All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

346 The Chemical Reaction Between The Genetic Warrior And The Blood Of The Monster Race!

Zhao Pinghuai is very satisfied with his current life.

Even if he was already a bodyguard before the apocalypse broke out, and his monthly salary was not bad.

However, for bodyguards, what is most lacking in many cases is not money, but life and dignity.

Even though she is the bodyguard of a wealthy family like Song Ziqiong, it is often the same.

However, after the apocalypse broke out, it was precisely because of Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Song, his family, his wife and lovely daughter that they didn't turn into zombies like they had seen before.

There is still a happy family, but now, with the improvement of strength, the change of job has become a powerful profession, and the level has been improved. In today's Baidi City, there is no doubt that they are the extremely strong group of people.

This kind of life is given by Mr. Chen in front of him. If Mr. Chen needs it, Zhao Pinghuai really has nothing to say about "Seven Nine Seven". He is used to seeing life and death in the apocalypse. He is already ready to contribute, and as long as he can help Mr. Chen, then all of this will be spared.

It can be said that Zhao Pinghuai stood up because of his loyalty to Chen Bai and Baidi City, not because of his ambition to continue to become stronger.

And this result made Chen Bai even more satisfied.

Chen Bai looked at the man who stood up without him needing to say more, he nodded, and then said directly:

"Share the job description!"

Speaking of which, the animal form of the genetic warrior is also improved by using the genetic medicine of the mutant beast, so it is possible to form some interesting chemical reactions with the genetic warrior.

That's why, Chen Bai will choose the experimental subjects who are the pulse of these genetic warriors to try.

[Gene Warrior Beast Type (Grade B): The gene type is 'mutated tiger', every time you upgrade the level, agility, strength, attribute growth +6, physical growth attribute +5, free distribution attribute growth to 5 points!】

[Battle instinct (professional power): has a very high instinct for fighting, has all the abilities of cats, and can give birth to tiger claws to attack instead! At the same time, injuries will not affect their performance! 】

[Tearing Claw (Professional Skill): Passive, the injury torn by the sharp claw will not be easily recovered, and the attack power of the tiger will be greatly improved! 】

[Hunting state (professional skill): Passive, enter the concealment state, enter the stealth state, when attacking the enemy's back, the burst speed +60%!】

[Tiger Roar (Professional Skill): Take the initiative, launch a roar, and make the enemy's all attributes -20%! Lasts for 10 seconds-1 minute, cooldown: 5 minutes!】

Well enough!

Chen Bai nodded. This genetic warrior is pretty good among B-level occupations. Of course, the gap between high-level occupations and low-level occupations is needless to say.

Chen Bai took Zhao Pinghuai directly to the gazebo in the villa area.

"This is....……"

If he remembers correctly, the blood of the monster clan seems to have the blood of the 'black tiger' during the awakening!?

Chen Bai, however, seemed to have discovered some new continent, with excitement in his eyes.

And with Chen Bai's observation, Lao Zhao, who fell into a coma, finally opened his eyes, and a cold gaze belonging to a beast flashed in his eyes, as well as a look of wisdom that soon came to him.

And the old Zhao in front of him is undoubtedly the case.

Song Ziqiong was taken aback for a moment, but after Zhao Pinghuai took it, his eyes suddenly lit up!

Then without thinking about it, he directly threw it into his mouth. This thing didn't even need to be chewed and swallowed, it directly entered the stomach from the mouth.

But whether it was Chen Bai or Song Ziqiong, there was no movement in their eyes.

Because right in the midst of this, some of the tiger's stripes that were originally slightly yellowish turned dull.

But in just a few flashes, Chen Bai's eyes lighted up slightly, and he found some changes and differences.

However, as long as one endures such pain and continuously becomes stronger amidst the pain, one will become a truly strong person. This has always been the case in this 5.6 world.

Chen Bai also showed a smile, after all, his S-rank blood was not in vain. .

Just an hour.

The shrill howl sounded at this moment. It can be said that just hearing it will make people get goose bumps. This kind of howl that contains great pain makes people feel empathy.

Painful neighing and subconscious roaring lasted for a full hour.

"You succeeded, send me a list of your professional abilities."

It's a dark black!

The tiger's claws appeared directly from the palm, and his body seemed to be changing towards the shape of a tiger. Even, there seemed to be a streak of tiger markings on his body

Following the incomparably stern howling sound, Zhao Pinghuai changed immediately.

"Old Zhao?"

However, almost after entering his stomach, in an instant, it seemed as if a raging fire was burning from his stomach.

Chen Bai ignored him, and directly took out the big demon-level blood from his bosom, and under Song Ziqiong's surprised gaze, handed it to Zhao Pinghuai who was a little apprehensive in front of him.

Seeing the effect of this thing, Zhao Pinghuai pursed his lips.


Old Zhao has already undergone great changes. As the situation stabilizes, apart from the tiger claws that are still exposed, there is really a tiger's "king" pattern on his forehead. However, the lines are relatively calm.

At first, Song Ziqiong thought that something happened, Chen Bai was punishing this "veteran" who followed her very early

In this way, in Baidi City, if possible, there will be a perfect matching growth and improvement system! And truly become a systematic super soldier!

After such a long time, Song Ziqiong has returned to the villa area, looked at the mysterious Chen Bai, and glanced at the figure behind her:

Above the markings, there is a breath of power and beasts.

Chen Bai had a thought, and Song Ziqiong, who was a little confused, saw the change in Zhao Pinghuai!

Such a precious thing, even if it really died after being used, no one else could blame it.

The awakening of blood vessels is a relatively painful process in itself!

Sure enough, the blood of the monster race complements the genetic warriors who also use the mutated single-gene drug!

As a result, after hearing that Chen Bai was trying out that bloodline thing, he turned his expectant eyes to his eyes... 0

With an S-level bloodline, although he is a senior management member of Baidi City, such a thing has not been seen in the entire forum.

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