Chapter 81 The stump and the arm are broken, the debris is all over, and the cruel battle!

After Lin Feng kills the Orion, the shadow crystals left by the opponent will trigger a tide of corpses.

In order to get a higher task rating and get more task rewards, Lin Feng must fight against the corpse tide.

Time is urgent.

The huge shadow crystal is evaporating at a very fast speed, and it is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lin Feng knew that the corpse tide would come soon.

He shuttled through the city at the fastest speed.

Large tracts of soil were exposed under the asphalt and asphalt roads that were previously destroyed by the “tree world” skills.

These soils are hotbeds for plants.

Taking his location as the center of the circle, Lin Feng quickly constructed a circular position and continued to expand outward.

In the very center of the position, a large number of sunflowers rose from the ground.

After planting a batch of sunflowers, Lin Feng couldn’t take care of collecting sunshine balls.

Before teleporting over, he had already collected the sunlight produced in the past two days in the trial space.

His sunshine energy points are still hundreds of thousands.

So Lin Feng is not in a hurry to collect sunlight, he has to hurry up and arrange attacking plants in this city first.

Starting from the center of the position, he kept planting plants outside.

Double launchers in a circle.

A circle of ice shooters.

A circle of corn pitchers.

A wall of tin nuts.

Reality is not a game after all.

In this city, zombies can attack from any direction.

Therefore, the plants cannot just defend one direction.

Arranged in a circle, they have the widest attack range and the widest defensive angle.

In terms of planting, the three plant heroes such as Plant Soldier and Corn Colonel can’t help much.

Lin Feng ordered them to start clearing the road and sort out more areas for planting.

With plenty of sunlight to catalyze, those plants grow quickly.

It didn’t take long for a simple defensive position to be constructed.

But this is not enough.

Lin Feng knew very well that after the shadow crystals left by the Orion volatilized, it caused a tide of corpses.

How many zombie attacks can be called corpse tide?

For this second-order trial, Lin Feng dare not care about it now.

He must be fully prepared.

Therefore, this simplest defensive position cannot satisfy him.

He wants to expand!

Moreover, he has more special plants not used.

When I changed my job as a cultivator before, I unlocked many plant seeds and special plants.

Such as gooseberry, seaweed, kiwi fruit, wasabi, blood antler, magic power, king grass

Now, it is time for them to come in handy.

Lin Feng intends to distribute the positions in stages.

In this case, the outermost position is breached, and there is a line of defense inside to relay.

Lin Feng planted sunflowers around the tin nut wall again.

In the sunflower outer circle, Lin Feng is not planting a double launcher.

Replaced by new plants.

Hot Haihui.

It can launch a fire attack.

At the same time, it can attract distant zombies to attack oneself.

Simply put, it can pull hatred.

When Lin Feng first cultivated this plant, he still had some doubts.

Zombies also have hatred that can be pulled?

Or is it that the attractive effect of the enthusiasm is only effective for those zombies who have regained certain thinking and rationality after mutation?

But after the explanation of the annotation system, Lin Feng suddenly realized.

【The passion date can emit special pheromones, attracting zombie viruses that infect zombies.

With it in the position, it can effectively disrupt the formation of the zombie attack.

In addition to the passion date, Lin Feng has also cultivated several special plants.

Outside the passion date, it is surrounded by scorching wasabi.

There are two thick vines on both sides of their bodies.

Once an attack is launched, flames will be attached to the two vines.

Using this whip of flame, Scorching Wasabi can attack zombies within a certain distance before and after.

In addition, it can cause deceleration damage, and can unite to cast the icy currant of the ice wall.

It can emit electric arcs and can be connected to form a large number of electric shock blueberries on the grid.

Lin Feng has high hopes for these plants.

The sunflower is the inner circle, and the iron nut wall is the outer circle.

In the two circles of plants, many special plants are planted to form a botanical garden ring.

In this way, layer after layer of ring-shaped defensive lines are nested, and finally a huge circular defensive position is formed.




Strange roars came from far to near into Lin Feng’s ears.

Lin Feng stopped working and looked around.

Countless zombies swept in from all directions.

Ordinary zombies with rotten body and bleeding pus.

Very fast, extremely short, miniature zombies.

It is surrounded by strange vines, and the chest is inlaid with small zombies with dark blue crystals.

A huge, slow-moving ancient giant zombie wielding a bone hammer.

The massive zombies seemed to have seen some peerless delicacy, with their mouths open, roaring and rushing over.

This is just the zombies on the ground.

Lin Feng looked towards the sky.

With a buzzing sound.

Groups of small flying zombies rushed over like dark clouds.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Feng thought of the second trial he faced during the college entrance examination.

That time, all candidates were required to survive for 24 hours, and there were also a large number of zombies attacked.

But compared with the original, the corpse tide this time, both in terms of quality and quantity, was even worse.

Lin Feng looked terribly.

This battle is destined to be difficult.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

Zi Zi Zi!

When the tide of corpses gradually approached the attack range of the plants.

The nearest plant quickly launched an attack.

All of a sudden.

The roar of zombies.

The crash of peas.

The sound of flames burning.

The sound of an electric arc crackling.

Various sounds densely enveloped the entire battlefield!

Lin Feng just glanced at the combat situation on the periphery, but didn’t pay attention.

He understood one thing just by looking at it.

If the plants in this defensive position are not replenished, they will be washed away by the tide of corpses sooner or later.

Lin Feng must hurry up.

He kept collecting the sun balls produced by sunflowers.

Then use plants and trees to summon the plants in the center of the position into plant soldiers, and send them to the periphery of the position to participate in the defense.

Afterwards, plants were replanted in the center of the vacated position.

In addition, he gave orders to Colonel Corn, Fragrant Chair Archer, and Rose Mage.

Let them lead the existing plant soldiers to fight in battle.

Pick the plant soldiers who are moving faster, cross the iron nut wall, and drag in the zombies closest to the line of defense.

After that, the idle plant soldiers took root on the remains of the zombie, absorbed the residual energy, and quickly improved the attack ability and action ability.

In this way, Lin Feng slowly accumulated a team of elite plant soldiers.

Prior to this, the plant soldiers who absorbed the nutrients from the hunted corpses were the most powerful.

They led other elite plant soldiers, acting as a team of sharp knives, attacking the hard-to-kill ancient giant zombies.

At the same time, once the pressure on the line of defense increases, they must rush over and use their powerful attacks and explosions to rescue the emergency.

At this moment, this city has become a bloody battlefield with fierce fighting conditions.

Every moment, countless zombies die, and countless plants are crushed and torn.

Later, more zombies attacked.

There are countless corpses of zombies turned into nutrients for plant soldiers, cultivating more powerful plant soldiers.

Plants continue to grow, and they are summoned as plant soldiers to complement the torn line of defense.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The battle between plants and zombies did not stop for a moment.

Here, the battle is sweet!

at the same time.

**In the northeast, a valley in Xin’anling.

Murongxue, dressed in professional attire, was standing in front of the guardian giant tree with joy on her face.

Before that, she returned to the family and buried the life energy ball given by Lin Feng next to the trunk of the giant tree.

It didn’t take long for the branches and leaves of the giant tree to make a rustling sound.

Murong Xue looked carefully, and the leaves guarding the giant tree were all green.

In her perception, although the guardian giant tree is still very weak, the situation is much better than before.

If the former guardian giant tree was half-dead, now it can be regarded as a bit of vitality.

A smile appeared on Murongxue’s cold face.

Smiling, she stepped out of the valley.

Now she has verified that the life energy ball given by Lin Feng is beneficial to guarding the giant tree.

This is enough to show that he is indeed the hope of the restoration of the guardian giant tree.

In that case, it is imperative to do our best to help Lin Feng improve his strength and become a stronger gardener.

Murongxue had previously agreed to introduce Lin Feng to his teammates.

As long as he has a strong and reliable teammate, he can safely complete the second-order trial and gradually advance.

Murongxue returned home, picked up her mobile phone, and made a call.

She notified the person in charge of the family’s personnel and found her two powerful second-tier testers.

Not long after, a man and a woman came to Murong Xue’s face.

The man is called Yingyingjie, a third-order priest.

The female name is Yu Qingxin, an Ash Mage, and her professional level is also Tier 3.

Both are 19 years old this year and are in college.

After this holiday, they are second-year university students.

Although they are not named Murong, they are actually children of the Murong family.

Their fathers are all sons-in-law who have been transferred to Murong’s house.

Thanks to the powerful resources of the Murong family and their own talents, they are all outstanding among their peers.The two are now only one step away to advance the trial space to the third level.

They came to Murong Xue and bowed respectfully.

After straightening up, the two looked forward to Murongxue longingly.

This is a big man in the family!

The powerhouse of Tier Nine!

“”Aunt Xue, I don’t know what task you have for calling us over.”

Ying Yingjie first asked.

“The gardener who broke the trial space record before, you should have heard of it?

Murongxue’s attitude towards her younger generation is fairly cordial.

“He is about to participate in the second-tier trial, I need you two to take him to the next level.”

Both Gong Yingjie and Yu Qingmeng showed unexpected expressions.

How could a character like Aunt Xue care about a gardener?

Although the other party caused a lot of turmoil in the society, he is only a small second-order gardener after all.

No wonder the two think so.

After all, the two of them are still students, still in the learning stage, and have not been exposed to family affairs.

Almost all of their understanding of Lin Feng came from the Internet.

Although Lin Feng is touted very high on the Internet, Ying Yingjie and the two do not care too much.

After all, they are all powerful professions, and they are all members of the Murong family, so how can they pay attention to a gardener?

Although puzzled, the two did not inquire about the specific reason.

Anyway, it is the family task, as long as you complete it yourself.

Moreover, it was Aunt Xue who posted the task. (Li Zhaohao)

They not only have to complete the task, but also do their best.

In order to show his enthusiasm for the task, Gong Yingjie said: “Aunt Xue, don’t worry, we promise to complete the task.”

Murong Xue nodded.

“Wait, let me make a call first and introduce you to me.”

After speaking, she took out her mobile phone and dialed out.

Seeing her movements, Ying Yingjie and Yu Qingmeng were shocked.

They glanced at each other, and they all got an incredible look from their respective eyes.

what’s the situation?

Aunt Xue is calling the gardener?

This means that a second-order gardener can actually contact Aunt Xue directly?

They thought that Murong Xue would let others take them to contact Lin Feng.

Or, give Lin Feng their contact information and let the other party take the initiative to contact them.

As a result, it is Murong Xue who actually matched the bridge in person now?

The attitudes of Ying Yingjie and Yu Qingxin have changed.

This Lin Feng does not seem simple.

They have made up their minds to complete the task better.

“The user you are dialing is not currently in the service area. Please play it again later.

Murongxue frowned slightly when she heard the alert tone on the phone.

Not in the service area?

Did Lin Feng enter the trial space again to cultivate plants?

Thinking of this, she looked at her two younger generations.

“Lin Feng seems to have gone to the trial space. Let’s send it in together. Video communication is also more convenient in it.

After speaking, she got up and left.

Ying Yingjie and Yu Qingxin respectfully followed behind.

However, Murongxue was destined to be unable to contact Lin Feng.

Because he is fighting countless zombies.

This tough offensive and defensive battle is far from over!

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