Chapter 225 Terrifying Dark Plants!

Boom boom boom~!

The heavy footsteps were transmitted to Lin Feng’s ears along the ground.

He looked into the distance with a serious look.

There, an endless tide of corpses flooded towards the vegetation.

The zombies moved quickly and looked smart.

If it weren’t for their rotten skin, some without eyes, and some without noses, Lin Feng would even think they were alive.

The zombies here are abnormal.

They are moving too fast.

Not only that, but also very large individuals appeared here.

It’s not a corpse hunter, which is already huge in size.

It’s an enhanced individual.

Lin Feng looked at the tall figures, and his heart stunned.

Those huge figures are like enlarged versions of zombies, enlarged versions of giant zombies…

Rotten skin, torn muscles, exposed bones.

All body tissues have been enlarged.

The turbid pus fell along with the movement of the giant zombie.

Those huge zombies were rushed towards the plant position, carried by the tide of corpses.

Lin Feng moved his gaze to the face of a giant bone giant zombie.

One of its eyeballs has been half-sitting and hung outside the eye socket but has not fallen.

This is a normal sight on zombies.

But what is abnormal is that the eyeballs are also too big.

Lin Feng estimated that the eyeball hanging outside is probably much larger than a tire.

How is this going?

His brows frowned.

When he had such doubts, Lin Feng appeared in front of his eyes with a prompt of the annotation system.

【Bone Giant Zombie: Zombies formed by ancient giant individuals. After the corpse decayed to a certain extent, it was infected by the zombie virus and changed into this appearance.

[Note: With the addition of the soul power of the Azura Star, the mobility of these zombies has been improved, and the size is also increasing.

Lin Feng frowned more tightly.

The power of the soul of the star of Azura?

Does this artifact still have such an effect?

And shouldn’t those zombies be the frogs on this artifact?

Why does it enhance the opponent’s strength?

Could it be that those demon gods are planning something?

But isn’t that Azura, like Meredia, a demon god who hates undead?

Just when Lin Feng was full of doubts, the tide of corpses rushed into the attack range of the plant defense line.

Boom boom boom~!


Boom boom boom!

Without any hesitation, all the attacking plants launched their attacks.

In the sky, rows of frozen watermelons exuding white chill crossed a parabola and smashed toward the tide of corpses.

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the frozen watermelons broke apart one by one.

The heads of the zombies that were smashed were also shattered together.

The attack power of frozen watermelon is very strong.

The small zombies can hardly stop twice.

Add the diffuse damage of frozen watermelon.

Those zombies of normal size were smashed into a pile of mud.

But those huge individuals are not so easy to solve.

They were also attacked several times by the frozen watermelon, but only a few fingers and pieces of minced meat were dropped.

Fortunately, the frozen watermelon is very cold and the temperature is very low.

The speed of actions for those huge elections has obviously been slowed down.

But they still pushed forward unswervingly.

Lin Feng raised his brow and waved his hand.

Under his command, the ordinary corn cannons opened fire one after another.

The huge recoil lifted waves of crystal clear dust on the ground.



Boom boom boom!

One after another huge corn shells tore open the air, bringing up a burst of red and white tail flames to bombard the huge zombie individuals.

Suddenly, a sky road composed of corn cannon shell tail flame appeared in the air.



Countless corn shells bombarded the zombies, causing a violent explosion.

The dust was flying, and the shock wave lifted countless zombies.

In the air, those zombies struggled with their hands, but were torn apart by the powerful shock wave.

There was a huge explosion.

The ground trembled more severely.

An orange flame suddenly rose among the zombies.

A round of hemispherical flame light quickly swallowed the surrounding zombies.

A scorched smell soon drifted in the air.

Accompanied by the rotten smell of zombies, the entire air seemed very unpleasant.

Lin Feng didn’t even frown.

After so many trials, he is already familiar with this situation.

He stared straight at the huge zombies, stared at the special individuals who were welcoming the corn cannonballs.

After being seriously injured, the huge individuals did not stop moving forward.

They still raised their legs and stepped, and walked towards the vegetation.

Lin Feng looked cold.

It seems that these huge zombies are really difficult to deal with!

“Lord, look here, these plants are getting bigger!”

Suddenly, Colonel Corn’s doubtful voice came.

Lin Feng turned his gaze to where the opponent was pointing.

There, many plants are getting bigger.

Their branches and leaves became thicker, and the patterns on the leaves gradually became clear.

The epidermis of the stems and leaves is turning black, from dark green to dark brown.

Bang bang bang!

Accompanied by a blast of noise, the plants attacked.

Lin Feng frowned.

These plants are more than just getting bigger.

Their attack power has also been significantly improved.

Lin Feng’s heart moved, thinking of something.

He looked at the giant zombies again.

They became like this after being strengthened by the soul power of the Azura Star.

Lin Feng looked back at the plants that had become stronger.

Is it possible that they are also enhanced by the soul power of Azura Star?

This so-called soul power, regardless of the enemy and us, will be affected as long as it is on the Azura Star?

Lin Feng is like observing the changes of these plants carefully.

But here is the battlefield.

He must fight as soon as possible now to resist the attacks of those zombies.

Speaking of this matter to heart, Lin Feng refocused his attention on the battlefield.

The endless tide of corpses is still rushing towards the plant defense line.

Those huge zombies also rushed forward firmly.

Although their stepping frequency is very slow, but because of their huge size, they have a large step at each step.

All the huge individuals rushed towards the plant position at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Feng looked at their charred bodies after being bombarded, and at the exposed bones, his expression moved.

With so many wounds, isn’t it the invasion channel of Dark Crystal Orchid?

I now (Wang Wang’s) have been transferred to the post of a dark planter, I am afraid that there will be a lot of bonuses for planting these dark type plants.

Without any hesitation, Lin Feng took out a bunch of dark crystal orchid seeds and threw them out.

There were fallen zombies everywhere on the ground.

These residues are the nourishment for the dark crystal orchid.

When the spores of the first dark crystal orchid fell on a piece of rotten flesh, that piece of rotten flesh quickly turned into scum.

At the same time, many black spores formed and floated in the air.

In just the blink of an eye, the entire battlefield is full of dark crystal orchids!

Those special individuals who are full of wounds and huge in size have become the key targets of Dark Crystal Orchid!

Lin Feng could clearly see that more and more dark crystal orchids “climbed” on the bodies of those zombies.

They multiply and spread on the surface of the zombies, and even penetrate into the body of the zombies.

A huge tumor appeared on the surface of a huge dead body, exploding out!

More dark crystal orchid spores are ejected from it!

The power of this dark plant is terrifying!

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