Chapter 132 Network Fermentation! Lin Feng’s popularity soars!

Eagle Country had previously united four top families to act together to plan and implement an ambush against Lin Feng.

The main purpose of this incident is actually to save face for their respective forces.

Whether it is the John family or the Odell family, they don’t want outsiders to think that their family has lost their fighting capacity.

In the face of a junior’s provocation, if you can’t kill Lin Feng and avenge your family’s master, it will definitely reduce your own prestige.

This is something that all top forces cannot allow.

They must kill Lin Feng to prove that the family still has a strong fighting ability.

As a result, the thunder strike that many families had planned for a long time failed.

Many families are now struggling to ride a tiger.

From time to time, the Dragon State strongly condemned the Eagle State, which made these families unable to step down.

But they can’t help it.

They can no longer do anything to Lin Feng.

In order to prevent the Eagle Country from jumping over the wall, almost all the young talents of the Dragon Country were transferred to Beiping for protection by the Dragon Country.

Ordinary forces can only watch Lin Feng continue to grow.

Except that Ying Guo is considering using taboo tactics, a powerful spellcaster is invited to send a tester to Lin Feng’s trial to kill him.

The storm is brewing.

After such a long time spread and fermentation.

This incident caused a sensation on the Internet.

The first discussion is always on Houlang Weibo.

Soon, hot searches related to it appeared.

“Lin Feng.”

“The Eagle State borders pressure.

“Ambush in Baisha City.”

These words have become keywords for Internet searches.

On the day of the incident, many people in Baisha City observed various visions from a distance187.

Whether it’s underground battles or battles in the sky, they are all seen by people.

Especially in the battle where Murongxue killed the two ninth-tier powerhouses who had sneaked into Eagle Nation.

At that time, there were ninth-tier strong men threatening the lives of civilians and threatening Murong Xue.

In the end, her anger broke out and she used the skills of the guardian to protect all nearby residential buildings.

The civilians in the residential buildings, as witnesses of the battle, began to frantically talk about their experiences on the Internet after the incident was deciphered.

With the narratives of witnesses, the netizens of Longguo knew what happened in Baisha City.

Countless people were angry and shocked.

The entire Houlang Weibo was shaken.

Countless people are sending messages.

Many people feel chilled and afraid of the ninth-tier powerhouse of Eagle Nation sneaking in.

“It’s really hard to imagine that with our country’s current strength, this kind of thing will happen again.”

“If something like this happens again, let those ninth-tier powerhouses do whatever they want in our Dragon Kingdom, wouldn’t our lives be in danger!”

“Don’t say anything else, those civilians walked before the ghost gate the last time!”

“+1 upstairs, if the person who was in Baisha City last time was not Murongxue, Holy Shield of Thorns, I am afraid that just the aftermath of the battle will kill countless people.”

More people expressed their anger at the matter of the mid-level powerhouse of the Eagle Nation lurking into the Dragon Nation to ambush the Dragon Nation genius.

“This group of eagle dogs is really shameless! If you have a kind, just face to face and attack the younger generation!”

“Yes, there is a kind of that they will defeat us in the battle for the crystallization of fate! Let the high-ranking powerhouse fight hard!”

“Upstairs, it seems that they had failed miserably the last time they fought for the crystallization of fate. The four top 9th-tier powerhouses were all slaughtered by the Devourer of Gods (ahcb).”

“Fuck! When you say this, I seem to have discovered some big secret! Isn’t this the reason why the Eagle Countrymen did it?”

“You only found out now? How could they put such a heavy hand and mobilize so much power if it weren’t like this.

“Tour! This gang of eagle countrymen can’t do the top competition, so they are here to make a shameless trick! Really shameless!

After that, the most comment on Houlang Weibo was an angry scolding against Yingguo.

Longguo’s network fishing boat ecology has a general communication process.

After something came to light, it gained popularity and was first discussed on Houlang Weibo.

After that, the wisdom arc as the “question-and-answer community” continued its efforts.

This incident is no exception.

More and more users of Smart Arc began to discuss this matter.

It’s different from Weibo’s style.

Although there are many people here too, many people are venting their anger.

But the most popular answer is, after all, analytical posts with professional information.

Someone posted an answer, recording the mid-level powerhouse who was affected and killed this time.

No one “invited, interests related, abused.”

“This answer is free.

“According to my investigation, although the Eagle Nation joined forces to attack Lin Feng this time, they not only failed to achieve their goal, but suffered heavy losses.

The answer to this article is to introduce to you the list of the mid-level powerhouses who died this time in Eagle Country, as well as their life stories.

“I believe that after reading this answer, although everyone is still angry, they will definitely feel happy.

“This time, the Eagle Country sent a total of 97 mid-level powerhouses to ambush Lin Feng, and they were all killed by him. The list is as follows.”

“Dark Raider, Loki: 20 years old. Eagle Country is a young genius with a special occupation. He is good at assassinations and expeditions. He has strong fighting ability and high potential.”

Priest “, John Crowder: 20 years old. The late eagle country’s top powerhouse, the nephew of Seraphim John Carr. He is strong and advanced to Tier 5 early.”

“In addition, I have to sigh, these two nephews and uncles died directly or indirectly in the hands of Lin Feng, it is really miserable!”

“Ember Mage, Calvin Kat…

Through this post of Zhihu, Longguo netizens gradually learned one thing.

This time, the strong man sent by the Eagle Nation to ambush Lin Feng was wiped out, and there was no body left.

Most importantly, many people are top talents in Eagle Country.

The young talents who came to ambush the Dragon Kingdom failed, but suffered heavy losses.

While this made countless people gloat for misfortune, they were also shocked by Lin Feng’s ability to fight terror.

“My son and Lin Feng are in the same year. Why is he still taking the college entrance examination, but Lin Feng has already killed the Quartet outside?”

“I am sophomore in this year’s sophomore year. Why can Lin Feng be so boastful in the trial space, but I can only survive in the trial space? Did I participate in a fake trial?”

“Acknowledge your fate upstairs, don’t fate with people, we can only compare with people, not monsters.

On Zhizhuo, there are not only posts that count the list of mid-level powerhouses killed by Lin Feng.

There are also posts to follow the trend and count the list of high-level powerhouses implicated this time.

Except for the two Tier 9 powerhouses who first died in the hands of Murong Xue, Tier 9 Demon Demon Anthony and Tier 9 Berserker Bruce.

Eagle country also died of several ninth-tier powerhouses.

At the eastern border, because the Dragon Kingdom mobilized a large number of powerful men to contain the Western powerhouses who had previously put pressure on the border.

After several battles, the frontier offensive and defensive war was ended with the death of four ninth-tier powerhouses in Eagle Nation and China severely wounding more than a dozen ninth-tier powerhouses.

With this calculation, Eagle Country not only died a bunch of young geniuses, but also six ninth-tier powerhouses.

If you count the four top powerhouses who were killed by the devourers of the gods in the previous competitive trials.

In this incident, the entire Western countries killed ten ninth-tier powerhouses in total!

When this statistical result was exposed, everyone was boiling.

“My God! I never thought that one day the corpse of a Tier 9 powerhouse could be counted with double digits! This is too human!”

Upstairs, “Yes, if you know that these ten Tier 9 powerhouses are all Eagle Countrymen, and they are all taking the blame, don’t you feel scary, but rather happy?”

“Nonsense! Lin Feng cowhide!


Soon, after many interviewees on Zhizhuo, the causes and consequences of the Lin Feng ambush were sorted out.

Lin Feng awakens the special zombie “God Devourer”, pits four top powerhouses to death, and wins the crystallization of fate for the Dragon Kingdom.

In order to retaliate, the family of the four top powerhouses hopes to ambush Lin Feng and has the support of Eagle Country.

In the end, the Eagle Nation sent a large number of powerful people to attract the attention of the Dragon Powers at the border, and at the same time sent intermediate powers to sneak into the Dragon Nation.

Lin Feng was attacked in Baisha City and eventually killed 97 mid-level powerhouses.

After some calculations, Longguo netizens found that their side not only did not suffer, but made blood.

Although still angry at the shamelessness of Eagle Country, more people are already holding a ridiculous mentality.

Netizens began to ridicule the powerhouses of the Eagle Country frantically.

The most direct manifestation of this sentiment on the Internet is in the comment section of the NP Shock Department.

In the NP Shock Department, countless pieces of news were released.

“Shocked! Our young genius actually did such a thing, so that the strong Eagle country can’t get off the stage!

“Shocked! After smashing the four 9th-tier powerhouses in the West, they killed a hundred middle-level powerhouses in the West! What is the deep hatred of this person with the West?”

“Shocked! The counterattack of the side-door profession! Do you dare to choose such a profession?

The NP Shock Department has maintained its consistent style, and the names of their news editors are not four or six.

And the comments under the news also exudes joy.

“Eagle Country, this is a great gift for us!”

“Warmly welcome friends from Eagle Country to come and give gifts!”

“Our Dragon Country is warm and hospitable, this kind of gift I hope Ying Country friends can give more!”

In this way, the news about the West ambushing Lin Feng this time was exposed on Houlang Weibo, triggering a great discussion among netizens.

In the intellectual arc, it was analyzed, structured, and the cause and effect were clarified.

Finally, in the online community such as the NP Shock Department, it caused countless people’s ridicule and ridicule.

Lin Feng would definitely not have thought that something that has passed so long would still have such a big influence!

He has no spare time to pay attention to these things now.

He is in the Dawn Icefield, fighting with the last god zombie, hoping to obtain the last Dawn Beacon!

And not far away, the huge idol was clearly visible, even in the daytime, it could be seen clearly.

Lin Feng is about to come into contact with the real secret of this dawn ice field!

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