Chapter One Hundred and Fortieth Changing the Formation? The shock of the sixth-order peak powerhouse!

In this underground temple on the icefield at dawn, plants and zombies are fighting fiercely.

Lin Feng was hit by the powerful impact.

He looked back and saw that a strange figure really stood where he was before.

God sacrifice zombies!

A woman wearing a blood-red dress with her waist bent and leaning forward, but trying to raise her head!

The dress resembled a nun’s dress, but it was a bright red color.

What makes Lin Feng feel incredible is that the nun’s dress is ticking blood!

Is there blood in this corpse?

Shouldn’t there be only muddy pus in the zombie’s body?

Is she a living person?

Did Lin Feng activate the flying ability of endless weapons, looking at the zombie with strange posture in shock.

The god sacrifice zombies continued to bend their waists and raised their heads hard.

Lin Feng finally saw her appearance clearly.

It was a pale and bloodless face.

There were two lines of tear-like liquid under the eyes, but they looked strangely black.

Her eyes were staring straight at herself, and the eyes were basically white, and the black pupils that were only half the size of a grain of rice looked so terrifying.

Lin Feng flew in the air and quickly flew to the defensive position.

The god sacrifice zombie cracked the corners of his mouth, revealing a pale smile.

This surprised Lin Feng.

Before he could move, the god sacrifice zombies disappeared from the plant position.


Where did you go?

Before Lin Feng could think more, a biting chill came from behind him.

Even if he is wearing a defensive endless suit, he can still feel the cold 07 touch from behind!

Did this god sacrifice zombie teleport behind me?

Don’t I have the wings of an endless suit behind me?

Lin Feng’s heart is like electricity.

The god sacrifice zombies were attached to his back, and he felt that his body seemed to be frozen.

Is this the magic attack of the god sacrifice zombies?

The endless suit has strong physical defense capabilities, but its magic defense capabilities are not high!

But he still has the dragon touch ring!

The energy barrier it unfolds can resist a lot of magical damage!

Even if this is the case, I still can’t completely defend against the attack of the god sacrifice zombies!

How strong is her magic?

Lin Feng forcibly endured the cold touch behind him, tried his best to control his body, and flew quickly towards the defensive position.

As long as you move to the defensive position and come into contact with the shrinking violet and the enchanting mushroom, you can ask the gods behind to sacrifice the zombies!


Broken pieces!

It seemed that he was aware of his intentions, and many gargoyle zombies flew up in the air, hitting Lin Feng’s body!

They want to prevent themselves from returning to the defensive formation!

The god sacrifice zombies behind it seemed that they didn’t want to go to the defensive position, and the chill coming from behind became even colder!

Lin Feng’s heart is tight!

The situation is not good!

The frozen watermelon at the outermost defensive position has launched an attack.

The huge blue watermelon smashed into the face of the gargoyle zombie with bursts of extreme cold, and broke into pieces.

Many gargoyle zombies were stopped and smashed into a pool of mud.

But there are more gargoyle zombies ramming towards Lin Feng!

At the critical moment, the Rose Mage appeared on the periphery of the iron-skinned high nut wall at the outermost layer of the defensive position.

-Dao opened the red portal with Lin Feng’s body.

A red light flashed, and his god sacrifice zombies and gargoyle zombies with him appeared beside a shrinking violet and charm station!

The enchanting mushroom is activated immediately!

A burst of red smoke appeared in the air, covering Lin Feng and the zombies around him!

Shrinking Violet was also activated, and beams of yellow light shot towards the zombies in the sky.

God sacrifice zombies noticed something wrong when the portal opened!

When she and Lin Feng were teleported to the side of the enchanting mushroom, she directly released her hands and moved out of the defensive position.

The gargoyle zombies on Lin Feng were seduced by the charm, and released their paws one after another.

Under the effect of shrinking the violets, these gargoyle zombies quickly became smaller.

Although their size is greatly reduced, they still have good fighting ability.

Lin Feng ordered them to contain those Hellhound zombies that kept on impact.

When he looked back, he could no longer see the zombies of the god sacrifice.

But the entire defensive position has no blind spots of vision because of the cooperation of the street lanterns and the street lantern soldiers.

But Lin Feng did not relax his vigilance!

He has not forgotten what he just annotated the content displayed by the system.

(Note: The group is invisible! The group teleports! Wisdom! Very dangerous! 」

This god sacrifice zombies are very difficult to entangle!

Taber is that group teleport!

She can lead the zombies to teleport into the defensive position together!

In this case, the effect of the iron-skinned high-nut wall is greatly reduced.

And his situation is getting more and more dangerous!

The structure of the defensive formation must be changed!

Lin Feng walked quickly.

He kept planting all kinds of plants!

It is no longer a large area of ​​plants connected together.

Instead, they keep arranging small plant formations.

With important functional plants such as street lantern flowers and sunlight mushrooms as the core.

Use control plants such as enchanting mushrooms, shrinking violets, garlic, and passion date palms as a supplement.

In conjunction with some tin nut walls, build a loose formation.

The visits of these plants seem chaotic, but at the same time they have a variety of cooperation.

Soon, the ground of the whole temple was covered with various plants.

Different plants blend together in a disorderly manner.

This effect is very significant!

The god sacrifice zombies led many zombies teleported to Lin Feng’s side.

Before the zombies had any action, they were controlled by plants such as big mouth flowers, enchanting mushrooms, and shrinking violets.

The god sacrifice zombies made a mistake and entered to narrow the range of Violet’s skills!

Her body is getting smaller quickly!

The body that was originally an adult has shrunk into a little girl!

The face of the god sacrifice zombie showed a terrifying look.

She launched a teleport and disappeared under the pinch of the plant.

Lin Feng’s heart tightened when he saw it.

This zombie’s facial expressions are too rich!

It doesn’t look like a zombie at all!

He did not relax his vigilance, and was still quickly arranging the plant position!

He kept bombing enclave tiles with cherries and then planting plants on the ground!

The floor of this hall is almost full of plants!

Lin Feng did not relax for a moment.


He wants to plant this entire temple with plants!

No matter how many halls there will be!

When Lin Feng was busy, he did not notice that above the temple, on the top of a large stone pillar, four people were silently lurking.

A dimly flamed candle was placed in the middle of the top of the column.

The four people huddled in the area covered by the candle flame, looking shocked at Lin Feng and the surroundings!

These four breaths appear to be very weak, and the magical power in the body is extremely unstable.

“Can anyone explain to me the current situation?

A somewhat irritable male voice rang.

Strangely, although the voice was uncovered, the zombies around did not notice them.

That dim candle hides everything in its mask!

We “obviously came here to kill a Tier 2 trialer! His professional level is only Tier 4!”

“Why are we so embarrassed?”

The male voice seemed very irritable.

The people around were silent.

They also wonder why their situation has become so bad.

When they first came to this trial site, they were full of confidence!

He is a professional at the peak of Tier 6!

About to break through to Tier 7!

And he is still a magician!

A magician who can teleport!

They think that as long as they find Lin Feng, they can easily kill him.

And when it just teleported over, the Bingjie Master at the sixth-order peak also tested the strength of the corpse tide here.

A frost ball can clear a tide of corpses.

The weak 263 zombies here are pitiful!

But how do you know that there are so many zombies here?

Even if there are many zombies, this place is still so weird.

They cleaned up the zombies all the way, and although the magic consumed a lot, it was still easy.

How do you know that the ice field changes as soon as the night arrives!

Countless strange big holes appeared!

They were caught off guard, and were directly sucked by the terrifying suction of the cave!

The four of them didn’t know how long they had fallen, and they fell directly to the ground!

Everyone feels that their body is almost falling apart!

The severe pain swept through their bodies!

If they were not for the sixth-order pinnacle and their bodies were in a period of change, they would die here!

Then they encountered a strange attack.

Invisible attack!

Fortunately, one of them has obtained a special prop, the Candle of Concealment, which can hide them!

This is a respite!

They hid all the way underground here, and finally saw a glimmer of light.

Then they found Lin Feng’s figure.

As a result, they discovered even more incredible things.

Why are Lin Feng’s plants so weird?

When did the gardener have such a strange plant?

What are those plant soldiers that can act?

That corn that can move, that rose that uses magic, that weird orange…

Everything makes them feel like they are in a dream!

Now they are seriously injured.

And Lin Feng is in good shape!

There is a raging tide of corpses around!

what to do?

Can’t get out?

They looked at Lin Feng in shock and were silent.

At this moment, a light tapping sound came.

Someone is tapping them on the shoulder.

The four were shocked!

They turned their heads and saw a pale face!

There is also a pair of horrible eyes whose pupils are only the size of a pinhole!


What kind of monster is this!

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