Chapter 227 The rapidly expanding Demon Devouring Tree! Big Boss?

If someone can stand high in the sky overlooking the entire Azura Star.

He will see a strange scene.

The ground of the entire Azura Star is crystal clear, reflecting a brilliant luster.

And in the air, there are a lot of colorful dust floating constantly.

On that ground, there were countless tides of corpses violently impacting-a defensive position.

The tide of corpses was so vast that there was no end in sight.

All the zombies collectively attacked a green defensive position.

That defensive position is made up of countless plants.

All kinds of weird plants cooperate with each other and group together, bombarding countless zombies.

From a bird’s eye view, those plants are like a flat boat floating in the tide of corpses, crumbling.

But what actually happened was quite the opposite.

Countless zombies were killed and swallowed by plants.

The zombies that have always relied on the infectivity of the zombie virus to kill races have now become the nourishment for these strange plants.

Under the nourishment of many nutrients, those plant positions are rapidly expanding.

More and more plants began to grow.

The fastest growing is a strange tree in the plant field.

It is very tall, with sturdy bark, and its main trunk is about 10 meters high with lush foliage.

The sturdy tree roots and branches entangled the zombies coming from the attack.

All the branches exploded with a powerful force that was completely different from that of plants, and almost all the zombies were unable to break free.

The only ones who can compete with this giant tree are the giant zombies.

But they were greeted by the bombardment of countless powerful corn cannons.

Coupled with the extremely rapid reproduction speed, the dark crystal orchid attacks from the inside.

Almost all the huge zombies couldn’t resist the attack of the plants, and fell to the ground at a very fast speed, becoming the nutrient of the Demon Devouring Tree.

Lin Feng stood in the middle of the plant, with a look of surprise.

Even he didn’t expect that the attack ability of these dark plants would be so powerful.

In his impression, no plant has the ability to reproduce as well as these dark plants.

They are extremely aggressive.

No matter how the zombies charge, they can’t really cause damage to the plant position.

Not only that, their dead bodies will become nourishment for plants.

Whether it is turbid pus, stumped limbs, or body tissues.

Nothing can escape the absorption of plants.

At the same time, these plants are growing at an unstoppable speed.

In the beginning, the Devourer Tree was just a small sapling.

In less than half an hour, it has grown into a towering tree.

The most important thing is that the Devil Eater Tree will expand.

Lin Feng saw these zombies have been absorbed by the Devil-Eating Tree and turned them into organic matter for their growth.

With the strengthening of the crystal dust scattered in the air and the strengthening of the sun sphere, the devil-eater tree began to split and multiply.

Soon, the second and third Demon Eater tree saplings grew out of those huge roots.

But in the blink of an eye, those small saplings were also rapidly growing.

Their height jumped rapidly, reaching 10 meters quickly.

The height of the original Demon Eater tree trunk has exceeded 20 meters.

The size of these Devil-Eating Trees quickly grew.

The bark gradually darkens, and more and more roots and branches are derived from them.

Soon, these devil-eater trees formed an oasis.

Lin Feng looked at the jungle surrounding him and was deeply shocked.

too strong.

With this dark type plant, plus the blessing of the planter, when he is fighting in positional and group battles, his combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

He moved his gaze to the zombies in the distance.

The endless zombies formed a continuous wave of corpses, constantly impacting the plant position.

Fortunately, these zombies are irrational.

Otherwise, Lin Feng is still a little worried that the Devil-Eater Tree is too strong and the Dark Crystal Orchid is too weird, and these zombies will be too scared to attack the line of defense.

Boom boom boom!


The deafening sound resounded throughout the battlefield.

Rows of huge zombies attacked.

A sneer flashed in Lin Feng’s heart.

I have been waiting for you for a long time.

Those zombies that strode forward were bigger than the huge individuals before.

The height has exceeded 10 meters.

But with the Devil-Eater Tree top in front, Lin Feng believes that all plants can output as much as they want.

There is only one final fate for those huge zombies.

That is to become the nourishment for plants.


The speed of those huge individuals in the distance is getting faster and faster.

Lin Feng can clearly see the wounds on their bodies.

Through those skins, you can see the muscles inside.

The muscle fibers of the zombies are strengthened by the zombie virus, and each bundle of muscle fibers appears strong and powerful.

With Lin Feng’s current eyesight, he can even clearly see the contracted and relaxed muscle fibers constantly moving.

0.……Look for flowers…

The power they can generate is enormous.

Lin Feng did not observe them anymore.

His figure flashed, and he had already appeared on the outermost part of the Demon Devouring Tree Jungle.

He sown a wall of iron-skinned nuts on the ground.

The shape of the jungle became a strong defensive position.

Soon, more corn cannons, frozen watermelons, flaming tree stumps, and machine gun peas appeared in the jungle.

Corresponding to the frozen watermelon, there are many flame plants.

Flaming Mushroom, Fire Dragon Grass, Hot Chili.

In the endless tide of corpses, many zombies have broken clothes on their bodies.

After the fire was ignited, soon slices of flames began to spread among the zombies.

A burnt and rancid smell wafted in the air.

Lin Feng did not hesitate, and continued to lead his plants to expand their collar.



Accompanied by a tremor on the ground.

The rows of huge zombies finally approached the plant position and approached the Demon Devouring Tree!

Lin Feng jumped his eyes and waved his hand.

「Shoo hoo~

Boom boom boom!

One after another huge corn cannonballs passed high in the sky.

Because the speed was too fast, a sharp howling echoed throughout the battlefield.

A violent explosion sounded on the battlefield!

The violent shock wave accompanied the flames to swallow the huge zombies.

Their tattered skin became more fragmented, and their flesh and blood flew across.

Those small zombies were attacked by these violent artillery fire, and they turned into fly ash without any response.

But those huge zombies can withstand the attack of the corn cannon.

But all to no avail.

Because Lin Feng’s real killer copper is the Dark Crystal Orchid, which is the Devourer Tree.

With the roar of artillery fire, more and more huge zombies fell.

Numerous roots entangled on their corpses and began to absorb nutrients.

The entire battlefield revealed a weird atmosphere!

The Devil Devouring Tree began to expand at an extremely fast speed!

Soon, on the star of Azura, a huge forest of Devourer Trees appeared!

And this expansion has not stopped!

There is a tendency to occupy the entire surface of the Azura Star!

Lin Feng calmly arranged his defenses.

He knows that the ultimate goal of this trial, the corpse mage hasn’t appeared yet!

Can’t be careless! Knife,

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