All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

386 Goodbye Winifred! Dragon Meat Bbq!

The thirtieth floor of the abyss!

That's right, this time to conquer the abyss plane, Chen Bai directly conquered the 30th floor from the previous 24th floor!

Among other things, the basic attributes alone have been raised by nearly two hundred points.

The growth of the abyss master can be seen.

However, such strength and ability were blocked in front of this thing in front of him.

Chen Bai's breathing was a little short.

The abyss lord on the 30th floor of the abyss is an equally special creature.

It is also one of the rare abyssal snake demons among the first hundred floors!

Although it is not the royal six-armed snake demon among the snake demon clan, its strength is also extremely strong.

The snake demon clan is one of the higher races of the abyss, and the six-armed snake demon of its royal family is not much inferior to the pure blood demon clan in strength.

Therefore, the strength of the "620" of the snake demon clan makes them more often live in the realm above the 100th floor of the abyss. lord.

And the thirtieth floor of the abyss is undoubtedly the case!

This is a Snake Demon warrior with a level of 49. The four arms and the swaying snake body are also scarred.

The purple blood stained this muddy jungle even more bloody.

"Master, your strength has been recognized by Master Kuchar! I am willing to dedicate my loyalty!"

Abyssal language spewed out from the mouth of the snake demon in front of him, and they fought fiercely for two hours.

Chen Bai even used the time-reversing ability of the time hourglass twice, and the demon transformation on his body continued all the time, so he finally conquered the snake demon's mouth

The power of the abyss slowly returned to itself, and then the snake demon named Kuchar did not refuse, and it instantly enveloped the entire 30th floor of the abyss!

[The great master conquered the 30th floor of the abyss, obtained the highest control right of the current plane, and gained all attributes: 30 points! 】

From here, the first thirty floors of the entire abyss were finally completely controlled by Chen Bai, completely controlled, and all belonged to Chen Bai!

With the reform system of the abyss at the beginning, every tenth floor was regarded as a pass, and above the tenth, twentieth, and thirty floors, cities and fortresses belonging to demons would begin to be built.

Form a unique existence system in the abyss.

The reason why Chen Bai didn't kill Kuchar directly, but chose to make him submit was because of this.

The demon lords from the twentieth to the thirtieth floors of the abyss, including the demon spider, were all killed by him.

If Kuchar is killed again, how will he build a new city of demons when he is not around?

The command of the abyss ruler spread throughout the entire abyss above the 30th floor in an instant. Countless demons, as long as they exist here, cannot refuse such an order!

At the same time, it is also a true god, and there may not even be one of them.

What the hell, I just wanted some dragon blood power to strengthen my abyss blood, but Winifred used it as food?!

On top of the volcano, a huge long stick of unknown metal pierced through it.

"Okay, good, I accept the kindness of Mr. Juggernaut, but the fourth child is meditating. I read your books, Mr. Juggernaut, especially the mathematics. What kind of mathematical model does the fourth child always want to build? It is very beneficial to increase your strength, and you haven't woken up yet!"

As soon as he heard this, he knew that this was the irascible third child who likes to breathe out fragrance.

Winifred's fourth child has a natural desire for knowledge and books.

"Oh! Great master master, welcome to the world of Winifred, do you want to eat something?!"

The 350th floor of the abyss.

Soon, a head suddenly appeared on the huge snake body coiled on the pillar of the world, was pulled out from the gap in the space, and landed on the burnt black giant dragon with one mouthful. :

Chen Bai pursed his lips.

Compared with other interests and desires, the friendship between Chen Bai and Winifred, the giant hydra, is real.

And this time, Chen Bai once again brought the books collected by Baidi City during this period, and happened to come over to see this weird giant Hydra!

Before Chen Bai brought some of his books to the fourth child, the fourth child gave him the reward of the peeping eyes. It can be said that there is no better deal than this!

He wanted to go to the 196th floor of the abyss and meet that abyssal dragon.

Chen Bai's voice hadn't finished yet, when a sound of spatial explosion sounded. 5.0

However, when Chen Bai came here this time, he saw the abyss lord of the Snake Demon Race, so he realized that the large number of Blue Star books he had collected during this time had not been handed over to Winifred...

The seventh child ignored the third child who appeared, and seeing that Chen Bai was about to leave, he stretched out his hand and tore off a piece of the 'grilled skewer' that was strung on the dragon's body, and threw it on Chen Bai's body forward:

After dealing with all this, Chen Ri came directly into the abyss.

"Dear Master, for our friendship, I will share with you my carefully prepared food."

"These books are given to you and your fourth brother by me! For our friendship!"

This is the power of the abyss!

Looking at the 'coke'-shaped giant dragon in front of him [Chen blinked. .

Placed on the crater, the seventh head of Winifred spewed out a breath from time to time. On the 'barbeque grill' formed by the volcano, he looked at the delicious food in front of him with a sigh.

By the way, doesn't this old seven like to recite poems and write poems, right? Looking at it now, is he more interested in food?

This is the corpse of a dragon!

The most terrifying thing is that there is a huge corpse on the stick!

However, before that, he had one more thing to do.

At this moment, Chen Bai also realized that at this moment, the original nine snake heads on Winifred's body were hidden in the interlayers and gaps of the world, and only Lao Qi and Lao Ba, who was still sleeping peacefully, were outside. , and the rest are nowhere to be seen.

This has something to do with Winifred's special structure!

The abyss was sinking rapidly with Chen Bai's body, and soon, his figure appeared in a special plane of the abyss.

There was a flash of light above Lao Qi's snake head, revealing a touch of joy:

The 350th floor of this huge abyss is Winifred's private domain world, but at this moment, the place where Chen Bai appears is on top of a huge volcano.

"Okay, then you can take these things, I still have something to do, say hello to the rest of your brothers..."

"Male Gobi, what kind of crap is this, bah bah bah bah, it's burnt! Seventh, I've already said, let the fifth cook, why don't you make trouble?"

This is the domain of 'Winifred the Devourer of Worlds', the well-deserved king of the Snake Demon Race, and one of the most powerful existences in the abyss.

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