Chapter 164: Save the World! Clone Memories? Advanced!

Second-order trial space, Raccoon City.

Broken buildings, deserted cities.

There are ruined walls everywhere.

Extending from the south of the city to the city center, a huge area is planted with countless plants.

Those plants are strangely shaped.

A blue frozen watermelon exuding a chill.

A machine gun pea with four barrels in its mouth.

Flame stump with blue-violet flames burning on its head

These plants cooperate with each other and occupy a large area in the city.

On the outside of the plant position, scattered zombies rushed past.

There are huge drippers with white liquid dripping all over, and their skin has turned into a shell of firmness.

They are powerful, extremely fast, and quickly rush to the plant position.

There are living dead manipulated by parasite zombies, driving trucks and cars, frantically rushing to the plant position.

There are also flying dragon zombies roaring at high altitude, leading small flying zombies from high altitude to attack the plant position.

All kinds of zombies gathered into a torrent, rushing towards the plant position.

Even if the number of zombies in Raccoon City cannot be compared with the number of zombies in places such as Dawn Icefield and Death Capital.

But this is the birthplace of the zombie virus after all, and there are still many zombies.

Waves of light gray mist spread over.

The zombies rushing to the plant position crazily fell down in pieces.

Those ordinary zombies were the most affected.

They did not have any resistance, and fell straight to the ground.

Boom boom boom.

A series of falling sounds rang.

After that, more gray mist appeared on the bodies of these zombies.

Zi Zi Zi.

The mist spread rapidly and multiplied.

“Nine-Six-Seven” soon, the fog touched the skin of those special zombies, making a burning sound.

The special zombies were struggling frantically and roaring on the ground.

But no matter how they resist, it will not help.

Because the effect of antiviral is too strong.

T virus has no resistance to antiviral.

Its RNA structure is rapidly destroyed.

Without the enhancement of the virus, all the muscles of the zombies have been softened.

Their muscles soon filled with countless holes, like a long-lasting sponge.

The zombies fell to the ground in pieces.

“No no no no!”

“What is this! Go away!”

“Quick! Let’s run away! Get out of here!”

Those Makini parasite zombies keenly felt the danger.

The living dead under their control retain their wisdom.

At this time they discovered a special situation and quickly analyzed that the gray fog was a fatal threat.

The living dead who drove the truck closed all the windows tightly, and drove the truck away quickly to the distance.

Unfortunately, their threat is not only the mist, but also the plants.

Countless blue frozen watermelons drew a beautiful arc in the air and hit the truck.


With a few loud noises, the glass of the truck shattered and the trucks were also distorted and deformed.

The gray mist took advantage of the void and covered the living dead in it.

There was no room for resistance, and the bodies of all the living dead softened.



Roar!Accompanied by the horrified roar of the flying dragon zombies, countless small flying zombies lost the ability to slide and fell from the air, making intensive crashing sounds.

Unlike ordinary zombies, flying dragon zombies are very similar to super warriors such as Alice.

They have merged with the virus in the body and have mutated.

Even the gray mist of antiviral elements cannot kill them.

But the situation at the scene was too weird.

Even the brave flying dragon zombies, watching all the zombies fall to the ground in pieces, it was also frightened.

With a stern cry, the flying dragon zombies quickly fled towards the distance.

What happened in the Nancheng District of Raccoon City is the epitome of the whole world.

As the fog spread rapidly, more and more zombies fell to the ground.

All of this was photographed by the drone controlled by Lin Feng.

Seeing the situation displayed on the tablet, there was a feeling of joy in his heart for some reason.

The civilization of this world has been reborn.

Even if this is not your own world.

But as a human being, seeing the rebirth of civilization, I still feel a kind of joy sincerely.

Not only him.

Claire behind him, as well as the body of Alice in a wheelchair, looked at this scene in a daze.

The world is saved.

For a long time, the two looked at each other excitedly.

“Hey! What happened?”

At this time, Alice who was lying on the ground woke up leisurely.

When antiviral spread before, Alice fainted directly.

Seeing her look, Claire’s expression was very nervous.

The Red Queen explained the reason.

The virus in her body combined with the antiviral and reacted.

But don’t worry, Alice will continue to survive like those flying dragon zombies.

Looking at Alice who was awake, the Red Queen explained the situation to them.

When they heard that Lin Feng didn’t know what special method was used to freeze everyone in the entire control room, they were shocked.

This mysterious person really possesses extremely special abilities.

What surprised them most was that according to the description of the Red Queen, several of them were also frozen.

When the ice disappeared, they did everything as usual, as if nothing had happened.

In a sense, this is more powerful than the umbrella company’s freezing warehouse.

“You have succeeded, the antidote has been released, and the zombies in the whole world are dying fast.”

“Antiviral expands quickly.”

“It’s not just Raccoon City, but zombies all over the world are dying quickly.”

“According to my data survey, there are still 2032 people in the whole world, and the fire of human civilization still exists.”

The Red Queen’s tone was very emotional.

Seeing her look, Lin Feng was very curious.

Does this artificial intelligence also have feelings?

At this time, Alice noticed the aging woman sitting next to her in a wheelchair.

I don’t know why, looking at this woman, Alice felt an extremely strange feeling in her heart.

“You are?”

She asked suspiciously.

Alice in the wheelchair smiled slightly.

It’s like seeing the vicissitudes of life in the world.

“I am your being, the real Alice, that Alice with aging.”

Hearing her words, Alice held her breath and opened her eyes wide.

She almost thought she had heard it wrong.

“What? What are you talking about?”

“You say I am a clone?”

Alice opened her mouth wide and looked incredible.

Looking at her, everyone was not surprised.

Lin Feng shrugged even more.

From the first side of seeing Alice, the annotation system told him everything.

Alice is a clone.

And the woman in the wheelchair in front of her is her body.

The Red Queen and Alice in the wheelchair seemed to know everything.

They slowly told the whole story.

The real Alice has suffered from Progeria since she was a child.

Her appearance is much older than her real peers.

She looked like an old man in her sixties when she was in her 20s.

Her father is a capable biological scientist.

The T virus is the virus he accidentally discovered in order to heal Alice.

The T virus can enhance the body’s functions, but at the same time it can also corrode the flesh, making the infected person a monster.

In other words, a new life with a special form.

Alice’s father discovered an abnormality and hopes to stop studying the T virus.

But Dr. Yang discovered the business opportunity and proposed a sensational plan.

Use T virus to make zombies to clean humans.

Then use the antidote to clean the zombies.

In this way, umbrella companies can get a world under their control.

Alice’s father disagreed with this plan and was eventually killed.

And half of the shares in the umbrella company that belonged to him were inherited by Alice.

Dr. Yang became Alice’s guardian, and he automatically got the half of the shares.

He has the decision-making power of the umbrella company!

Soon, he began to implement his crazy plan!

“The Red Queen is simulated as I was when I was a kid, and you are a clone of me.”

Alice in the wheelchair spoke slowly, her face very old.

Alice looked at her incredulously, it was difficult to accept this fact all at once.

Claire also looked at her friend and Alice in a wheelchair in shock.

“I’m dying, my dear, before I die, I prepared a gift for you.”

Alice in the wheelchair looked at Alice and then at the Red Queen.

The latter nodded knowingly.

With a buzzing sound.

A crystal contact lens appeared in front of everyone.

The old Alice leaned softly on the wheelchair, speaking slowly in a hoarse voice.

“There are memories I uploaded on this pair of glasses, including my childhood memories.

“With this contact lens, you can get those memories.

“I wanted to put a test on you, but I don’t need it now.”

“After all, this world cannot be saved without your help.

“I’m dying, but you can still live.”

“Live in place of me and complement yourself.”

“After that, there will be only you Alice in this world.”

The old Alice seemed to consume all her energy. After saying these words, she leaned in the wheelchair and said nothing.

But her eyes looked straight at young Alice.

The holographic image of the Red Queen also looked at her.

Claire covered her mouth beside her, not knowing what to say.

The Red Queen smiled and said, “Put it on.

Alice looked at the old woman in the wheelchair, then at the image of the Red Queen, and at Claire.

Finally, she glanced at Lin Feng.

Taking a deep breath, Alice put on the contact lens.

The moment she put on the glasses, she gently wrapped her forehead.

Countless information was transmitted.

What is recorded in the message is the life of a human being.

From birth to growth.

Countless memories poured into her brain.The most important of these is childhood memories.

That was the memory she was missing.

For a long time, she opened her eyes.

She looked at her old body with gratitude.

“thank you.

She said sadly and gratefully.

Alice in the wheelchair smiled and nodded, her head gradually drooping and her eyes gradually closing.

Looking at her, a strange touch spread in Lin Feng’s heart.

This suffering girl is still strong despite suffering from aging.

She did not give up treatment.

She helped the Red Queen and the survivors, hoping to save the world.

At the end of the story, she accepts death calmly and completes her clone.

A strange feeling suddenly spread in Lin Feng’s heart.

He walked towards the old Alice who was about to close her eyes.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng, not knowing what he was going to do.

He took out a fruit of the brilliance of the dawn.

The fruit is all made of light, and it seems almost no substance.

Lin Feng put it into Alice’s mouth.

The golden light slipped from her mouth into her throat.

A faint golden light radiated from her body.

The brilliance looked very soft, like the morning sun.

The wrinkles on Alice’s face slowly disappeared, and the black age spots also slowly disappeared.

She is getting younger.

[Note: This woman is too old, and the physical attributes provided by the fruit of the morning light cannot reverse aging. ”

[Note: Silver apples can enhance the recovery ability, and at the same time bring luck, and can relieve the current individual’s aging. 2.11

Seeing this comment, Lin Feng did not hesitate.

Anyway, I have completed the advanced trial, and the trial space will definitely be promoted.

At that time, the growth of the silver apple tree will be more smooth.

I am not short of silver apples.

“How is this going?

“My God! Is this magic?”

“how did you do that?

Seeing the changes in Alice’s body, Alice, Claire and the Red Queen all exclaimed.

But Lin Feng was not satisfied.

He stuffed a silver apple into Alice’s mouth.

The silver apple turned into a stream of light and entered her belly.

The brilliance of the dawn and the silver radiance complement each other.

Alice’s body became young at an extremely fast rate.

She stretched out her hand in front of her eyes and observed the changes in her hands.

The wrinkles are disappearing.

The dead skin is peeled off, and the new skin is smooth and tender.

She looked at Lin Feng incredulously.

All eyes are on him.

Lin Feng smiled indifferently, his thoughts were clear.

He clicked on the [Task] panel.

“The trial mission has been completed, and the SSS level evaluation is currently available. Do you want to send it back?”

Lin Feng reached out and chose yes.

A faint red light appeared.

A red portal appeared in front of Lin Feng.

In the shocked gaze of Alice and others, he walked into the portal and disappeared in front of everyone.

“Ding! Lin Feng, the first-level tester, successfully completed the advanced task of the trial space. Successfully advanced to the third-level tester!

“Ding! Tester Lin Feng successfully advanced to the third-tier tester, for the fastest third-tier professional in countless years in the trial space, he received rewards and gave birth to jade.”

The whole world is boiling again!,

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