All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

383 Demon Hunting Spider! Conquer The Twenty-Fourth Floor Of The Abyss! Spoils!

This is a huge black shadow.

In the world formed by this white spider web, it is so conspicuous.

However, as long as you take a look at it, even if you have known about it for a long time, when you see it again, Chen Bai is still standing on his head.

An indescribable sense of terror came from the deepest part of his body and mind.

This is the most terrifying hunter.

A total of eight long legs with bristles stepped on this spider web, and their hunting speed was as fast as the speed of light on this sticky and extremely sticky spider web!

This is its hunting field!

All creatures, as long as they enter its domain, will be swallowed up by it in the end and become nutrients to supplement it.

Chen Bai didn't come up with any other ideas, such a terrifying and bloodthirsty hunting beast, wanting to negotiate with it is undoubtedly a bit of a dream.

Therefore, the final result is to kill it!

In an instant, the attribute of this thing was fed back from the Eye of Mystery Peeping.

[Weaver Demon Hunter Hank-24 (Level 42 BOSS)]

【Strength: 2958, Dexterity: 3124, Physique: 2202 Spirit: 1504】

[Skills: Deadly Fangs, Cobweb Spray, Shadow Walking, Dark Tentacles, Cocooning Butterfly, Resistant Skin, Poison Immunity...]

The terrifying attribute just made Chen Bai sneer a little. If there is no suppression of the realm and the leap of a huge level, such an attribute is nothing more than this for Chen Bai.

Although, this is just an ordinary attribute of the opponent, naturally among his skills, there are also skills that can quickly improve his own ability attributes and enhance his own strength.

But, who hasn't?!

Being in this cobweb domain, Chen Bai has a special debuff on his body, which reduces his speed, strength and physique.

However, Chen Ri has long been aware of the weakness of the Demon Hunting Spider.

The trial of the abyss is not something you pass casually.

For these chaotic creatures in the abyss, Chen Bai has long been clear about their weaknesses and fighting styles.

This demon hunting spider is extremely terrifying, it moves extremely fast on this spider web, and it can come and go without a shadow, and it can directly spit out these spider webs with venom from a long distance, and has a terrifying invisibility ability

This is an absolute top hunter.

However, such a hunter has a fatal weakness.

Weak fire.

Carrying the fear of flames in the biological world, this kind of existence is also unable to resist the spider web!

In an instant, the flames of hell surrounded Chen Bai.

The spider web under his feet that seems to be a living thing, holding him firmly, is like a spring of white snow, the ice and snow melted, and under the scorching of this flame, it quickly shrank itself

The terrifying flames of hell even stopped the demon hunting spider that was heading towards him, as if he didn't dare to approach him.

This is the instinct of a hunter.

But obviously, after the appearance of Chen Bai, the status of hunting has undergone earth-shaking changes. At this moment, Chen Bai is the real hunter, the real hunter, and the terrifying big spider in front of him, is his prey!

Enveloped in flames, Chen Bai seemed to have turned into an abyssal demon god. The demon's horns emerged from his head, and the strength, speed and physique of his body had reached a perfect peak at this moment.

The figure shrouded in flames slammed towards him!


Facing Chen Bai's heavy punch with a heavy hammer, the first reaction of the Demon Hunting Spider was to dodge.

However, as Chen Bai's level reached level 30, the suppression of the level became much lighter. Although the weight of Chen Bai's attributes is still not as good as the opponent's, the total value of the attributes has obviously surpassed the opponent!


Demons are extremely cheating creatures, without any value.

(Wang Li's) Coincidentally, he is very curious about the abyss dragon on the 196th floor of the abyss, so he just put this thing away, and it will be a gift for visiting that abyss dragon.

Although Chen Bai didn't think highly of this Demon Hunting Spider, it had to be said that its ability and strength were quite impressive.

Among them, the dwarves, dragons, and elves, these three races like food the most, especially the dragons, apart from collecting treasures and sleeping, they are food.

This was an incomparably fierce, powerful and heavy punch, as if a god and man swung a hammer, smashing down brazenly.

It can be said that it is a difficult thing in the heavens and worlds, and at the same time it has no value on it.

And the most important thing is, the meat of this thing... is delicious.

Blood and venom spray.

Split the corpse of this demon hunting spider directly.

This delicacy is not for humans, but for demons in the abyss and many species from the heavens and the world.

On the cobweb covering the earth, the burning of sparks appeared here.

Thinking of this, Chen Bai originally wanted to just leave, but suddenly changed his mind, and turned his gaze to the hidden lair of this thing. .

By the way, inquire about the whereabouts of the Dragon Clan... Lee...

Spreading away, if you look down from the sky, you can see that this is like a slowly burning firework blooming.

In the belly of the demon hunting spider, he saw something special.

Amidst the terrifying screaming sound, a purple liquid burst from the Demon Hunting Spider's body!

Chen Bai somehow had the ancient dragon language, and for the blood of the dragon clan, Chen Bai coveted it.

[The great master conquered the 24th floor of the abyss! Gained the highest control of the current plane, and his own attributes are permanently +24 points! 】

Incomparably powerful, cruel and bloodthirsty, even blood is extremely corrosive.

Although this demon hunting spider is ugly and extremely vicious, it is a rare treasure in the abyss.

However, it can't change its final outcome!

But this Demon Hunting Spider is just the opposite.

Pet eggs?!

If such a pet is produced, it seems not bad?!

This Demon Hunting Spider still has good things! It seems that a Demon Hunting Spider that can become an abyss lord is indeed somewhat extraordinary!

And soon, Chen Bai discovered a special harvest that was unexpected.

The poisonous sac of the demon hunter spider is a treasure, and the fangs and claws are the materials for making equipment. Some equipment blueprints require such materials.

Just one punch!

The long life endowed by the blood race makes them only interested in these things.

Demon hunting spiders are one of the delicacies that the Dragon Clan likes.

However, the core of the fireworks has been occupied by this creature in front of me who cannot see the appearance of a living body!

It was a snow-white spider egg!

Those eight purple-red pupils were staring at Chen Bai with resentment.

Among the heavens and worlds, when it comes to food, there are thousands of years.


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