All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

373 Brother And Sister Meet! The Sword Is On The Verge Of Breaking Out!

magic capital.

As one of the largest cities in the Dragon Kingdom before the end of the world broke out, there is no doubt about the prosperity here.

It's just that, under the outbreak of the apocalypse, the prosperity has become a passing cloud, and it seems that it has all been turned into ruins.

Of course, there are still many powerful evolutionaries in Shanghai, which is beyond doubt.

Among other things, only Han Xiao and Ding Ding in chat group No. 001 are in this magic city.

Han Xiao can be regarded as completely letting go of himself.

After merging the blood of the hell devil and changing his job to become the messenger of hell, the inconspicuous little fat man before is gone forever.

Although the blood of the devil does not have the terrifying effect of enhancing the appearance like the blood of angels and elves.

However, the previous fat and bloated body disappeared, and Han Xiao looked quite handsome, coupled with the terrifying strength, whether it was the blood of hell, or the transfer of the hell messenger, and the strength he quickly gained in Shushan, and During this period of time, the dungeons that were impacted during the team building in various places made Han Xiao's strength reach the forefront.

In this doomsday, strength is everything.

Today's Han Xiao, standing on the top of the high-rise buildings that he never thought of before the end of the world, looked down on all living beings. On this street, there would occasionally be some zombies rushing wildly, and occasionally there would be evolutionaries haunting.

It's just that most of these people don't pose any threat to him.

It's a pity that today's Han Xiao really doesn't have the interest to enjoy all this.

Even, one of the few beauties who defected here was his school belle when he was in school, and he no longer had any interest in flirting with her.

Just because, in the building that he has already regarded as his base, right opposite him, stands a tall and straight figure.

This girl is more beautiful than any girl that Xiaoxiao has ever seen.

Especially the completely different attire and extremely cold temperament on her body, all of which showed the particularity of the girl in front of her.

However, it is a pity that such a beautiful girl is actually a younger sister.

Although it is said that before the apocalypse, orthopedics is not impossible, the younger sister in front of me is not a real "sister"

"I really didn't expect, my stupid brother, your strength is beyond my imagination! The Gods and Demons Proving Ground really has an unimaginable opportunity~.!"

On the sofa in the building, the girl was wearing a leather jacket stitched with the blood-red fur of an unknown beast, outlining a bumpy figure, and a long leg against the sky was placed directly on the coffee table that Han Xiao liked very much.

The blood-red light in Han Xiao's eyes froze slightly, above his head, on the horn of the devil's blood, there were streaks of dim light and spiritual ripples fluctuating.

Those weapons that were mixed with the spiritual force also fell to the ground with a clang.

Such an attitude made Han Xiao's eyelids twitch quickly, who was used to being aloof during this short period of time:

Han Xiao asked with some surprise.

Above the sky, there was a bang, the sound of piercing through the sky, and it shot towards Rika who was also stunned!

Originally, Rika was slightly taller than Han Xiao by a head, but now he is holding him up high.

"Han Li, is this how you talk to your brother? In hell, they are all like beasts. Don't you know what politeness is?"

The next moment, a purple-black flame spread out instantly.

"Why, do you want to do it!? That's okay, although the great will of the universe forcibly compressed my strength when I entered the trial field of gods and demons through the hell teleportation, which made my level fall back by 5 levels, but how can I deal with you like this?" Stupid brother, that's enough!"

On the hard tempered glass, cracks and spider web cracks were suddenly densely covered.

My stupid sister, let you see my brother's cultivation during this period, I am not a vegetarian either! Hundan!

In an instant, Han Xiao couldn't bear it any longer. The terrifying mental shock caused a storm in the huge office in this building.

However, before that, let's talk to Bai Da first!

So, my stupid brother, where is the whereabouts of that being?"

However, if he were himself, he would become a stupid brother.

However, Han Xiao didn't show any other expressions, instead, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes because of this.

"In hell, the weak prey on the strong, and the strong can dominate the life and death of the weak at will. My stupid brother, with all due respect, although you have a little strength, in hell, you don't even have the qualifications to become my servant knight!

The girl suddenly stretched out her hand, and a huge blood-red color appeared in front of her. The terrifying blood red immediately condensed into a palm!

Rika didn't care at all, and folded his arms across his chest, but that Yimapingchuan's chest didn't rise or fall at all:

"You know me?"

"Of course, Lord Jie told me about your existence and the existence of that majesty, and the purpose of my trip is to find that Lord, the supreme blood moon god in hell, Lady Blood Lily Si Mian, I want to have a dialogue with that existence!

The huge blood-red hand suddenly grabbed Han Xiao, and the attack condensed by that spirit turned into ripples in the space, falling directly "There is no threat at all.

However, such a terrifying impact obviously poses no threat to Rika.

Also, please don't call me by that stupid name, I'm Rika!"

In the sky above these tens of storey buildings, he broke through the sky and appeared in the sky, and then, two sword shadows appeared beside him.

Under Han Xiao's feet, a flying sword that does not match the painting style in front of him has appeared at some point!

(Made Zhao) Rika didn't pay any attention to the flames that swept towards her palm, and just swung them out. However, at this opportunity, there was a loud noise.

In other words, at this time, Bai Da and the others should still be in Shushan, right?

And Han Xiao was directly grabbed by the huge blood-red hand.

Rika's voice was extremely indifferent, but when he mentioned the so-called existence and Lilith, he still had great respect.

Looking at his stinky little sister, Han Xiao had a sneer in his eyes.

"Hell flames? From this point of view, your devil blood is not some shameless little devil!"

The glass was smashed directly.

Even the burning blood was ignited by the purple-black flame.

`Hand of blood! Stupid brother, it is your blessing to be able to witness the skills bestowed on me by Lilith!」

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