Chapter 195: The Eye of Annihilation is in Hand! Transfer, Master Ming Plant!

Peking, barracks.

After learning about the practice method that Murong Xue brought back Pupil of Annihilation.

Lin Feng couldn’t wait to get out of the teleportation space.

Murong Xue and Ding Wenmo were waiting for him in the teleportation hall.

In the hands of two ninth-tier powerhouses, the Pupil of Annihilation cannot be taken away.

Besides, this is the military camp of Longguo Beiping, and no one can come here to grab things.

When Lin Feng appeared in the teleportation hall, his eyes were immediately attracted by the two people sitting in the distance.

Ding Wenmo wore a modified mage robe.

The close-fitting magic robe not only doesn’t look bloated, but also sets off her bumpy figure even more tall.

The crystal clear short stick she held in her hand kept shining with a strange golden light.

Various elemental forces surround the magic wand.

In her other hand, she held a simple book.

Lin Feng knows very well that that is Ding Wenmo’s method of the Pupil of Annihilation.

Beside her, sitting Murong Xue with a serious expression.

She dresses up as a strong woman, looks clean and resolute.

Both Ding Wenmo and Murongxue are the top beauties in the world.

But in Lin Feng’s view, their attractiveness is not comparable to the cultivation methods of those Oblivion Eyes.

Lin Feng walked over quickly.

His eyes have been fixed on the cultivation methods of those Oblivion pupils, and he didn’t even look at the two of them.

“Lin Feng, you should have seen this before when you were at Murong’s house. She is a Tier 9 elemental blaster, Ding Wenmo.”

Murongxue introduced her teammates to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stepped forward and nodded earnestly to say hello.

“Hello, thank you for coming to deliver things in your busy schedule.”

“It’s okay, because of my relationship with Axue, this trip is right.”

Ding Wenmo has also been looking at the young gardener.

A hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Every time I see Lin Feng, he seems to be different.

Although they don’t meet many times, it seems that every time they see him, they can feel the increase in strength.

The two had met before at Murong’s house in Xin’anling.

In just a few days, Lin Feng’s strength has actually increased again.

In Ding Wenmo’s view, this is unbelievable.

But for Lin Feng, he has become accustomed to such strength growth.

Even if he didn’t participate in the trial, the plants such as the brilliance of dawn each time he cultivated can provide him with a lot of basic attributes.

With little accumulation, Lin Feng’s strength has naturally improved rapidly.

Moreover, he is now Tier 5.

As long as he waits for the sixth rank, his physical fitness will be greatly increased.

At that time, with the help of many drugs, he might become the strongest Tier VI in the world.

Ding Wenmo handed the book in his hand to Lin Feng and said, “Although you said that you are cultivating plants for use by yourself, I guess you can’t help but practice.”

“You have to remember that it is impossible to practice successfully in other professions, but I know, everyone can’t help but experiment.”

“If you can’t get started, don’t try it, otherwise it is very likely that you will hurt yourself.”

Lin Feng listened to Ding Wenmo’s words and nodded.

The other party is also kind.

It’s just that I’m really not for cultivation.

I am a gardener and do not rely on my own strength.

Pupil of Annihilation is only to change the post of Master Mingzhi.

In fact, only one cultivation method is enough.

But Murongxue was not at ease.

Because the cultivation of the Eye of Annihilation is dangerous.

She wants to find a few more relatively safe cultivation methods.

Lin Feng did not reject the other party’s kindness.

After he took the practice books, Murong Xue also handed over several things.

There are crystal clear black crystals carved into the shape of an eyeball.

Crumpled parchment paper with black particles constantly exuding.

There are also several old books.

These things all record the cultivation methods of the pupil of Annihilation.

Lin Feng’s attention was instantly attracted by the sculpture of the eyeball.

“It also records the cultivation method of the Oblivion Eye? How is it used?”

Murongxue said with a serious expression: “This is the Lingtong, if you put it in your own eyes, there will be information coming into your mind.

“This is the practice method with the highest success rate I can find. However, once the practice fails, you will also bear a great price.

“Maybe it will lose your body and damage your eyesight. You must be careful.

Lin Feng asked such questions out of curiosity.

The annotation system also gave its own answer.

These books can be used as items for job transfer.

Seeing this, Lin Feng showed a satisfied smile.

Thank you “you,” he took those books and other objects, “I will go to the trial space later, so I won’t thank you anymore. I will invite you to dinner next time.”

After speaking, Lin Feng couldn’t wait to walk to the transmission hall.

Looking at his back, Ding Wenmo said with a smile: “It seems that he is really obsessed with research. I think he is quite suitable for your research institute.”

At the same time, she also understood the speed of Lin Feng’s improvement.

People who do things like this will naturally improve their strength faster.

Murong Xue shook her head.

“Lin Feng is not suitable to try the Space Research Institute, because he has too many secrets.”

“He might really be more suitable for his own research.

After saying this, she shut up.

Ding Wenmo thoughtfully watched Lin Feng’s back disappear into the teleportation hall.

The others in the hall did not even dare to show the atmosphere.

They looked at the direction of the portal, shocked in their hearts.

The two ninth rank powerhouses are actually running errands?

Looking at Lin Feng’s attitude, how can he be so casual?

In front of him is the Holy Shield of Thorns!

And the heart of the elements!

Facing these two lords, is he so calm?

Lin Feng didn’t care about the ideas of those people.

He is full of joy now, and only hopes to change jobs quickly.

Soon, he teleported directly to the trial space.

When he sat on the platform in front of the Emerald Palace, he didn’t care about anything else.

He can’t wait to take out the cultivation methods of those Oblivion Eyes.

At the same time, he took out all the transfer props he had collected before.

The heart of the fallen elf was held in the palm of his hand.

Lin Feng’s right hand pressed it to the position of the heart.

At the same time, he pressed the eye-shaped crystal into the left eye.

An extremely strange feeling passed into his brain from his hand.

That strange crystal seemed to be directly fused with his own eyeballs just like that.

He didn’t feel any pain.

An extremely cool feeling came from his left eye.

Lin Feng lifted his spirits.

He felt the cooling sensation in his left eye getting stronger and stronger.

He started to feel uncomfortable as if he had dripped Fengyou essence into his eyes.

There seems to be a lot of knowledge in my mind.

Those are the cultivation methods of the pupil of annihilation.

It is different from the time of transfer and career advancement.

Lin Feng could not grasp the extra knowledge immediately.

He felt that his brain seemed to be stuffed with too much at once, and he felt a headache.

Lin Feng held his left eye in his left hand and almost exhaled in pain.

But the strong will stopped him.

He began to think of ways to interpret that knowledge.

But no matter how he settled down to study, the severe pain from his left eye was interfering with him.

And the brain feels more and more painful.

Just when he was forced to endure the pain.

The heart of the fallen elf he held in his right hand suddenly became clear.

It seems to be merging with its own heart.

Lin Feng pressed the heart of the fallen elf, and as the fusion progressed, his palm gradually moved closer to his left chest.

When his palm was pressed against the skin, the heart of the fallen elf was completely integrated into his own heart.

Lin Feng felt a warm current suddenly flow from his heart.

The cooling sensation in the brain seemed to be attracted by the warm current of the heart, passing through his neck and converging towards the heart.

Lin Feng felt that two strange energies were wandering and converging in his body.

These two energies are cold and hot, and the temperatures are diametrically opposite.

There was a burning sensation in his heart, but his brain felt the pain caused by being too cold.

When the two energies gradually converged, his pain gradually weakened.

Lin Feng clenched his teeth, silently waiting for the two energies to converge completely.

His body was trembling.

At the same time, he felt that the knowledge that suddenly appeared in his mind was being digested by him.

Lin Feng understands a lot of skills that he didn’t understand before.

His eyes became deeper.

Pupil of Annihilation!

I learned the skills that this magician can learn by myself!

Before Lin Feng was happy, the two energies wandering in his body were finally fully integrated.

An extremely severe pain suddenly spread across his limbs.

The pain instantly swam to the position of his neck in his body.

Lin Feng couldn’t help but raised his head, opening his mouth and shouting.

He was as if he was about to vomit those tingling sensations.



The cry gradually became mysterious and majestic, reverberating throughout the Jade Palace.

The strange plants in the Tourmaline Palace were shaken by sound waves.

A strong momentum rose from Lin Feng’s body.

Hearing his long howl and feeling the aura on his body, the wind giant wolf Sanye softened his four legs and lay directly on the ground.

Lin Feng felt the stinging pain in his body gradually diminished.

He slowly stopped crying.

When a breeze blew, he couldn’t help shivering.

Only then did he come to his senses.

Because of the severe pain just now, my clothes have been soaked with sweat.

But at the same time, a powerful force is wandering in the body.

Lin Feng felt that his physique had grown again.

He knew very well that he had succeeded in his transfer.

Lin Feng opened the career panel.

Did not let him down, the information on the career panel was changed.

【Name: Lin Feng and】

[Occupation: Gardener (Cultivator-Dark Planter)

【Order position;Fifth order】

Lin Feng couldn’t hide his excitement.

I successfully changed my job!

He moved his gaze downward.

At the bottom of the panel, a new skill really appeared!

Lin Feng can’t wait to study it!

Master Wu Zhi, what skills will he possess?

Will it be stronger than the skills of the cultivator?

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