All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

332 The Gaze Of The Blood Moon? Identity Discovered?

Almost after this blood-red moonlight descended, the entire gate of Hell's Life and Death Road became quiet.

The figure contained in the blood moon just looked at everything in front of him silently, as well as the creatures under his feet. veil. Can't see anything.

Astaros and many other princes of hell also looked at this crown prince, and for a while, even in their identities, they were a little flustered, "completely at a loss.

The road of life and death in hell is the existence that stood in it not long after hell became independent from the abyss before ancient times. According to rumors, it has an inseparable relationship with the great king of hell.

But now, this thing that stood in hell for an unknown number of years exploded.

Finally, amidst the bewildered gazes of countless people, that figure slowly said:

"The power of greed has been taken away!"

As soon as this remark came out, countless devils and creatures present fell into a daze. Only those few same hell princes all shrank their pupils suddenly, looked at the original position of 25 hell life and death road, and looked Inexplicable.

Then, these creatures looked at all the creatures present who had just entered the path of life and death in hell, as if they were looking for and fearing something.

However, that blood-red figure said lightly again:

"Hell is so big. Although Blood Moon City is temporarily prohibited from entering the road of life and death in hell, it does not mean that other places are also prohibited. There are so many creatures entering the road of life and death in hell at the same time. What about Moon City?!

Alright, the gift of first embrace is temporarily suspended, come to the crimson summit!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the Dukes of Hell also reacted.

After all, on the side of Blood Moon City, there are only three hundred people who have entered this life and death path of hell at the same time.

However, there are hundreds of roads to hell in the entire hell. It is possible for tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, or dozens of people to enter one day and participate in the hell trial.

How can it be so coincidentally in the city of blood moon?!

Everyone thought so, so they went directly to the blood-red peak.

However, only Chen Bai, who was originally in the square, froze suddenly.

Because he was able to perceive very subtly and keenly that on the face covered by the blood-red moonlight condensed into a veil, the same sight like the blood-moon moonlight condensed on his body for a full five seconds.

Never underestimate a true God!

And never doubt any move of a true God.

This is Chen Bai's greatest insight from getting along with Baphomet and others in the abyss.

Even for a guy with no brains like Buffett, there are very good reasons for every move,

The origin of this blood moon god is unknown, and in today's era, he can come to hell and become an existence that shares authority with the rest of the gods in hell, and he has also figured out what kind of blood moon is covering it. Above hell, definitely not an ordinary god.


At this moment, Chen Bai's whole body felt as if struck by lightning, but he reacted very quickly.

Thinking of this, Chen Bai took a direct look at these girls who were also confused, including the younger sister Han Xiao, who also looked confused.

Thinking of this, Chen Bai scratched his head.

He has no interest in becoming a blood relative, Lilith's blood relative.

At the same time, after learning the news about being in the God and Demon Trial Field, after knowing his own existence.

The power of greed has already come into his hands, the secret storehouse of the will of the universe, even if the true god cannot touch it, Lei Duo cannot discover the whereabouts of the gluttonous face.

"Forget you win, you go to participate in the First Embrace!"

*150 What's up?"

Or recover from the abyss after death.

He didn't have much interest in the blood of the blood. In Satan's words, demons and devils are the blood power born in the abyss. They are extremely powerful, and the blood of the blood

In fact, this is also normal.

None other than Rika.

At best, at the beginning, Cain was transformed with his own blood-sucking ability and authority.

For Chen Bai, there really isn't much attraction.

Tut tut.

Now that things are in hand, it's not a big deal to reveal one's identity.

"In the second round, you have already proved your strength! In the third round, my opponent is only you, so, tell me your trials and gains in the life and death of hell, and tell us your final victory burden."

Unfortunately, Chen Bai has no interest in it, he waved his hand:

Jiepai is loyal to Lilith.

After saying that, Chen Bai waved his hand and returned to the hotel.

As for Chen Bai, he had swaggered away from the square.

Chen Bai raised his eyebrows:

Chen Bai smiled, but he didn't care.

As a result, just as he took his steps, a figure stopped in front of him.

Because he thinks from Lilith's perspective, it's easy to think clearly.

What the hell is he hiding his identity and preparing to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, but he was already seen by others?!

At worst, just open the portal and run away.

Maybe, this Lilith has already started to watch her before this life and death path in hell is broken?

This little girl has a strong will to win!?

Then, combined with the previous news, there is no doubt that it is the reason of the king of hell.

Only the girl who was messed up in the wind was left, and looked at the guy who had the same human blood as her who left with some surprise and suspicion, and some didn't know what the other party meant.

The power of greed in hell, I am afraid that no one can move it except the re-emerged Satan, the king of hell. Otherwise, after so many years, how could the demon gods of hell have no idea?

Naturally, he had already informed the other party about himself and Satan.

If he sees through, he sees through, and his goal has been achieved.

Then, at this time, the chance that the human-demon blood hybrid self suddenly appeared in the Blood Moon City, and the self who entered the life and death path of hell is almost more than 90%!

And later, Lilith, the Queen of Blood and God of Blood Moon, gave her a new ability.

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