All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

389 Ancient God Battle! The Dragon Of Annihilation And The Ancient Tree Of Life!

what the hell!?

What the hell, I am just a dragon ability awakened after eating a dragon pattern spirit fruit obtained in the greedy treasure house, why does it look like I have encountered something extraordinary now!?

Isn't ancient dragon language just a language?!

Colorful Dragon Realm? How many dragon gods?

Cut off the inheritance?

The words of Tiamat in front of him undoubtedly revealed some secrets.

However, with the horror in his heart, there was no fluctuation on Chen Bai's face, it was extremely calm, he didn't need to worry or care.

In the abyss, he himself is invincible!

No creature can harm him in the abyss, not even the will of the universe!

Soon, Tiamat finally calmed down, staring at Chen Bai firmly:

"how did you do it?!"

Chen Bai didn't hide anything, he is really interested in this dragon clan now.

The Dragon Clan is one of the most powerful races in the dimensional universe. Even the gods dare not underestimate them, or even dare to provoke them.

After all, as he said just now, among the dragon clan, there are dragon gods!

It's just that those dragon gods don't have a strong sense of existence, and generally speaking, they are no different from the rest of the dragon clan.

Most of them spend their long lives in sleep.

After hearing that the 950 Chen Bai in front of him actually learned the ancient dragon language from the dragon pattern spirit fruit, Tiamat was even more incredulous.

"What is the origin of this ancient dragon language? Why did the dragon clan cut off the inheritance of the ancient dragon language?"

If the inheritance of the ancient dragon language is cut off, wouldn't it mean that many dragons who are not dragon gods, such as the dragon language curse of Frost Wings and Ice Roaring, cannot be used? Isn't it greatly reduced?!

"This is a taboo of our clan..."

Chen Bai raised his eyebrows, it seems a bit different from what he thought?!

He originally thought that the abyss demon dragon king who had entered the abyss had fallen in resources after breaking up with the dragon clan, but now it seems that the situation is very different.

However, at this moment, a figure slowly floated out, it was none other than Satan:

"It seems that the original rumors are true?! The Dragon Clan's 'King of End and Destruction', 'Dragon of Annihilation', 'Final Destruction', and 'Cause of Disaster' really did that thing. Let the Dragon Clan cut off one of the most important inheritances?"

The cold light in Tiamat's vertical pupil looked at the figure that appeared, with a vigilant expression on his face: "Who are you?"

"Tsk tsk, it's really a young guy, even I don't know it, of course, I don't need to know it now!"

Satan shrugged his shoulders, and was about to run away after pretending to be aggressive, but Chen Bai obviously didn't mean to let him go, looking at Tiamat whose expression had obviously changed, he directly said indifferently:

"He is the ancient emperor of hell, the incarnation of evil, the fraudster, Satan the devil emperor!"

He is in charge of the authority of destruction, and everything that is destroyed is called the king of ending and destruction, the dragon of destruction, the final destruction, and the "cause of disaster"!

Wait a minute.

"What is the reason for the severance of the dragon language?"


He suddenly remembered that when he heard Mecanxiet talk about Hell Rose, Hell Rose stole the authority and power of the Ancient Tree of Life at that time. Is that what happened?

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Bai, who was already in control of everything, and Satan, who emerged from the ring, were taken aback for a moment.

Chen Bai looked at Tiamat in front of him in amazement, it can be seen that this guy obviously still has feelings for the Dragon Clan?!

"Okay, these things are all in the past, but if this is the case, how did you come to be the minister of the abyss?!"

Tiamat once again glanced at Chen Bai and the phantom figure that appeared on the Ring of the Hell King with that scarlet vertical pupil, and then said lightly:

Tiamat suddenly turned his head again, and looked at the human in front of him. From now on, it seems that this master of the abyss is indeed a bit unusual?!

"The oldest and most powerful race of the Dragon Clan is the most powerful race in the heavens and worlds, not even one of them, and it occupies a place in the heavens and worlds!

Tiamat's dragon mouth opened wide, looking at this extremely elegant man in front of him in disbelief, like a human race, without any special figure.

Chen Bai is very satisfied with the taste of this product.

Oh I see?

Chen Bai sucked in a breath of cold air.

In this way, how powerful is this ancestor of elves in ancient times, the tree of ancient times and knowledge?

And to be able to face it head-on, how powerful is this Ned Hogg, who is called the Dragon of the End?

As a result, Ned Hogg was completely strangled and destroyed, and the vitality of the dragon clan was severely injured. It is said that the ancient god of life cast a curse before his consciousness disappeared, making the dragon clan lack part of their strength. Now it looks like that's true!"

"Naturally, he didn't come here on his own initiative. As the only heir of his father, because of his father's failure, the dragon clan was cursed by the damned elves, which greatly reduced the strength of the dragon clan. In order to calm down the gossip and anger in the clan, several dragon gods will I was exiled to the Lord of the Abyss."

For its reaction, Satan was very satisfied, but quickly laughed:

This slut did it when the ancient tree of life lost its consciousness?

(bjcb) is the most powerful dragon clan. However, this existence that is keen on destruction and destruction had a fateful battle with an existence!

There is such a hidden secret in it?!

The abyssal dragon Tiamat in front of me is the only heir of the legendary black dragon king, 'Ned Hogg' who is known as the king of ending and destruction?

The ancestor of the elves existed, and it was said that they fought against the ancient tree of life, the tree of knowledge, the source of all things, and the ancient god of life! It was a terrifying battle of gods that shocked the entire heavens and worlds! Even Even the digital ancient gods of the dragon clan and the elf clan participated in the battle!


"That was my previous identity, but now, I am just the most humble and loyal servant of the great ruler!"


Tiamat sighed with emotion.

"That's right! But what I didn't expect was that the master would actually obtain the ancient dragon language that has been severed from a small dragon-marked fruit!"

Chen Bai couldn't help daydreaming.

And in ancient times, an existence was born in the Dragon Clan, the Black Dragon King 'Ned Hogg'!

The final result was that the Black Dragon King Nid Hogg bit off the root of the ancient tree of life, erasing the consciousness and self that was born.

He just opened his mouth and said:

This time, Satan spoke directly:

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