Chapter 130 Blast? Unlock the strongest special effect plant at present!

It’s dawn and the ice is blowing with snow.

The surging tide of corpses is hitting the plant defensive position established by Lin Feng.

In the defensive position, Lin Feng used the few street lanterns that he had just planted to see clearly the enemy who was stealthily destroying the plant position.

Servant zombies!

From the appearance of the zombie, some female characteristics can be vaguely seen.

She was wearing a hooded robe of priests, covering her whole body. ?

The exposed face was covered with bulging muscles and wrinkles, and many mottled dead skin remained. It looked ravine and ugly.

There were already no eyeballs in her eye sockets, but she didn’t know what was going on, Lin Feng felt that the god servant zombie could still look at things with both eyes.

He frowned.

This god servant zombie gave people an ominous premonition.

With claws in her hands, she firmly grasped a square crystal.

The crystal emits white light outwards, and it is nothing but a thing at first sight.

【Dawn Beacon: It contains strange power. If all four dawn beacons can be collected, a new trial will be opened. ”

When Lin Feng focused his attention on the crystal, the hint of the annotation system appeared before his eyes.

Sure enough, this god servant zombie and the dawn beacon are together.

The optional trial displayed by the light curtain he saw in the preparation space before showed that the number of zombies and dawn beacons was 4.

At that time, Lin Feng wondered if he had to kill the servant zombies before he could obtain the Dawn Beacon.

The current situation validated his ideas.

But this god servant zombie is too difficult.

Killing it will also cause a powerful explosion.

Lin Feng didn’t know what to do with this god servant zombie for a while.

But now Frozen Watermelon has launched a fierce attack on the god servant zombie.

All the plant heroes also began to lead the plant soldiers to fire on it!

Lin Feng observed carefully and gave the order.

“Corn Colonel! You entangle it first and try to prevent it from destroying the plant position.”

“Don’t expect to get rid of it directly.”

“The outermost frozen watermelon continues to throw watermelon ammunition 07 to resist the tide of corpses!”

“The Rose Mage stared at it, and once it teleported the corn cannon near the hot spring, use the portal to teleport it out!”

Lin Feng quickly issued the order.

Then he acted at the fastest speed.

He must quickly replant the iron-skinned nut wall and frozen watermelon to keep the position intact!

Otherwise, the next more and more raging corpse tide is likely to overwhelm the defense line!

If it weren’t for the distance limitation of Rose Mage’s portal, he really wanted the Rose Mage to directly teleport the god servant zombie out of the battlefield.

“Yes, Lord!”



The three plant heroes obeyed his orders and began to contain the zombies of the god servants.

Lin Feng quickly walked around the position while sowing seeds.

He must repair the defensive positions as quickly as possible.

Just when he just started to move, his peripheral sight spotted the servant zombies.

Its wrinkled face turned to Lin Feng’s side, and the hollow eye sockets without eyeballs “stared” at Lin Feng, which seemed very permeating.

Lin Feng was surprised.

This god servant zombie is looking at himself!

Is it wise?

Lin Feng can feel the emotions of this god servant zombie!

Before Lin Feng could make extra moves, the god servant zombie stretched out his paw and pointed at the corn cannon in the direction of the hot spring.

A white light shot from its finger and hit the leaf of a corn cannon.Zi Zi Zi!

There was a sound of burning objects.

Lin Feng was shocked!

All the plant heroes also exclaimed.

The white light burned the leaf of a corn cannon.

Before the god servants and zombies had other actions, the plant heroes rushed forward.

The servant zombies had to deal with the oncoming frozen watermelon, corn, and peas first.

Lin Feng hurriedly flew to the hot spring center to check the situation after drinking a handful of iron-skinned nuts.

The corn cannon attacked by the zombies is a special corn cannon enhanced with plant essence.

The effect of plant essence is very good.

It not only enhanced the size and attack ability of this corn cannon, but also greatly enhanced its defensive power.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

He turned his head and looked at the zombies of the god servants who were fighting with the plant heroes.

The other party didn’t seem to expect the plants to be able to see its figure.

Facing the plant ammunition coming to the face, it seemed a little passive.

But Lin Feng knew that this god servant zombie was far more troublesome than he had thought before.

It has wisdom!

Able to teleport and become invisible!

Can also launch long-range attacks.

Killing it will also cause an explosion!

The most troublesome thing is that I must also get the dawn beacon from its hands!

How to deal with it?

Lin Feng mended the defensive positions and planted frozen watermelons while thinking about strategies.

He was quickly flipping through the plant book.

I had neglected the role of many plants before.

No matter in the previous death capital, use clover to blow away the smoke and dust caused by the collapse of the building.

Or use the street lanterns to show the invisible zombies of the god servants.

These cases all show that even those plants that are not strong offensive can play a big role at the right time.

The god zombie servant has realized that it is completely exposed to the sight of Lin Feng and others.

It began to destroy the street lanterns.

Lin Feng was not surprised by this.

Since this guy has wisdom, he will definitely be able to spot the abnormalities of the street lanterns.

After all, he issued the restraining order after planting the street lantern flower.

The situation is urgent now.

Lin Feng is multitasking.

He replanted the iron-skinned high nut wall and frozen watermelon to ensure the stability of the defense line.

On the other hand, he needs to fight against the zombies of the god servants at all times, planting street lanterns.

He also needs to look through the plant illustrations to find a way to prevent the zombies of the god servants from exploding.

Fortunately, his current intelligence attributes are very high, his brain is very busy, and his physical attributes are also very high, so he can stand in a stalemate with the zombies of the servants.

Because of the powerful range attack ability and freezing ability of Frozen Watermelon, the current plant defense line can withstand the attack of the tide of corpses.

Lin Feng began to look carefully at the plant illustrations.

He discovered many kinds of plants with special abilities.

[Back to Time Grass: Teleport to the approaching enemy, and return to earlier. ”

[Note: The enemy will not only appear in the previous position, but his state will also be restored!)

(Note: The required conditions are not enough, can not be unblocked, need)

Before Lin Feng carefully read the effect of the reversed grass, the comment with insufficient unblocking conditions made him no longer pay attention to this plant.

Lin Feng continued to read the plant illustration book.

[Shrink Violet; an extremely magical plant, which can reduce the zombies within the skill range, let them take more damage and reduce their damage to plants. ”

Lin Feng saw the notes of this plant and started to use a lot of sunshine points to unlock it.

There are seeds of violets in his seed column, but such plants have not been activated.

Now in this special period, Lin Feng has begun to unblock special plants on a large scale.

Soon, he planted violets one after another in the soil.

He looked forward to the divine servant zombies being reduced by these plants.

However, the actual effect of shrinking the violet disappointed Lin Feng.

The skill range of these plants is too small!

The god servant zombies obviously possess extremely high wisdom!

After Lin Feng planted a lot of reduced violets, the zombies of the god servants were not close to them!

It just kept destroying these violets with long-range attacks.

Lin Feng’s heart was tight.

The effect of reducing violets should be strong, but the range is too small.

But he can’t grow too many shrinking violets.

Because that will reduce the number of frozen watermelons!

Once the number of frozen watermelons is too small to withstand the tide of corpses outside the defense line, then he is afraid that he will die here!

Lin Feng came to the street lantern flower and corn cannon and planted a circle of shrinking violets.

With their protection, the zombies of the god servants only dare to attack remotely, and the safety of these key plants is greatly improved.

What else can I use?

Lin Feng frantically flipped through the plant illustrations.

Finally, a special plant caught Lin Feng’s attention!

Charm station!

[Charming: This mushroom has high intelligence! They firmly believe that zombies have an important position in the entire ecosystem! They want to persuade zombies and let them go on the right path!][Note: Charm mushrooms can charm zombies with weaker energy than them, and let them fight for you!

[Note: You must contact to take effect!

Originally, Lin Feng was very happy to see the effect of the enchanting mushroom.

This is almost a plant that can perfectly solve the zombies of the servants!

Once the god servant zombies are charmed, they can recoil the tide of corpses!

With its strength, it will definitely be able to kill many zombies.

I don’t have to worry about the death of the god zombie and blew itself in this plant position!

I can still get the dawn beacon.

But seeing the last comment, he hesitated again.

Just like shrinking a violet, this enchanting mushroom can’t reach the zombies of the servants, what should I do?

At this moment, Lin Feng saw Master Rose.

He patted his forehead.


You can take the god zombie during the interval of teleportation, and let the rose mage teleport it to the charm mushroom!

Lin Feng looked overjoyed.

“Mage Rose, come here.”

He directly called the Rose Mage.

When the Rose Mage ran over suspiciously, Lin Feng whispered in his ears: “I will plant a lot of charm mushrooms. Once the servant zombie uses teleport, immediately teleport it to the charm station.”

Lin Feng knew that this god servant zombie had wisdom.

It obviously has no eyeballs, but its penetrating eye sockets can actually see things.

Lin Feng was worried that it could hear himself, so it was safer to quietly give orders to Mage Rose.

Although Rose Mage doesn’t know what Charm Mushroom is now, she still takes her orders happily.

Lin Feng directly unlocked the Charm Station, and then began to plant seeds near a street lantern flower.

Under the stimulation of the sunlight energy, soon, the enchanting mushrooms emerged from the soil.

Their bodies are pink and tender, and the caps on their heads are colorful, which is not an easy role at first glance.

After Lin Feng planted enchanting mushrooms near several street lanterns, the servant zombies finally used a teleport.

Upon seeing this, the Rose Mage hurriedly summoned a portal next to it.

A flash of red light.The servant zombies were teleported to the side of the charm station!

The enchanting mushroom exploded, scattered into a pink mist, and directly rushed into the body of the servant zombie!

Lin Feng did not stop the plant’s attack!

He must be cautious.

Before confirming the effect of the enchanting mushroom, he can’t let the plant stop attacking.

When the mist turned by the enchanting mushroom entered the body of the servant zombie, it stayed in the original 183, motionless.

Lin Feng was overjoyed.


He tried to command: “Put your dawn mark in your hand on the ground.

The god servant zombie hesitated for a while and let go of his hands.

The daybreak beacon in its hand fell to the ground!

Lin Feng looked up!

“Go, attack the zombies in that direction!”

Lin Feng pointed to the north and gave the order.

The zombies of the god servant rushed all the way to the north, and soon out of the range of the street lights.

The figure of the servant zombies disappeared from Lin Feng’s vision.

But Lin Feng knew that it was executing its orders.

In the raging tide of corpses, a blank area appeared.

Zombies near that area will fall down somehow.

Lin Feng thought of something, his expression changed.

These zombies can’t see the god servant zombies!

The optional task of the trial is to kill four god servant zombies by himself. This god servant zombie just enters the tide of corpses in stealth, will it not die?

After thinking for a while, Lin Feng commanded all the special corn cannons and launched an attack on the location of the servant zombies.

The violent explosion exploded in the tide of corpses.

Countless zombies were blown apart.

Blue-violet flames mixed with smoke soaring into the sky!


In addition to the explosion of the corn cannon shell, another explosion followed.

The flame of the explosion was white.

The brightness of the flame was so high that Lin Feng quickly closed his eyes.



Lin Feng felt the ground on the soles of his feet vibrate violently.

The power of this explosion is so huge that it is comparable to the power of a dozen corn cannons!

A large vacuum area appeared in the tide of corpses in the north!

Lin Feng’s vest chilled.

If this god servant zombie just died in the plant defense position, I’m afraid that he has been injured by the explosion.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and then picked up the dawn beacon on the ground.

The beacon is like jade, with a warm texture to the touch.

Lin Feng played it a bit and put it away.

The servant zombies have been resolved, and he began to strengthen the position.

From the south to the north, I finally met the zombies of the god servants in this place.

Are the remaining three god servant zombies also in the north?

If you collect four dawn beacons and go north, what will you encounter?

Lin Feng didn’t know what else he would encounter in this trial.

But he knows very clearly that no matter what it is, he must be prepared.

It has been six days since Lin Feng entered the Dawn Icefield alone.

He moved forward with difficulty in these six days.

And the entire Peking Military Camp was affected by his own challenge and trial. In these six days, a lot of things happened!

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