Chapter 250: Lin Feng, the Great Demon! Stressful young people!

Lin Feng just transferred to the preparation space.

Another reminder sounded one after another in the trial space.

“Ding! Tester Lin Feng, completed the second trial of the third-tier trial, and got the evaluation: SSS.

This tone did not surprise Lin Feng at all.

After so many trials.

He is used to it.

I am pursuing the evaluation of the SSS level almost every time.

Only in this way, can I quickly improve my strength.

Now, the prompt to obtain the SSS grade evaluation can no longer shake his mind.

Lin Feng didn’t even stop in the preparation space.

He directly teleported back to the trial space and returned to the Emerald Palace.

Compared to these tips.

He looks forward to the next reward.

But he didn’t pay much attention to these prompts.

The other testers can’t be treated as if they didn’t hear it.

Murong Mingyue is participating in the trial.

She was taken aback when she heard the prompt.

Knowing that the surging tide of corpses hit in front of her, she reacted.

Seeing that the rotten mouth was biting towards him and corroding, Murong Mingyue oozes cold sweat from behind.

“Sword of Waves!”

She screamed and swung her dagger.

A green light wave appeared instantaneously, cutting the zombies in front of him in half.

“The volatility broke out!

There was another stern shout.

There was a violent shaking on the ground.

The strong fluctuations spread in all directions.

Countless zombies close to her were killed.

Not only the zombies around her.

The zombies near her teammate were also swept away at this moment.

Murong Mingyue held her weapon tightly.

She was shocked.

Lin Feng, actually completed the trial again!

Moreover, once again won the SSS grade evaluation!

While shocked.

A raging war spirit emerged in her heart.

I must do my best to complete the trial that I ended!

Can’t be left too far by that person!

She can always remember her thoughts.

Become Lin Feng’s teammate!

Use his terrifying murderous aura to temper his killing intent and heart!

Thinking of this, Murong Mingyue cheered up again.

Can’t lose!

A raging war intent burned in her heart.

This momentum infected her teammates.

“As expected of Mingyue, when I heard this prompt, not only was he not cowardly, but he was more combative! I can’t lose to you either!”


“It is an honor to be the youngest generation of Long Country with you and Lin Feng!”

The vigorous voice of young people echoed in this trial space.

Murong Mingyue and her teammates once again attacked the surrounding corpses!

But Murong Mingyue cheered up like this, not only was not scared by Lin Feng’s horrible record, but after all, the young people who worked harder were few.

More people feel a strong pressure.

Many people know that the gap between themselves and Lin Feng is too big.

Many of them chose to give up chasing after this powerful young man.

Many people just take Lin Feng’s SSS-level evaluation again as an after-hours chat.

And some people feel a terrible sense of frustration because of his terrifying record.

For example, Feng Hongkuang.

This Lin Feng’s peer.

Also the one who once regarded him as an old enemy.

At this moment, he was sitting in his own trial cabin.

His trial is coming to an end.

Among his peers, he is already considered a very good person.

But among the same batch of candidates who entered the trial space, his ranking was only 1503.

It is totally incomparable with Lin Feng.

Because that person has already left this level.

Lin Feng’s career level has reached the fifth-level gardener.

And his trial level has reached the third level.

And what about yourself?

Feng Hongkang looked at his trembling hand.

He is still a second-order priest!

Even if this is one of the strongest professions.

But the gap between himself and Lin Feng has been difficult to catch up.

This makes it difficult for him to accept the opponent as his opponent.

What embarrassed him even more.

With the promotion of professional level.

He found that his body would come in pain from time to time.

Does his body seem to be unable to withstand the load brought about by the skills of priests?

In this case.

Stop chasing Lin Feng.

Can’t be compared to people of the same generation.

A deep sense of frustration permeated his heart!

The reminder that Lin Feng obtained the SSS-level evaluation again has not only caused a huge impact on the young people of Longguo.

He also put great pressure on his peers abroad.

Especially those foreign testers who are one round older than Lin Feng, but still considered a younger generation.

In the next period of time.

They are all direct competitors of Lin Feng.

Because Lin Feng’s current trial level is already third.

As long as he continues to advance, he will reach the fourth-order trial!

At that time, new types of trials will appear!

Competitive trial!

Duel trial!

Team battle trial!

And Lin Feng will become a competitor for everyone!

Instead, they are his true peers.

He had long been thrown off.

In this situation.

These Tier 4 and Tier 5 testers are the real people at the same level as Lin Feng.

Especially those who are outstanding.

They are high-spirited and stand out among their peers.

But now, Lin Feng is younger than them.

However, both the professional rank and the trial rank have reached their same ranks.

The record and evaluation of the opponent’s trials are far beyond their comparability.

Inside a trial space full of lava.

A naked torso summoned a huge thunder sword, and a sword split the head of an earth dragon zombie.

He was out of breath and tried to breathe smoothly.

Three teammates by his side are protecting his safety.

John Cliff, nicknamed Thor.

Elemental Mage.

Good at using thunder element magic.

He looked at the Tier 5 dragon zombies lying in front of him, and then at the corpse tide blocked in the distance.

“Is Lin Feng?”

“Hope we have a chance to have a real showdown!”

“I want to see how amazing the people who have caused so much trouble to us Eagle Country!”

He is very proud.

The earth dragon zombies that died on the ground represented his strength.

That is Tier 5!

A (Wang Nuozhao) Snow Mountain Trial Ground.

Green Brad of Niu Country stood on the top of the snow mountain, looking up at the dark clouds in the sky.

“Lin Feng?”

“When you are promoted to Tier 4 and formally advanced to Intermediate Examiner, I will compete with you again!”

“Before this, let me try it hard!

When he muttered to himself.

The teammates behind him looked at him with admiration.

Niu Country is a strong young generation.

Tomahawk: Green Brad.


Known as the strongest berserker of this generation!

He is not only the person who ignited the battle against Lin Feng.

There are also the element mage Grant of the bear country, the iron cavalry Elus of the Gaul country, and the young general of the dragon country Chen Xiao

One after another young strong, they are not willing to give up easily!

They all hope to accumulate advantages and try hard to deal with the competition with him before Lin Feng is promoted to a Tier 4 tester!

But these people will not know.

Lin Feng, who owns the God-Eating Tree, will be terrifying in the next trial!

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