Chapter 187: The Great Change of Guarding Giant Trees! Death or Rebirth?

Guarding the inside of the old tree.

Lin Feng activates the tree world, and the entire guardian giant tree is under his control.

Lin Feng can clearly perceive the state of guarding the giant tree.

At the same time, he could feel the resistance of guarding the giant tree.

After all, the opponent is different from the plants he used to activate the tree world-control.

Guarding the giant tree has its own will.

Although its current body is very weak, it causes its consciousness to decline and its resistance is not strong.

But after all, this is incomparable to other plants without individual consciousness.

Lin Feng must repair the guardian giant tree as soon as possible to prevent it from hurting himself because of resisting the manipulation of external forces.

The light of the radiant flower illuminates the entire guardian giant tree’s interior.

Under the misty brilliance, the necrotic tissue structure in the guarding giant tree was clearly revealed in front of Lin Feng’s eyes.

The light of the radiant flower gradually merged into the body of the guardian giant tree.

The necrotic tissue is slowly falling off.

With the blessings provided by the plant essence, the Glory Flower began to rapidly repair the body tissues that guard the giant tree.


A strange sound, like a cow croaking, spread out from the body of the guardian giant tree.

Everyone who was observing the situation here was taken aback.

Murong Patriarch Murong Mingjie, military representative Fan Guang, and other powerful men and experts all stared.

In their sight, the guardian giant tree has undergone tremendous changes.

The light yellow shield outside it dimmed in an instant.

The bronze-colored bark began to lose moisture, bulged and became mottled.

With a soft sound, the bark guarding the giant tree fell off, revealing the pale golden wood below.

The trunk that guarded the giant tree quickly lost moisture.

The necrotic tissue gradually turned black and fell off.

The entire body of the guardian giant tree became pitted, and sawdust fell everywhere.

Its dense branches and leaves become withered and yellow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, a large number of leaves fell.

Together with the fallen sawdust, a shower of leaves formed.

All those who were watching from a distance were taken aback!

What happened?

Why after Lin Feng entered, the guardian giant tree just got better, it became this look?

Don’t say this is to heal and protect the giant tree, maybe this giant tree will die here!

Murong Patriarch Murong Mingjie made a decisive decision and flew to the guardian giant tree at the fastest speed!

He wants to stop Lin Feng from continuing treatment!

Other people were shocked when they saw his reaction!

They couldn’t wait to fly up, and flew over with Murong Mingjie!


Waves of air appeared one after another in the air.

Just when everyone was about to approach the guardian giant tree.

A huge white mask suddenly appeared in the sky!

The dazzling light shield blocked everyone’s direction!

Murong Mingjie was shocked!

The people here are high-ranking powerhouses, and they naturally know what the white mask in front of them is.

One of Murong Xue’s unique tricks, Holy Shield Domain!

Murong Mingjie looked at the guardian giant tree that kept falling off its leaves and bark in the distance, and felt anxious.

“Murongxue! Lin Feng obviously has no ability to heal the guardian giant tree! There is a problem now!”

“Let us in! He must be prevented from continuing to mess around!”

It’s not just Murong Mingjie who has such an idea.

Others think so.

Look at the emerald green leaves that guard the giant tree quickly turning yellow, and large tracts of leaves fall like raindrops.

Almost all of its bark has fallen off.

The trunk exposed below is even more pitted.

As a military representative, Fan Guang, who had been in contact with Lin Feng for a long time at the same time, was very anxious.

He never thought that Lin Feng, who has always seemed very reliable, would stabb Lou Zi at this critical time!

Looking at the miserable look of the guardian giant tree, it looked like Lin Feng was going to be put to death.

“Lin Feng! Don’t mess around! Hurry up and stop the treatment! There is a problem with the guardian giant tree!”

Worried about protecting the giant tree and at the same time worried about Lin Feng’s situation, Fan Guang finally couldn’t help but roar out.

His voice crossed the light shield, crossed the guardian giant tree, and passed into Lin Feng’s ears.Hearing Fan Guang’s words, Lin Feng smiled slightly and didn’t care.

As long as Murong Xue stopped them.

When the guardian giant tree is cured and evolved into an ancient war tree, these people will thank themselves.

He continued to control the energy core that guarded the giant tree and merged with the heart of the fallen elf.

At the same time, under the effect of the Glory Flower, the body structure of the guarding giant tree that was injured and dead quickly withered.

Outside, Murongxue’s perception has been connected to the guardian giant tree.

As the strongest person in the Murong family, and the only person who insists on treating the giant tree, she has a strong connection with the giant tree.

She clearly felt the state of guarding the giant tree.

Although it seems to be in poor condition, all the branches and leaves are withering and falling.

But a surging life energy is quickly wandering through the body of the guardian giant tree!

That energy comes from plant essences, but also from the body that guards the giant tree.

You don’t need to think about it, it’s all Lin Feng’s credit.

Unlike other people outside at this time, Murongxue had strong confidence in him.

Hearing the words of Fan Guang and Murong Mingjie, Murong Xue not only did not revoke the Divine Shield Domain, but instead increased the output of magic power.

The mask in the sky is brighter!

Seeing this scene, both Murong Patriarch Murong Mingjie or the rest of Murong’s family were shocked.

What does Murong Xue mean?

The guardian giant tree is already like this, why doesn’t she stop Lin Feng’s actions?

Other military representatives, or botanists, and high-ranking experts also opened their mouths wide, unable to understand what was in front of them.

Murongxue believed in Lin Feng so much.

Is her trust in Lin Feng even stronger than her trust in other members of her family?

Among all the people, Murong Mingjie was the one who was most shocked!

After so many years of hard work, the guardian giant tree has not been cured.

Although Murong’s family still invited many botanists and priests of gods and blessings to heal and guard the giant tree.

But in fact, everyone in the Murong family knew that they had given up on guarding the giant tree.

If it weren’t for the importance of ancestral training and other people to guarding the giant tree, they would not continue to spend manpower and material resources at all.

Among the entire Murong family.

Murong Xue is the only one who has always insisted!

As a result, I saw Lin Feng’s current operation and the tragedy of guarding the giant tree.

The person who valued the protection of the giant tree most did not stop Lin Feng’s actions!

what is this?

Murong Patriarch Murong Mingjie was full of shock and doubts!

But Murongxue’s current attitude is here.

Unless you really make a full shot, no one has enough confidence to break through her Divine Shield Realm!

Under such circumstances, everyone can only land on the ground, looking anxiously at the guardian giant tree in the distance.

In the body of the guardian giant tree, Lin Feng is still using the tree world, manipulating the energy core of the guardian giant tree to merge with the heart of the fallen elf.

The current integration progress has reached 80%.

As time goes by, the progress of the whole integration is still increasing.

Soon, the guardian giant tree has undergone tremendous changes.

Under the multiple enhancements of the Glory Flower, Plant Essence, and the Heart of the Fallen Elf, the Guardian Giant Tree has gained massive amounts of life energy.

It is evolving!

outside world.

Someone was surprised.

“Have you felt that the sun here has become brighter, and the star power seems to be increasing?”

The crowd followed the prestige and found that it was an astrological sacrifice who asked out loud.

“I didn’t feel it, what’s the matter?”

“I found that the star power around me is increasing! A large amount of star power is pouring toward the guardian giant tree!”

Hearing what he said, everyone was shocked.

What is this change?

Why is it guarding the giant tree again?

Everyone hurriedly looked at the guardian giant tree.

After turning their heads, they discovered the problem.

The brightness around the guardian giant tree is high!

Even in the daytime, its surroundings are brighter than other places.

Even the branches are still dying and falling in large areas.

But the magic power and star power appear to be more intense!

Stars are flourishing!

More and brighter!

Even in the daytime, the surroundings of the guarding giant tree seem to be shrouded in hazy stars, dazzling!

“Look, there are silver lines on the trunk guarding the giant tree!”

In the distance, outside of the white luster, someone was looking at the guardian giant tree in shock.

The sharp-eyed people were the first to notice the changes in the guardian giant tree.

After the bark fell off, silver lines suddenly appeared on the pitted trunk.

The lines expanded rapidly and soon spread to the entire tree trunk.

As the silver lines spread, the holes in the trunk of the guardian giant tree were gradually filled with new wood.

This change attracted everyone’s attention.

Including Murongxue who has been using the Divine Shield Domain to block others.

“Growing out! The holes are filled!”

“The vitality of guarding the giant tree is being restored! Unbelievable!”

A priest blessed the gods watching the changes in the guardian giant tree and exclaimed!

The others turned their eyes away instantly.

“Pastor Li, the situation of protecting the giant tree is getting better?”

“Yes, I feel that his vitality is getting stronger and stronger!”

The person who asked was just shocked.

Pastor Li’s answer is not important anymore.

The body of the guardian giant tree gradually became fuller, and there were no longer so many holes.

Everyone can see this scene.

Facts speak louder than words.

“Well, won’t Lin Feng really find a way to heal and protect the giant tree? How do I feel that its condition is much better than before?”

“Not necessarily. Although the hole in the trunk of the guardian giant tree is filling up, its branches and leaves are still withering and falling quickly.

“But it is undeniable that the guardian giant tree has made good changes!”

While everyone was talking about it, someone suddenly suggested that another anomaly was discovered.

“Have you noticed that the ground has become more humid! A lot of water elements are gathering around!”

The person who said this sentence was an element mage.

Hearing his words, the many high-level mages onlookers began to feel the magical elements around them.

Soon they were shocked to discover that the surrounding water elements were gathering faster and faster!

“It seems to be true! I feel a lot of water elements!”

“I feel it too! These water elements are gathering faster and faster!”

“Like the previous star power, these water elements are gathering towards the guardian giant tree!”

Hearing everyone’s discussion and feeling the changes in the surrounding elements, Murong Patriarch Murong Mingjie and Fan Guang looked at each other, their faces blended.

Things seem to have turned around!

Lin Feng doesn’t seem to be fooling around?

With such doubts, they stared at the guardian giant tree in surprise, and did not dare to blink their eyes for fear of missing any details.

0.………for flowers…

Among all the people, only Lin Feng knew what happened.

The core of the guardian giant tree has been completely integrated with the heart of the fallen elf!


When the fusion is over, the energy core guarding the giant tree has been strengthened like never before!

Under the shining of the Glory Flower, it began to repair its injuries quickly!

A soft noise came from the ground after another.

The ground began to shake slightly.

The more concentrated water element rushed toward the guardian giant tree.

At the same time, the stars in the sky appear brighter!

Under the eyes of everyone, the bark guarding the giant tree wrinkled more severely.

The mottled bark quickly withered, exposing the wood with silver veins underneath.

Layers of bark shimmering with metallic luster slowly grew out.

The color of the bark changes from light to dark, and finally becomes a deep bronze color!

Compared with before, the regrown bark is tougher and the color deeper.

Under the strong starlight, strange silver lines appeared on the bronze bark!

The withered tree crown began to sprout quickly.

Pieces of leaves grow at an extremely fast speed.

The canopy guarding the giant tree has become dense again!

Seeing everything that happened before her eyes, Murong Xue felt a burst of excitement in her heart.

I am finally about to complete the ancestral training!

In my own generation, I finally found a way to save the giant tree!

She felt extremely excited in her heart!

There is also gratitude to Lin Feng!

Watching the guarding giant tree attentively, she didn’t notice, there were stars around her body.

In the distance, everyone’s eyes widened.

Patriarch Murong couldn’t bear it and waved his fist vigorously!Very good!

The guardian giant tree was actually healed!

With the Murong family who guards the giant tree, the strength will be greatly improved!

Feeling a surge of excitement in his heart, Murong Mingjie reacted.

Throwing a fist or something seems to be something that a person of his own identity should do.

“Strong! Great!”

“Hahaha, the guardian giant tree has been healed! My Murong’s cowhide! Murongxue’s cowhide! Lin Feng’s cowhide!”

“With the holy shield of thorns and the guardian giant tree, the strength of my Murong family will be greatly improved!

There were many unstoppable cheers from the strong Murong family!

Hearing their cheers, Murong Mingjie couldn’t help laughing.

Forget it, when you’re so happy, don’t care about the majesty.

The strength of Murong’s family has been greatly improved, and he does not need to rely on these external actions to show his majesty!

He laughed happily.

Beside him, Fan Guang opened his mouth wide.

Lin Feng actually succeeded!

As a military general, he clearly knows the power of guarding the giant tree.

He even knows how much the Dragon Kingdom military attaches great importance to protecting the giant tree!

Healing Lin Feng, who guards the giant tree, will surely receive extremely rich rewards!

In the ecstasy and shock of everyone, the changes in the guardian giant tree gradually stopped.

Its skin is tougher, and its canopy is denser.

Everyone can’t wait to check it out.

But Lin Feng never let them go.

Murong Xue also didn’t take away the Divine Shield domain.

Everyone was stopped outside.

But at this point, no one will act at will.

They waited patiently for Lin Feng’s permission.

The healer is great!

As time goes by, the sun gradually moves.

Soon, several hours passed.

Lin Feng never came out of the guardian giant tree.

Murong Xue has also been opening the Sacred Shield domain.

Others were also stopped outside.

They looked at each other, guessing.

“What happened? Hasn’t it been cured? Why are we not allowed in?”

A botanist couldn’t wait to yell.

His heart is very excited!

He witnessed a miracle with his own eyes today!

As a senior botanist, he can’t wait to check the changes in the guardian giant tree.

But after so long, Lin Feng still did not let them go to check the guardian giant tree.

This makes the botanist very impatient!

Not only him.

Others are also emotional.

They wanted to go and check the situation of the guardian giant tree.

I want to know what exactly Lin Feng used to restore the guardian giant tree from his injuries.

But Lin Feng never let them pass.

The sunset gradually fell.

Although very anxious, no one has acted arbitrarily now.

Lin Feng has proven his ability with practical actions.

Without his permission, others dare not come forward at will!



While everyone was waiting anxiously, a loud noise came from the body of the guardian giant tree!

The guardian giant tree began to shine brightly!

Everyone’s eyes widened, and they don’t know what the situation is!

And in the body that guards the giant tree.

Lin Feng has stopped using the tree world.

He stood in the body of the guardian giant tree, and the sunlight ball in his hand was quickly consumed like a stream of water.

The entire guardian giant tree is illuminated by the brilliance of the sun ball!

Evolution begins!

The ancient tree of war will soon be revealed to the world!

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