Chapter 202 Demon Fruit, the result!


Yesterday, Ou Da.

The crisp bird chirping and the continuous beating of the machine gently echoed.

Lin Feng is sitting in the garden of the Emerald Palace.

Not far away, it was the Demon God’s fruit he planted.

This strange fruit can provide powerful abilities to the user.

Although Lin Feng has not used this peculiar fruit before.

But he has an annotation system.

After the introduction of the annotation system, Lin Feng had a general understanding of them.

In general, this particular plant is very similar to the devil fruit in the comics of the previous life.

After taking it, the user will gain extremely powerful abilities.

The types of capabilities are ever-changing.

Correspondingly, people who eat the fruits of the Devil God will also be disgusted by certain natural elements.

At Blue Star, they will be disgusted by the sea and become land ducks.

On other planets, they may be disgusted by other elements.

Lin Feng doesn’t want to try this kind of fruit himself.

In his opinion, the side effects of using Devil’s Fruit are too great.

If you are good at it, and you can’t complete the trial because of the ocean, you will be at a loss.

As a gardener, cultivator, and cultivator with various powerful methods.

Lin Feng is confident of his own strength.

And there is the help of an annotation system.

As long as you don’t rush to make progress, you must walk on a broad road to Nengzhuang.

His future is extremely bright.

Just relying on the magical profession of the gardener and the annotation system is enough to improve yourself.

There is no need to rely on the special abilities conferred by the Demon God Fruit to increase strength.

At the same time, Lin Feng also knows very clearly that the Devil Fruit is extremely powerful.

I don’t need this kind of fruit myself, but it doesn’t mean that others don’t need it.

Besides, Murong Xue had already talked to herself about cooperation.

In the case of Dragon Kingdom began to tilt resources to auxiliary occupations.

He must be able to exchange for more resources through the Devil Fruit.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng refocused his attention on the Devil Fruit in the garden.

He was waiting for the fruit of the Demon God to bear fruit.

Prior to this, the annotation system had reminded him.

The Devil Fruit is about to bear fruit.

Under Lin Feng’s comment, the shoots of the devil’s fruit began to grow taller.

The original emerald green shoots are getting higher at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The flower stem is thickening.

The color has also changed from the original emerald green to dark black.


There were waves of soft noises spreading around.

Lin Feng observed carefully and found that the vibration sound came from the stems and leaves of the Devil Fruit.

It was shaking quickly.

At the same time, Lin Feng also found that the surrounding water began to gather towards the Demon God Fruit.

The air in the garden on this side of the Emerald Palace became moist.

The ground in the distance began to dry out.

This demon fruit is absorbing the surrounding moisture with extremely powerful attraction!

Aware of this, Lin Feng immediately summoned three plant heroes.

But the three plant heroes, Rose Mage, Corn Colonel, and Fragrant Tree Archer, appeared in the Emerald Palace and immediately fetched water.

At the same time, Lin Feng summoned 1,000 plant soldiers.

Under the leadership of the plant heroes, the plant soldiers beat buckets of water from a distance at an extremely fast speed.

Moisture is quickly filled into the garden.

But the Devil Fruit is still quickly absorbing water.

The surrounding air became more and more humid.

The soil farther away gradually dried up and even cracked.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng’s expression changed.

He regretted not planting these fruits of the Devil God in the Tourmaline Palace.

As the sky garden of the elves imperial court, there are a series of strange facilities to ensure the nutrition and moisture of the plants in the garden.

Now I don’t know if this Demon God’s fruit can be transplanted.

This can’t be blamed on Lin Feng for not thinking well enough.

After all, as the imperial city of the elves, the layout of the Emerald Palace is also extremely perfect.

Its back garden has an independent water source, and the plants planted in it do not have to worry about lack of water at all.

But the grade of the Devil Fruit is too high.

It is too magical, it requires too much energy and moisture.

Only relying on the Emerald Palace cannot provide enough nutrition and moisture for the Devil Fruit.

After thinking for a while, Lin Feng summoned an endless suit and began to draw water.

With the speed of the endless suit now, he can quickly travel back and forth between the water source and the back garden.

At the same time, he dropped the latest plant essence on the leaves of the Devil Fruit.

This kind of fruit requires a lot of energy to grow.

Now, there is no more life energy than plant essence.

Sure enough, this liquid full of vitality did not disappoint Lin Feng.

In other words, the skill of the cultivator did not let him down.

Under the extremely powerful energy instillation, and under the irrigation of large amounts of water, the Devil’s fruit grows rapidly.

Plants that were originally only one person taller grew taller.

Soon, a plant more than four meters high appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Its main stem is dark brown, and its leaves are wide and dark green.

There are various spikes on the surface of the whole plant, which exudes a dangerous atmosphere.

At the top of the plant, a huge flower with a diameter of more than one meter is blooming.

The color of the flower is extremely gorgeous, Lin Feng has been staring at it for a long time, and even has a flavorful emotion in his heart.

This flower is too amazing.

Its color is not fixed, but constantly changing.

There are stains of various colors on it, which seem to be constantly “flowing.”

Under his gaze, huge flowers bloomed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then withered.

A very strange-looking fruit appeared on the top of the plant.

The fruit looks very full, half the size of a watermelon.

But its outer skin is very strange, with many cloud-like patterns on it.

Lin Feng took a closer look, the pattern was like a burning, jumping flame.

At the same time, a line of comment appeared in front of him.

[Burning Fruit: Full of the energy of the fire demon god, which can make the use of powerful abilities,

[After eating, the whole body turns into flames, and flames can even be created through the body. Normal physical attacks and non-dominant attacks are invalid for the user][It is also possible to create flames through the body, and the flames can be made into any shape according to the wishes of the capable person. ][Note: Because it has too strong aura of the devil, it will be disliked by natural elements when used. Be disgusted by the ocean on the blue star, and lose strength in the ocean.

Looking at this long list of comments, Lin Feng’s mouth twitched slightly.


It’s really a devil fruit!

Isn’t this just burning fruits?


A soft sound.

The burning fruit fell automatically and hit the ground.

Lin Feng hurriedly walked over and took the fruit in his hand.

This is one of the bargaining chips for obtaining the neutron ingot!

With such longing, he looked at the other fruits of the Devil God.

He found a problem.

It seems that the energy required by the Demon God Fruit is too large.

Only one of the Devil Fruits planted in the back garden of the Emerald Palace bloomed and bear fruit.

All other plants stopped growing and gradually withered.

Lin Feng had no choice but to pluck out the Demon God’s fruits that stopped growing.

This wasted a batch of Demon God Fruit Seeds!

Your own seeds are limited!

With a trace of regret, Lin Feng began to clean up.

The withered Devil Fruit plants in the back garden were plucked out by him and piled together.

These seeds are wasted like this.

Just as he was cleaning up the mess, he made an accidental discovery.

A Devil Fruit Seed.

0………Look for flowers…

At the root of the Devil Fruit plant that had already produced burning fruits, two seeds appeared.

This gave Lin Feng a surprise.

He realized in an instant that the way the Demon God’s fruit reproduces is to regenerate more seeds in the roots after it bears the fruit.

Lin Feng took out those seeds.

He had already begun to imagine the scene of planting a piece of Demon God’s fruit afterwards.

Although this fruit has many problems.

It may instead restrict the development of some truly strong people.

After all, random environmental restrictions are too terrible.

But how many geniuses are there?

But for those with moderate talents and average strength, the Demon God Fruit is a powerful help, enough to change their destiny.

As for myself, these Demon Fruits are a bargaining chip for exchanging advanced materials!

Lin Feng did not go out directly.

Under his urging, the diamond-shaped crystal wings of the endless suit exude a strong light.


A sharp whistling sound echoed in the trial space.

Lin Feng came to the Tourmaline Palace at a very fast speed.

As the real garden of the Elf Imperial City, it must have a more powerful water supply.

Here is more suitable for planting the Devil Fruit.

Tourmaline Palace did not disappoint him.

After the two seeds were planted, the magic power flowing around the Tourmaline Palace began to boil.

Just like drinking a handful of fish food in a pond full of fish, countless swimming fish scramble for food, causing countless water waves.

The magic power of this tourmaline palace boiled quickly, and the magic power flowed faster and faster.

The entire tourmaline palace glowed aquamarine.

Under Lin Feng’s gaze, two Demon God plants broke out of the soil and slowly grew.

There is plenty of water here.

The huge tourmaline palace showed no signs of lack of moisture.

Moreover, the sufficient nutrients and magical powers in the soil of the Tourmaline Palace make the growth of these two Devil Fruits much faster than the burning fruits.

Soon, the two Demon God’s fruits also bear fruit.

What appeared in front of Lin Feng was a purple fruit, as well as a purple and a red fruit.

The purple fruit is shaped like a cantaloupe, with many rotating patterns on the surface.

The red fruit is like a banana, but the color is different.

Lin Feng carefully observed the two fruits.

【Rubber Fruit: Devil Fruit, can give users magical changes. The whole body of the eater can stretch and rebound within a certain range, making ordinary blows more powerful. Strikes, bullets, and lightning are ineffective against it, and the weak point is slashing. ”

[Dinosaur fruit; Devil fruit, can give users magical changes. Eaters can turn into dinosaurs, with great strength, tall stature, and sharp claws. ”

Lin Feng can’t care about making complaints anymore.

This is a bit too strong.

He sighed slightly, and collected the two fruits.

It’s almost there. With three fruits, I can talk to the Trial Space Research Institute.

I just don’t know how many neutron state systems the research institute is willing to exchange for these three fruits.

But with Murongxue and Chen Huanian, and now Longguo is vigorously training auxiliary professionals, it is impossible for him to suffer.

With anticipation, Lin Feng tried to contact Murongxue in the trial space.

The other party did not answer.

At this time, the opponent will definitely not participate in the trial.

Since the opponent can’t be contacted in the trial space, her address must be outside.

Without any hesitation, Lin Feng decisively sent it out.

He is going to show the function of these three Demon God fruits!

The prosperous Lin Feng didn’t know what kind of sensation these Devil Fruits would cause in the Dragon Kingdom!

And many high-level powerhouses have appeared in the world!

The Devil Fruit has greatly enhanced the strength of the Dragon Kingdom, and made the profession of gardener even more mysterious!

Lin Feng has also gained huge benefits! Knife,

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