The twentieth floor of the abyss.

In the vast and boundless world, the Well of the Abyss is located on the highest mountain. Chen Bai looked down at everything in front of him, and at the same time, he was rippling away with the power of the abyss.

A figure high above the mountain peak appeared in Chen Bai's field of vision.

Chen Bai had seen this figure before during the Abyss Trial, and even fought against him countless times.

Rogert, the dark priest.

The second-turn occupation of the first-turn dark mage is also in the abyss, and the quite rare abyss lord with spiritual power is extremely rare.

And being able to become an abyss lord, and even a lord of the twentieth layer of the abyss, Rogelt's strength and wisdom are indeed many times stronger than ordinary demon lords.

Chen Bai looked at this tall Dorriere, with huge spiritual power swimming in the world, and said directly:

"You should know who I am,~ so, let's do it!"

The conquest of the abyss is extremely simple, and only strength is the best thing that can prove all of this.

But this time, Chen Bai miscalculated.

The lord of the twentieth floor of the abyss, after a moment of stunned, knelt down in front of him:

"Great Lord Ruler, your strength can penetrate the entire abyss, and you can become the existence that controls the authority of the abyss, so Rogelt should naturally submit to you!"

Chen Bai blinked, looking at the guy in front of him who was completely different from the rest of the demons, some didn't react.

In fact, everyone understands the principle of the law of the jungle, and the demons in the abyss naturally do the same.

As for Chen Bai's ability to become the master of the abyss, it is actually a certainty that he will conquer the countless layers of the abyss in the future.

However, many demons just don't care.

Only by defeating and killing them will they surrender.

Among the heavens and worlds, demons are like this. Most of them are brainless creatures.

It's rare to see someone who knows current affairs, Chen Bai really didn't react for a while.

No wonder he is a mage!

It is much stronger than those guys whose muscles grow in their brains.

Chen Bai nodded in satisfaction:

"That's right! Rogert, you will understand how wise your choice is in the future!"

Chen Bai took the imprint of the soul offered by Rogelt and sent it into the well of the abyss on the 20th floor of the abyss.

The next moment, the darkness of the well of the abyss rippled, connecting with the lines of the abyss on Chen Bai's palm.

The hoarse voice of the will of the abyss sounded in Chen Bai's heart immediately!

[The great master conquered the twentieth floor of the abyss, and gained all attributes +20 surprises!]

The eleventh to twentieth floors of the abyss have all been conquered again!

According to the original plan, every ten floors will divide an area of ​​the abyss.

Undoubtedly, a new area can be formed again, and a new city can be built!

Thinking of this, Chen Bai looked at Roggart in front of him, the low-browed demon lord who showed a higher level of wisdom! The corners of Chen Bai's mouth twitched slightly:

"Have you heard about the tenth floor of the abyss? A city of demons will also be built on the twentieth floor. I will leave it to you to do this! I will give you certain authority to do it. Alright, I have my own reward!"

Roguelt's eyes lit up, and the long tail of the demon behind him was swaying slightly, and he bowed to salute:

"Yes, great master!"

The art of leadership lies in employing people.

Compared with the first city on the tenth floor of the abyss, which will also be the benchmark for all subsequent demon cities, the subsequent city construction is naturally not so important.

Just wait until the first demon city is built, and some existing systems and situations can be copied as appropriate.

Naturally, there is no need for existences like Leido and Baphomet to personally guard and investigate.

Chen Bai's conquest, however, was clearly not over.

The 21st floor of the abyss, the familiar race, the bull demon demon, is of the same race as Baphomet, and its profession is also quite powerful, blood fighter.

A berserker who can further develop the power of all his blood.

Obviously, this Baphomet fellow of the bull demon clan doesn't have such a good brain.

It perfectly fits Chen Bai's stereotype of the devil.

And its consequences are undoubtedly very simple.

…… Ask for flowers………

The devil's real body burst out in an instant! The flames of hell burned all over Chen Bai's body, and at the same time, his two palms turned into huge heavy hammers!

At this moment, its power has reached a terrifying level that Chen Bai himself can't control!

That is the power to break mountains with one blow!

With all these things added together, Chen Bai's strength even directly broke through the 5000 mark!

What a concept this is, there is no doubt about it!

However, with such terrifying power, facing the abyss lord of the bull demon clan in front of him, he still didn't achieve the crushing effect he wanted to achieve.

More than forty levels, and it is a creature like the Bull Demon Race, and that violent profession. If you want to crush it head-on with force, it has to be said that the difficulty is indeed not small.


Chen Bai, who was used to crushing battles, was a little surprised, but he quickly realized it.

In the blood-red eyes, a dark green light flickered, shining instantly, and the effect of the Plague Sun penetrated out, and in an instant, the scars of the Black Death appeared on the body of this bull demon.

At the same time, the terrifying power in the guy in front of him was sucked away at an unimaginable speed!

On the corner of Chen Bai's mouth, he finally showed a wanton smile! The scarlet in his eyes became extremely violent!


The slaughter in hell did not satisfy his appetite, but now, he is the real opponent who really allows him to vent his desire to fight!


The angry roar of the bull demon resounded throughout the twenty-first floor of the abyss, but no demon dared to approach it!

That kind of punching to the flesh, every move can get the opponent's feedback heartily, is the real meaning of fighting.

Although in the end, this unwilling bull devil died under the terrifying flu virus with his strength and physique constantly weakened.

However, Chen Bai, who had satisfied his desire to fight, had smooth blood all over his body, and was extremely comfortable, still crushed his head with one foot. The next moment, the black light virus wrapped him up and wriggled continuously, turning it into his most abundant nourishment.

[The great master conquered the twenty-first floor of the abyss, and gained all attributes +21 points! Small].

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