All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

326 The Ring Of Questioning Heart! Three Paths!

Hell life and death road.

In fact, there is nothing too substantive.

It's just a huge door.

Even the huge door that can carry thousands of people is so high that it can go straight into the sky.

A mysterious and mysterious fluctuation and power swirled around the door.

And as long as it enters the door, it will turn into a ray of light and disappear.

Entered the real life and death road of hell.

The road of life and death in hell is not a real and simple road, but a real and weird trial that can happen in any situation.

For any living being who dares to enter the road of life and death in hell, it is a life-and-death dilemma. Even those real princes of devils dare not say that they can walk through the road of life and death in hell and complete the highest and most difficult "one-step". "Sixty" trials to get the greatest benefits and rewards.

However, for Chen Bai, this place is like an old room where he left behind a pearl, as long as he opens it and enters it, and then takes it out, it will be fine.

It's that simple!

Chen Bai glanced at the blood-red ring that Astaros gave him. He didn't equip it. After all, this female devil had always harbored ill intentions towards him before. Who knows what she was thinking.

But I have to say, this female devil's move is really quite generous!

[Astaros's Ring of Questioning Heart (A Grade)]


【Spiritual Power +110】

[Question: After each use, the resistance to hallucinations in a short period of time will increase by 100%! At the same time, you can keep your mind clear and make choices that you think are correct!]

[Teleportation: You can teleport for a certain distance, the distance is determined by your own mental power, there is no casting time, cooldown time: 10 minutes!】

[Wearing requirements: level ≥ 20, mental power > 800 points

Such a ring equipment can be called the best among the best.

Especially the teleportation ability, which can definitely protect one's life at a critical moment!

And the ability to ask the heart is the same,

The ability to resist hallucinations can be greatly improved. This kind of ability is relatively rare. What impressed Chen Bai the most was that in the abyss, the abyss lord on the 215th floor, the beholder tribe There was, the so-called visionary, Salisbury.

It's just that this kind of ability resistance is also a very practical ability in this hell.

Of course, that's still for people.

Casually throwing the ring into the backpack first, looking at the huge gate of hell life and death in the distance, Chen Bai's eyes showed hope.

He is very much looking forward to it!

What is the incarnation of the seven deadly sins that can be regarded as the main power by Satan, the power of 'greed', the power of greed, and the things evolved.

Is it skills, equipment, or something?

Chen Bai didn't know, but soon, he could witness it.

As Chen Bai stepped onto the path of life and death in hell, a voice appeared in Chen Bai's ears. What Chen Bai didn't expect was that this voice was so similar to the sound of electricity.

This king of hell has indeed done his utmost to hell.

Although, using such words to describe a devil king, no matter how you listen to it, you don't think it is so reliable.

【Entering the road of life and death in hell, please be prepared to meet the trial of greed!】


A light and shadow flickered, and Chen Bai's figure disappeared in the gate of this hell life and death road the next moment.

Disappeared together with all other contestants.

In the next second, what appeared before Chen Bai's eyes was a rather special world.

The illusory golden mist represents the most basic symbol of the word greed: wealth.

Greed, the power and authority that this authority can be linked to, really shouldn't.

Under the golden mist, in front of Chen Bai's eyes, three roads appeared in the mist.

All three roads are signposted.

【Golden Road】

【Paradise Road】

【The Eternal Road】

Just these three names made people's subconscious breathing a little heavy.

The phantom manifestation of the implication represented also emerged at this moment.

On the signpost of the Golden Road, there is endless wealth, and his own figure appears in it. The wealth is incomparable to the country, and the power is overwhelming the world. He wakes up and controls the world, and lies on the knees of the drunken beauties. . . . .

And the road to heaven is even more frightening. He stands high in the sky, looking down at his own kingdom of God, and the boundless God [does not make the humble kneel down at his feet. kissed the field where he stood.

As for the final eternal road, it is a piece of mystery, as if the birth and death of the universe are brewing and surrounding here, and the world changes with every little change of his own figure.

Of these three paths, one is more attractive than the other, as if walking on this path is enough to get what he wants.

But after Chen Bai glanced at it, he directly showed the might of the hell king.

Satan, who had been holding back for several days, before he could react, Chen Bai's voice began to say:

"Okay, this is the road between life and death in hell, now, you can fulfill your promise!"

Satan was taken aback, looking at this illusory world, his figure slowly floated out from the ring of the hell king, revealing a look of emotion and nostalgia:

"That's right, this is the treasury of greed! I never thought that one day I would actually come back here again. Great Lord Ruler, your brilliance is destined to spread throughout the heavens and worlds!"

However, Satan paused but smiled and said:

"The master of the great 5.3, the mark of the king of hell, can indeed make the power of greed come directly, but you don't want to try it, how far can you go in this life and death in hell, what kind of experience can you achieve?

If the authority of greed is obtained, it is unknown whether the treasures that 'greedy' has collected in these countless years can be opened again and the collected treasures can be taken out. The power of authority is indeed powerful. But just like the authority of the abyss, if you want to fully use it, you also need to master your strength to meet certain requirements!"

Hearing this guy's words, Chen Bai raised his eyebrows slightly.

He really came with a little bit of interest.

Left and right have also entered here, and he does have some curiosity about the spectacle in hell!.

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