need to be used so regularly.

Moreover, Meng Meng can fall into a dream at any time, enter his own dream to explore, and enter the dreams of others to absorb, because of development.

At most, they escaped from the dream occasionally, or 22 people died in the dream, and when they recovered in reality, they would chat with the members of group 001 and so on.

That's all.

However, it is precisely because of this reason that Mengmeng's growth rate can be described as extremely fast.

Her level may not be too high, and now, she has only entered the category of level 20, although she is already in the forefront of countless evolutionaries.

However, compared to Chen Bai and the members of group 001, this level is really not high.

But just like Chen Bai, rank is not the only criterion for judging strength.

Although it is said that Mengmeng's level is not high, but her spiritual power breaks through so quickly that Chen Bai, who is always exploring with Mengmeng in the dream, can't help being shocked.

Today's Mengmeng's mental strength has broken through a full fifteen hundred points!

Chen Bai was not in a hurry, but continued to open the chat group No. 001. Obviously, [the group has been impatiently waiting for Chen You to speak.

【Bai: Go and see what's going on in that underworld, and then deal with those scumbags who are random on the forum!】

After that, he never used this ability again, and now, Meng's spiritual power has made substantial progress.

Liu Huai is in Fengtian, while Changliu is in Hei Province, the exact location is unknown.

Among the heavens and worlds, those who master this kind of teleportation ability, as long as they grow up and reach the realm above the saint level, they can even directly teleport the distance of the galaxy world. Today's Mengmeng, It's not like dying in an unknown corner like in the previous life, but growing and improving step by step.

And those sticks obviously haven't realized what kind of existence they have offended.

Coupled with his own professional blessing, it can be said that he is not weak!

Indiscriminate attack, just these few words are enough to prove what kind of situation the future Koryo will face!

If there is anyone who is relatively familiar with Chen Bai's strength in the Gods and Demons Trial Field, then there are only members of group 001.

【Overlord: Bai Da is mighty and domineering! How dare this group of guys say that our chat group No. 001, during the day, should we go together?】

In such a situation, what Chen Bai wants to do is undoubtedly the question on everyone's mind.

Although it is said that Jiangcheng is farther away from Fengtian than Koryo Peninsula, Mengmeng is not a problem now.

And at this moment, it is obvious that Chen Bai wants to let the whole world see that in today's world, he has to pay an unimaginable price to say hello on the forum!

【Bai: @柳树, dream with Mengmeng for a while, I will go to Fengtian City, and enter Korea nearby!】

It was only at this moment that they really realized that this Baidi, who had always existed as the first person in the doomsday, seemed to be really angry this time.

Chen Bai smiled slightly.

[Bai: I'm going to experiment with my ability, there may be indiscriminate attacks, if you are interested in that underworld, you can go together at that time, but if you want to go to Korea, after I have been there, at least Don’t go there within a month! If you want 307, you will have to go to trouble ten times if you get injured!]

Those simple words seemed to contain an unimaginable cold killing intent, which made everyone in group 001 shiver involuntarily at this moment.

And this kind of mental power can naturally be supported, and it can be directly teleported.

An SSS-level talent like Dreamwalker is naturally not as effective as Chen Bai's Virus King talent in direct combat, but the rest of the abilities are enough!

Sure enough, he had just opened his mouth when someone asked impatiently.

【Sword Immortal: @白,白大, what’s going on?!】

Under such circumstances, Mengmeng was still able to transfer Chen Bai directly from Jiangcheng to the Demon City, although after the teleportation, Mengmeng fell asleep in the dreamland for a long time before recovering a little.

But before, when Mengmeng's innate talent was awakened, she had the ability to teleport in the dream, and she could teleport the people beside her and those who entered the dream together by connecting with the person in the dream in the distance.

Naturally, there is not much attribute increase brought about by leveling up. Mengmeng's main attribute increase is because of her own innate ability as a dream walker.

With the current strength, this kind of dream teleportation is really nothing, as long as there is a positioning, you can go away in an instant!

It's just that at that time, Mengmeng's mental power was only worth a few hundred points.

Liuhuai slowly connects with Mengmeng and enters the dream.

It is not too far from the Koryo Peninsula!

And the positioning of the dream teleportation is naturally very convenient.

After all, it was obviously the first time for him to post a post in person, after the end of the day.

And the next moment, Chen Bai who was with Mengmeng, after passing through the ability of dream teleportation, appeared in another place just in the blink of an eye!

Fengtian City!.

After each exploration of the dreamland, as long as there is something to be gained, then there will be a permanent improvement of one's own spiritual power.

Chen Bai's words were extremely simple and clear, but at this moment, at this moment, it gave people an indescribable chill of terror.

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