Chapter 290 Major Breakthrough

“Now six Demon Fruits can be refined at a time. In this way, it can be doubled. I believe mass production is just around the corner.”

“But I won’t hand over this core formula. After all, this is something I’ve worked so hard to get.”

“But I will refine these demon fruits to General He Lao and them.”

“For the improvement of Long Nation’s overall strength, it won’t be in vain for me to spend so much effort.”

Murongxue and the others heard it. After Lin Feng’s remarks, they were all very happy for Lin Feng. After all, everyone had the same purpose.

And with such a powerful friend as Lin Feng, of course they are also very happy.

Murongxue smiled and said to Lin Feng, “Then since your trial here has been successful again, it is simply a miracle here.”

“It’s been a long time since our brothers got together, how about going to your Emerald Palace as a guest?”

Lin Feng felt a little embarrassed when he was going to be a guest. After all, everything in his emerald sky was good, but there was a little lack of human fireworks.

So he smiled and said, “In that case, let’s go buy some other things and bring them to me.”

“My Emerald Palace is short of cooking. I will actually hire a chef to come to my place in the future, and then I can go to my place to eat something good.”

Hearing this, Hong Peng immediately said there happily: “Then may I go to your Emerald Palace to see me, but I heard that it is a paradise on earth.”

“I’ve been longing for it for a long time, but I don’t have the blessing to go in and see if I can receive your invitation?”

Lin Feng smiled and said: “Even if you don’t say that, I will invite you. We are good friends who haven’t seen each other for a long time. Let’s get together.”

After speaking, the three people put their shoulders on their backs, walked out from here, came to a nearby restaurant, and packed a lot of meals.

They brought these things directly and went back to Lin Feng’s Jade Palace, after arriving there.

Murong Xue and Hong Peng were so shocked that they almost dropped their jaws. They just heard the name of the Emerald Palace in the legend.

Coming here for the first time, it was an eye-opener for them. The Emerald Palace was simply a personal wonderland.

There are green vines shining with a faint green light everywhere, just like the fairyland in the fairy tale, making them feel that this place is simply beautiful.

Mu Ruxue’s expression is normal, but Hong Peng is just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. What is strange to see?

I was envious of what I saw there, especially the plant heroes who saw Lin Feng, which opened his eyes.

He was amazed there, saying that it was very worthwhile for him to come here once in his entire life.

He never dreamed of being able to come to such a place, and when he saw those precious plants of Lin Feng.

As well as the high-level plant heroes, he didn’t know what to say that he was envious of. It was a good moment of excitement.

It made him a little emotionally upside-down, Lin Feng and Murongxue both looked at him and didn’t know how to laugh or cry.

So the two of them sat there. Seeing Hong Peng dancing up and down there, he also felt quite funny.

Colonel Maize on the side hurried over and said, “My lord, what’s your order, I’ll pour tea for you.”

Lin Feng nodded, so he saw Colonel Corn there very quickly and went to the house. After a while, he brought out a pot of tea and a teacup.

Placed in front of Lin Feng and the two of them, and then stepped back respectfully. Murongxue saw this scene.

He smiled and said, “You really have a family to train them here. These guys can listen to your arrangements. It’s a miracle.”

Because Hong Peng was brought back by Lin Feng, after all, he was a friend of his master.

So these plants saw Hong Peng, jumping up and down beside them, but they just ignored Hong Peng and ignored him.

But Hong Peng didn’t notice at all there, these plants hated him, if it weren’t for Lin Feng’s face, Hong Peng would have been besieged by these plants long ago.

So at this time, Lin Feng smiled and said, “Okay, okay, Hong Peng will come back quickly, sit down and have some tea, and we will go to the restaurant for dinner later.

Because of the attacker Zhao Zhao there) Master Gui and a few, Pea Shooter, they have already prepared all the meals there, and they are here to entertain guests for their master.

The Master Rose also bought a few specially. The roses were placed in a vase and placed on the dining table. They looked very atmospheric.

They put all the meals brought back by the host and put them on the plate. They looked very satisfied.

When Hong Peng and Murongxue returned to the dining room with Lin Feng, they saw this scene. Several plant heroes were busy there.

The food was laid out there. After seeing Lin Feng coming back, I respectfully talked to Lin Feng and the others, turned around and left after saying hello.

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