All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

379 The Second Rank Mission: Plague Mission!

With a lot of experience, Chen Bai's level broke through to level 30 in an instant!

This is undoubtedly a very important threshold.

At level 30, you can complete the second job transfer. The further job change of each profession has a huge improvement rate, which is not inferior to that of the first job.

Therefore, after the second turn, there will be a huge change and difference in the strength gap between level 30 and evolutionists.

And this kind of gap also makes the evolutionists who have reached level 30 or above and the evolutionaries who have completed the second job change in the heavens and myriad worlds be called intermediate-level evolutionists.

It can be seen from this that the meaning of the second turn.

As for the higher rank three, let alone, existences above rank three and level 70 can be called saints, who can leave the planetary world and travel in the void of the universe.

It is quite a detached existence that can walk on many planes.

With a lot of experience in the dragon pattern spirit fruit, Chen Bai directly surpassed this concept and the level.

Save yourself several days of effort.

Chen 883 Bai didn't rush to check his job transfer task, but first injected all the spare experience of more than three million yuan into the Doomsday Judgment.

The higher the level, the more difficult it is to gain experience. After all, monsters whose level is lower than their own will not be able to provide themselves with too much experience.

Therefore, when the time comes, the level of the doomsday ruling will increase at a slower rate than it is now. Why not take advantage of this opportunity [Hurry up and increase the level of the doomsday ruling]

upper layer.

Chen Bai is extremely interested in this special growable Horcrux that appears on the back of the doomsday.

However, to upgrade from B-level to A-level requires a full 500w experience. Before that, Chen Bai had already gained a lot of experience in Hell. It's just a difference of more than 100,000 experience.

It seems that it can be improved in a day.

Chen Bai was not in a hurry, he let out a breath slowly, completely calmed down, and then slowly turned his gaze to look at his task list.

A new task appeared before his eyes.

【Plague Mission (SSS)】

The abyss can swallow the world and the origin of the plane, making it the world plane of the abyss, thereby increasing the power of the abyss, which will also be the source of Chen Bai's power.

【mission target:????】

The second method is what Black Star said before, to control plague creatures and create a plague world?! But this second method is already being done by myself!

Speaking of which, after so many days, I don't know how the transformation of the plague world is going.

But for the third option, I thought of the leech bishop Festus in the plague world, and Richmond who left Baidi City to find more legacy of the plague sect on the blue star.

And right now, there happens to be a ready-made opportunity and a broken world.

There were leeches and pustules all over the bodies of these two people, and they no longer looked like normal people.

Of course, how to choose is your right, but every choice will cause some changes in your authority! Find the most suitable path for you!]

【You are the disaster of life, the end of all things, and the eternal enlightenment, the cycle of life! However, there are too many people who do not know the horror of the plague, and at the same time lack the awe of the plague! All other creatures should It is symbiotic, and we must remain in awe of even the smallest and weakest life forms!

It gave Chen Bai a headache, so he really didn't taste meat during this period of time.

What's it called? He didn't remember, he wasn't very interested in these star performers before the end of the world, and now he has no reason to use his brain capacity to remember these actors in the past few decades. meaningful name.

Looking at the introduction of this task, it seems that it is only enough to spread the plague!? But what is the meaning of the following.

Thinking of this, Chen Bai beckoned directly, the latter was taken aback, and hurried over...

The hunting of demons in the previous life is simple and easy to understand, just kill the demons.

Now, the women in the White Emperor's Palace went to the group building and upgrading together in the dungeon, and last time, I made a little too much effort, and others were fine, and most of the time they would not be too hypocritical, but Miss Song, for herself Quite dissatisfied, I ignored myself for a long time, and I always wanted to find him a powerful, non-dangerous job.

But for the second and the first, it is undoubtedly not very reliable.

[Task Reward: Complete the second turn, level breakthrough, professional authority increase...

Pass the third decisively.

The maid who was frightened by him just now was still standing cautiously not far away,

Although, because of the loss of the 600th floor of the abyss, it is impossible to add to the origin of the abyss, "or even a complete abyss with 601 and 602 floors.

But now, what exactly does this so-called plague mission mean?

However, by merging the 552nd floor of the abyss with this broken plague world, can you also complete part of your second-rank mission?


The more kills, the higher the quality, and the higher the task reward for the second turn.

Thinking of this, Chen Bai suddenly remembered the plague world that the Plague Sect had preserved with that special pot.

That is to say, there are three branches in this second job mission?!

Before that, Chen Bai wanted to keep trying.

However, the three obtained by Song Ziqiong before are not bad, and they are relatively in line with Chen Bai's aesthetics.

Spread the plague and let the world understand the pain of the plague. Only in pain can you know awe! Take control and create a world of plague, and thousands of plague creatures are your servants! Into the plague, in your own pain and Amidst the rot, have you found the true power of the plague?

Although these things were originally one of the sources of power for viruses and plagues, it seems that Chen Bai, as the king of viruses, does not need to control these things to increase his own strength!

Forget it, Chen Bai doesn't care about the first two.

The first one is to spread (bbbd) the plague and use the plague to kill life?

【Job transfer task】

Frowning, Chen Bai looked at this task suspiciously, what the hell is the job transfer task of the second rank to be a riddle?

Thinking of this, Chen Bai opened his eyes, glanced at his side,

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