Chapter 284 Devil Fruit

And at this time, he also has the obligation and ability to create more fruits of the Devil God.

As for the fruits of the Devil God that he had developed before, it was easy for him to improve it.

For these Demon God’s fruits, he only needs to get more, which can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the Dragon Kingdom.

Make the Dragon Kingdom the country with the strongest ability to defend the city, so he can be regarded as a great contribution to the Dragon Kingdom.

As for the rewards that Chen Huanian and General He had previously said to give him, he also felt very happy.

At least he was recognized by others. As for these two gray-haired old men at this age, they had to worry about the comfort of the Dragon Kingdom.

It made him feel in awe, and if he could become, the names of characters like Chen Huanian and General He would last forever.

Why not become a famous person in the history of the Dragon Kingdom?

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he also wanted to let those other countries look at -07, and they would come out in large numbers in the Dragon Kingdom.

Especially the things he can develop by Lin Feng are beyond their reach in other countries.

Chen Huanian on the side took a look there. Lin Feng said kindly: “We are very interested in your research results, Lin Feng, and we will strongly support your research in the future.”

“As for the funding issues and the materials provided, please mention what you need.

“We are very satisfied with this situation at your young age. We in Longguo have a good future for young people like you.”

Lin Feng nodded embarrassedly and said, “This is what I should do. As for some things, I can only say yes, do my best.”

“I will do my best to cultivate the fruits of the Devil God, so that these Damn it zombies will stop attacking our Dragon Kingdom and Blue Star from now on.

“I want to eradicate them completely. If a tide of corpses really breaks out here one day, we must also do a strong defense.”

Everyone voted Lin Feng and praised him there. Lin Feng was able to have such a great ability at a young age.

And there was such a broad mind, great revenge, so thunderous applause came from the entire conference room at this time.

Everyone used it there, looking at Lin Feng with admiration and admiration.

I think Lin Feng, but the hope for the future of Long Country, many people have heard of Lin Feng’s name before.

But I have never met Lin Feng himself, and I admire Lin Feng even more after hearing his words today.

Many people were cheering there, shouting Lin Feng’s name there.

I think Lin Feng is really their idol, and Lin Feng was embarrassed by others at this time.

General He on the side signaled that everyone must be quiet. At this serious moment, they will continue to study the next step.

When the meeting was successfully concluded, Lin Feng was called into their office separately by General He Lao and Chen Huanian.

Sitting there and talking for a long time, I am quite satisfied with Lin Feng and the two of them.

This young man and the two old guys are pleasing to the eye how they look.

I feel that if all the young people of Long Country can have Lin Feng’s consciousness, then they are unnecessary.

At this age, they are still busy defending against foreign enemies, so Lin Feng gave them the minister’s advice.

And Lin Feng said that this time he will definitely develop it after returning to the Jade Palace.

For those more powerful weapons to deal with the zombies, it is best to increase the types of the fruits of the Devil God.

Because these things are really too much trouble to nurture, it will take a lot of effort.

After Lin Feng said these things, General He also expressed deep sympathy.

There he said: “It is true that we are not proficient in these things. Among these young people, you are the most proficient in this way.

“So we can only tell you, no matter what your decision is, we will support you.”

“Since you like to develop these things 723, we will give you more support. I hope you can think about the great cause of the country.”

Lin Feng nodded and said, “Don’t worry, I will take this matter to heart and will never take it lightly.

“This matter is related to the life of the Dragon Kingdom and the safety of the Blue Star.”

“If the footprints on Mars are indeed traces left by humans, it means that some countries have secretly started doing some experiments there.

“If those are not left by human beings, but the place where other planets came.”

Then it makes Lin Feng even more suspicious that these things are all a huge conspiracy.

Several of them talked there for a long time, and when he left, General He deliberately handed Lin Feng something together.

Let Lin Feng put it away. When Lin Feng saw a few boxes in front of him, Lin Feng was shocked.

I didn’t expect General He to be so generous, and even give him so many Nether Energy Crystals at once.

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